Let’s have some fun today with I words! Words that start with the letter I are incredible and ingenious. We have a list of I letter words, animals that start with I, I coloring pages, places that start with the letter I and letter I foods. These I words for kids are perfect for use at home or in the classroom as part of alphabet learning.

I Words For Kids
If you are looking for words beginning with I for Kindergarten or Preschool, you have come to the right place! Letter of the Day activities and alphabet letter lesson plans have never been easier or more fun.
Related: Letter I Crafts
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- I is for Idealistic, means you are a person of high morals or intelligence.
- I is for Ingenuity, is the power of a great and creative imagination.
- I is for Incredible, means something is so great or beyond belief and/or understanding.
There are unlimited ways to spark more ideas for educational opportunities for the letter I. If you are looking for value words that start with I, check out this list from Personal DevelopFit.
Related: Letter I Worksheets

1. Ibex
A few hundred years ago, Europeans thought the ibex had magical powers. It does look a little like a unicorn with its long curving horns, but this animal is no myth. Ibex live in southern Europe and northern Africa. These magnificent animals look a bit like deer, but they’re actually a type of mountain goat. They live in mountain areas and come down in the evening to feed in forests and woodlands. A baby ibex is called a kid! Ibex hooves have sharp edges and concave undersides that act like suction cups to help them grip the sides of steep, rocky cliffs.
You can read more about the I animal, Ibex on Caza Hispanica
2. Marine Iguana
They look fierce, but are actually gentle herbivores, surviving exclusively on underwater algae and seaweed. Their short, blunt snouts and small, razor-sharp teeth help them scrape the algae off rocks, and their laterally flattened tails let them move crocodile-like through the water. When they come out of the water, they “sneeze” to get rid of the salt from being in the ocean and grazing underneath its waves. Marine iguanas are naive only to the Galapagos Islands and are the only marine lizard species in the world.
You can read more about the I animal, Marine Iguana on National Geographic
3. Indian Elephant
Indian elephants are smaller in comparison to the African elephants. These elephant species have smaller ears and broader skulls than their cousins. Usually found in thick forests and moist deciduous lush green and semi-green forests, these friendly giants are often kept by locals. Indian elephants supplement their diet with roots, tree-tops, shoots, fresh foliage, twigs, white thorn, leaves of acacia species; fruits including tamarind, date palm, kumbhi, and wood apple.
You can read more about the I animal, Indian Elephant on Pediaa
4. Scarlet Ibis
These birds are scarlet except for their black wing tips. The bill is long, thin and curved downward and the neck is long and slender. Their legs are long with partially webbed feet. The juveniles are a dull, grayish brown. As with flamingos, the brilliant red color of the scarlet ibis comes from carotene found in the crustaceans on which it feeds. The scarlet ibis is a gregarious bird, living, traveling, and breeding in flocks. In flight, ibises form diagonal lines or V-formations. This formation decreases wind resistance for trailing birds. When the leader of the pack tires, it falls to the back of the formation and another ibis takes its place at the front.
You can read more about the I animal, Scarlet Ibis on Sea World
5. Indri
Found only in the Eastern parts of Madagascar, is the indri! Indri has round ears and yellow eyes that are facing forward. Their fingers are very dexterous, which is important for the fast movement through dense vegetation. Unlike other lemurs, indri has a very short tail with less than 2 inches in length. Color of the indri’s coat matches with the environment and serves as a camouflage against predators. Indri can be completely brown or black, or covered with white and red patches.
You can read more about the I animal, Indri on Soft Schools
Related: Letter I Coloring Page
Related: Letter I Color by Letter Worksheet
I Is For Ice Cream Coloring PageS

- You’ll love this zentangle ice cream cone coloring pages.
- We have a lot of other ice cream coloring pages as well.
- Check out these ice cream coloring sheets too!

Next, in our words starting with the letter I, we get to find out about some incredibly interesting places.
1. I is for Istanbul, Turkey
Istanbul is the only city in the world which is both in Europe and Asia geographically. This bustling city was the capital city of three major Empires: Eastern Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, and Ottoman Empire during their rule. During the Middle Ages in the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul had over 1.400 public toilets in the city meanwhile there weren’t any even at the palaces in France and other European cities. Built in 1875, Istanbul has the third oldest subway in the world after London and New York.
2. I is for Italy
Located in Europe and famous for being shaped like a boot, Italy is officially known as the Italian Republic. Italy was the birthplace of the Renaissance, which was a period of great cultural achievements in poetry, painting and architecture. Famous artists such as Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello, and Leonardo Da Vinci were part of the Renaissance. Buildings such as the Colosseum, Pantheon and the Leaning Tower of Pisa are examples of how taly has played a large role in the history of architecture. Due to the conflict between the Eurasian and the African tectonic plates, Italy has many earthquakes and volcanoes. The volcanoes Etna and Vesuvius are a constant danger to humans due to their closeness to big cities.
3. I is for Ivory Coast
The Ivory Coast, in West Africa, is known for its chocolate. The country produces more cocoa than any other place in the world. In addition to chocolate, the Ivory Coast produces bananas, pineapples, fish, coffee, lumber, cotton, palm oil and petroleum. The trade in ivory which gave the country its name is now illegal. Once a French colony, it gained its independence in 1960.

Try though I might, it was too hard for me to resist using Ice Cream for my food word that starts with the letter I. It was too sweet a temptation!
I is for Ice Cream!
Did you know Ice Cream has been around since around 2600 BC in China? It was invented when a milk and rice mixture was frozen by packing it into snow.
- Waffle Ice Cream Surprise is one of my favorite ways to dress up ice cream.
- Definitely not at all related, but experts say eating ice cream for breakfast is good for you!
- Make a frozen treat even more fun by turning ordinary ice cream cones into Mini Ice Cream Cone Frogs.
- This healthy no-churn ice cream recipe is sure to become a household favorite.
- Even though it isn’t an Indri, these Mini Ice Cream Cone Monkeys sure looks like one!
Icing starts with I. Icing is great for gingerbread houses, graham crackers, cakes, and more. Icing is sweet and made with powdered sugar! You can even make rainbow icing!
Ice starts with I as well. It’s cold and great for a refreshing drink. Did you know you can shave ice and add yummy syrup to it to make a shaved ice treat?
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- More Letter I learning ideas
- ABC games has a bunch of playful alphabet learning ideas
- Let’s read from the letter I book list
- Learn how to make a bubble letter I
- Practice tracing with this preschool and Kindergarten letter I worksheet
- Easy letter I craft for kids
- This long I sound words is loads of help!
Can you think of more examples for words that start with the letter I? Share some of your favorites below!