Let’s play a funny prank!

After our round of Pranks for Kids and our list of Best April Fools Day Pranks, we got lots of suggestions of fun pranks to pull on kids from you, our readers — if you missed the call-out on FB, then add your best prank idea in the comments below.

13 of the Best April Fool's Day Pranks for Kids - best prank to play - funny boy with an asparagus as a mustache
Grab one of these favorite funny pranks to play on your friends and family!

Prank Ideas For Kids From Adults

We love a silly and surprising prank that you can pull on kids (even if you are an adult). Adults are able to plan a little further in advance than your average kid prankster so that opens some additional possibilities for harmless pranks to play on your kids. The resulting giggles will be priceless!

Check out 13 of the Best April Fool’s Day Pranks for Kids below!

How to pull Good Pranks

The art of a good prank is to surprise someone with an unexpected event that will cause a reaction that immediately turns positive when they realize it is a joke. Pranks should be harmless – both mentally (doesn’t embarrass or cause stress) and physically (shouldn’t hurt the person or property around them).

  1. Find the perfect person to prank.

    Choose someone who will know it is a joke quickly.

  2. Choose a prank that fits the location.

    At home, you will have a lot more options then out where you have less control over the environment or who might observe.

  3. Plan ahead to make sure everything will go as you desire.

    Consider whether the prank will be taken as a joke and not be interpreted as mean. If you are questioning whether it is a good prank, ask someone unrelated to give you their opinion.

  4. Pull your prank with your best natural acting ability.

    Keep a straight face and enjoy the fun.

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Funny Pranks for Kids to pull on April Fool’s Day

1. The Lights Are Off Prank

Tape the light switch so they can’t flip it. For younger kids, used colored tape. For older kids, clear tape molded to the shape of the switch is best. Make them wonder why the light is not moving!

2. Literally a Sponge Cake…Giggle!

frosted sponge cake prank - Kids Activities Blog - frosted cake in a pan to play a practical joke on kids
What lies beneath the frosting?

Decorate a sponge as a piece of cake, with this idea from Instructables. Coat a sponge with icing, and let it sit out on the counter. See if your kiddos can resist taking a bite.

Watch How this Cake Prank Worked for Us:

April Fools Funny Pranks for Kids

3. Eggs without Shells Prank

eggs without shells prank for kids - Kids Activities Blog - three kids holding shell-less eggs in their hands
Wait! Where did the egg shell go?

Replace eggs in the carton with “naked eggs. the science experiment.  The kids will be in awe of this science experiment! The squishy giant eggs are edible, but taste awful!

4. Unexpected Message Practical Joke

fake toilet paper roll with a message inside from Instructables - white toilet paper with April Fools written on it
What an unexpected message!

Have a note appear in the toilet paper, with this fun prank from Instructables! As they pull on the roll, the message pulls out, toward them. You need tape, toilet paper, and an unknowing participant.

Pranks for kids to do at home - best funny pranks - girl laughing at a funny prank
Let’s giggle at a funny prank!

Easy Prank Ideas for April Fools

5. Reverse Baby Monitor Prank

baby monitor on white background for baby monitor practical joke - Kids Activities Blog
Wait…did you hear that?

A little scare never hurts… Dig out the old baby monitor, keep the “baby” side with you, and put the adult one where your kids are. As they do something innocuous, shriek at them, “Someone’s watching!”

6. Not-So-Sweet Surprise Practical Joke

April Fools Day Meatloaf Cupcakes from Courneyssweets.com - 3 cupcakes that are actually meat loaf as a prank
THAT doesn’t taste so sweet…!

Make these meatloaf cupcake muffins from Courtney’s Sweets. They will look like delicious cupcakes, so the kids will think they are getting dinner for dessert! (Maybe have a few actual cupcakes waiting in the wings for dessert).

7. An Oldie, but a Goodie Prank

Short sheet your kids’ beds! My grandmother did this to me once, when I was growing up. I climbed into bed, and only had a foot or two of sheets.  I re-made my bed, laughing the entire time!

Prank your Kids - April Fool Prank - leave a note in the TP - toilet paper roll with note inside
Find an unexpected place to leave a prank!

Best April Fools Pranks to do on friends

8. Pop Goes the…. Prank

party popper exploding with confetti and smoke on a dark background - Kids Activities Blog pranks for kids
Pop goes this practical joke!

Use party poppers in a variety of pranks.  One reader says that they “would tie them to the door handles, and then to something outside the room, so that when they open the door, it pops the popper.”

9. Scary Scare Prank

scary mask to prank - monster mask with big teeth on dark background - Kids activities blog practical jokes
Don’t play this prank on me!

Another reader’s sneaky brother (uncle to the kids),”would hide in the closet with a mask on then call the home phone with his cell phone, and ask the kids to go in and get something out of the closet. Then, when they came in, he jumped out at them.”  Uncles are the best big kids!

10. Breakfast Cereal Prank

breakfast prank showing frozen cereal with milk close up - Kids Activities Blog
Brrrr…this prank is chilly!

Pull off an April Fool’s Day breakfast prank! Pour cereal and milk into a bowl, and freeze it the night before. the night before and freezing it. In the morning, pour a little milk on top to cover up the prank, and then get your camera ready for some confused little faces!

11. Your Drink is Looking at You Joke

ice cube eye balls prank for kids - Kids Activities Blog - drink from above with ice cube eyes
My drink is looking at me!

Make eyeball ice cubes! This prank is so fun and easy! Using food markers, and mini marshmallows, create eyes, and then place them in an ice cube tray, filled with water. Freeze, and voilà! Instant prank!

12. Spooky Eyes Prank

Use a toilet paper cardboard roll to make spooky eyes! This prank is awesome, because we all have a ton of tp rolls right now! Cut the shape of some creepy eyes into them, and then add a glow stick. Hide in a bush, or somewhere inside the house, for a spooky prank!

13. Silly Persistent Argument Prank

Our last suggestion is one of my favorites…pick a ridiculous argument.  Choose a silly side of an argument, and start arguing with your child. I usually start with something like, “Stop begging!  No matter how hard you fight, I just won’t allow you to go to school.”  It catches them off-guard and then they start automatically arguing the other side. No matter what they say, keep misquoting them and pushing your silly argument. This often works well for bedtime battles, because eventually they are just worn out by the ridiculousness!

Best pranks for kids - let's giggle today! - grandpa and boy laughing while laying on the grass - Kids Activities Blog
There is nothing better than some post-prank giggles!

Above all…have fun!

13 of the Best April Fool's Day Pranks for Kids - pranks kids can do - girl with pig tails giggling at a prank
Choose a funny prank to play! {Giggle}

More funny pranks, activities for Kids, and Articles

13 of the Best April Fool's Day Pranks for Kids - silly pranks - 8 different prank ideas for kids to play
Let’s start laughing at your best prank!

What is your favorite April Fool’s Day prank? Comment below! 

We have a free joke book for kids!

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