Let’s have some fun today with G words!  Words that start with the letter G are great and glorious. We have a list of G letter words, animals that start with G, G coloring pages, places that start with the letter G and letter G foods. These G words for kids are perfect for use at home or in the classroom as part of alphabet learning.

Words that start with the letter G like giraffe
What are words that start with G? Giraffe!

G Words For Kids

If you are looking for words beginning with G for Kindergarten or Preschool, you have come to the right place! Letter of the Day activities and alphabet letter lesson plans have never been easier or more fun.

Related: Letter G Crafts

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  • G is for Godly, which shows reverence for God.
  • G is for Generous, is the willingness to give without selfishness.
  • G is for Good, means having good qualities.

There are unlimited ways to spark more ideas for educational opportunities for the letter G. If you are looking for value words that start with G, check out this list from Personal DevelopFit.

Related: Letter G Worksheets

Animals that Start with the letter G- Giraffe- Kids Activities Blog- Giraffe in zoo eating a tree leaf
Giraffe starts with G!



Giraffes are found in the dry savannas of Africa, where they roam among the open plains and woodlands. Well known for their long necks, these gentle giants are the world’s tallest living land animals. An adult male can grow to around 5.5m – that’s taller than three adult humans!  Herbivores, giraffes only eat plants. Whilst they may eat a lot, giraffes don’t drink much water. This is because they get most of their water from their leafy meals, and only need to drink once every few days.  Giraffes are very social animals and roam around in groups. These groups, called towers, typically have around 15 members.

You can read more about the G animal, Giraffe on Animals


The fainting goat is a breed of domestic goat that stiffens when startled. Although the goat may fall over and appear to faint, it remains fully conscious. Although the goat freezes when excited, it suffers no harm and leads a normal, healthy life. These goats are startled so easily that even just bringing them their food can cause them to “faint”.

You can read more about the G animal, Fainting Goat on Wild Life Center


Gibbons are known to be the best tree travelers in the animal kingdom. They almost seem to be flying as they swing themselves hand over hand through the trees. Like all primates, gibbons are social animals. Gibbons’ diets are about 60% fruit-based, but they also consume twigs, leaves, insects, flowers, and occasionally bird eggs. Gibbons are “singers” too. At times, whole families get together and “sing” in a chorus. These sounds help groups of gibbons stay in contact. They also tell unwelcome visitors to stay away.

You can read more about the G animal, Gibbon on Wikipedia


Groundhogs live underground in burrows that they dig. The burrows can be almost two metres underground and be made up of 20 metres of tunnels connected to many different exits so that they can run away from their predators. Groundhogs use their burrows to sleep, raise their young, and hibernate through the winter. Groundhogs are known as true hibernators. When they go into hibernation in the winter their heart rate lowers a lot, right down to 5 beats per minute. Groundhog burrows aren’t just used by groundhogs! Other animals like rabbits, chipmunks and snakes find that they make nice houses for them too once the groundhogs have moved out.

You can read more about the G animal, Groundhog on Wild Life Rescue League

5. GNU

Even though you pronounce it like “news”, Gnus are a word that starts with the letter G! Gnus, or wildebeests, are large African antelopes. They prefer savannahs and plains, but they can be found in a variety of habitats, including dense bush and open woodland flood plains. When the rainy season ends in the plains, gnu herds migrate to the savannahs, where there is plenty of water and food. This migration usually takes place in May or June. Around 1.2 million gnus join hundreds of thousands of other animals, including zebras and gazelles. When faced with predators, gnu herds are very protective. Members will bunch together, stamp, sound alarm calls and will even chase predators.

You can read more about the G animal, Giraffe on Live Science


Animals that Start with the Letter g - giraffe- Kids activities blog - giraffe coloring sheet
G is for Giraffe.

Related: Letter G Coloring Page

Related: Letter G Color by Letter Worksheet

G Is For Giraffe Coloring Pages

Child playing on united states map - Kids Activities Blog - child on scooter rolling over US map painted on sidewalk
What places can we visit that start with G?


Next, in our words starting with the letter G, we get to find out about some fantastic places.


Guadalajara is Mexico’s second largest city and the capital of Jalisco. What’s so unique about the city is that the city itself is very historical but that hasn’t stopped it from becoming the tech hub of Mexico. It has a humid subtropical climate meaning it has dry warm winters and hot wet summers. This magical city is where the mariachi music originated and where many large cultural events are held.


The inhabitants of Geneva are very cheerful. The city hosts a festive event almost every single day. Even the beginning of a new season is cause for celebration here. Geneva is the birthplace of theInternet as we know it today. Its botanical garden is more than a hundred years old. Here, you’ll find the rarest species of flowers and other plants from around the world. After World War II, Geneva was chosen as the site for the headquarters of the League of Nations, the forerunner of the United Nations. Today, Geneva is a global city, a financial center, and a worldwide center for diplomacy.

3. G is for GEORGIA

No, not the state. There’s a country in Europe that is commonly mistaken for the USA state of Georgia! While it technically falls in Asia, the locals consider the country to be part of Europe. Georgia may be a small country, but there is an abundance of interesting and delicious food. An interesting fact is that the Georgian language has no gender. When speaking to or about someone, you merely refer to them as “that”. One of the most famous places in Georgia is The Gelati Monastery. It was built in 1106 and known as the hub of culture and intellect during the Middle Ages. The medieval complex is considered to be a masterpiece of the ‘Golden Age’ of Georgia.


Gelato in a tub, gelato starts with G- kids activities blog
Gelato starts with G!


Italy has bestowed a gift upon the world, yet again. Although gelato is the Italian version of ice cream, it’s not merely Bluebell with a European, artisanal flair. Like ice cream, gelato contains milk, sugar, and flavorings such as fruit or nuts, but it has less cream than ice cream and usually no egg yolks. We are glad to have a Nutella Gelato Recipe ready for you!


Grapefruit is a citrus fruit, and is kind of on the bitter side, but super good for you. Know what makes it better? Brown sugar! This easy brown sugar grapefruit is so yummy.

Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt technically starts with G! And it’s full of healthy protein, fat, and is so flavorful. Especially when you make these Greek yogurt bars!



Can you think of more examples for words that start with the letter G? Share some of your favorites below!

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