These fun games to play at home are the ultimate boredom busters for kids! Making DIY games starts with a craft and ends up with fun at home for hours! At home games lead to quality time, structured downtime and making memories. While these homemade games were chosen to play at home, many work well in the classroom as well. Let’s play a game!

text: 12 Fun Games to Make and Play At Home - Kids Activities Blog - child holding a rock over the sidewalk with just feet and legs showing
DIY games to play at home!

DIY Games To Make

Games don’t have to be expensive or hard to make. These fun simple DIY games will bring hours of fun! Making games at home can save money and help bring the family together. 

Related: More indoor games

Many of these homemade games also promote learning in a fun way. Play through games can help kids practice fine motor skills, math, learn life skills and more! We are always going to be fans of traditional childhood games like Chutes & Ladders, Chess and more, but making your own fun DIY games should NOT be overlooked!

Fun Games to Make and Play At Home

1. Barrel Of Monkeys

barrel of monkey counting game
This DIY Game is Literally a Barrel of Monkeys!

Turn a simple barrel of monkeys into learning fun.  Here are a few great games to play with them. Move over board game, barrel of monkeys is still a great game for little hands.

2. Bean Bag Toss

Let’s DIY a Bean Bag Toss Game

A simple dish towel and a small bean bag can become a fun game to work on gross motor skills. Doesn’t matter if you’re the first player or next player, this game is fun and requires good hand eye coordination.

3. Free Printable Hexi Cards

DIY games - hexi cards - printable board game placed on floor with text, download print and play
DIY this fun Game!

Use hexi cards for a fun color a math matching game. Who will get the most matches? The first person or last person? Make it hard and add a time limit. Start with scissors and white sheet of printer paper and then watch the fun begin.

4. DIY Compass Rose With Printable Map

DIY games - make a treasure map game with a compass rose shown here with steps to make game and map with child
DIY your own Treasure Map Game!

Try this DIY compass rose and compass rose template with a printable map. Great for the older ones! This can be modified as a rainy day game, but works great as an outdoor game. Backyard games are always fun!

5. Word Game Race

Download and print one of our word worksheets and have a race against each other – if kids are the same level, then you can print off two of the same pages. If kids are different levels, consider downloading different worksheets that might take the same amount of time. Here are some free printable word worksheets from Kids Activities Blog:

6. DIY Treasure Hunt Games

7. Telephone Game

DIY games - text< telephone simple DIY game - child with telephone homemade next to ear
Let’s DIY a Traditional Game of Telephone

Make your own telephone game to practice your listening skills.  This classic game is always a hit. Plus it is a fun and easy game to play at home. It doesn’t require any items!

8. Word Games

Working on vocabulary? These 10 word games are perfect for teaching your child new words and reinforcing old ones they have learned.

9. Print a Board Game Instantly!

DIY games - printable board game that is space themed.  Text, galaxy game free printable PLANETS
DIY board game with this easy printable

This printable board game is fun for the whole family and space themed. You can follow our directions or make up your own…cuz that is how DIY games roll!

10. DIY Matching Game

11. Printable Dot Game

DIY games - dot game printable pdf shown on a wooden table
DIY Dot Game Printable

Grab pens and pencils because we are going to have some printable game fun with just a piece of paper! The traditional dot game just got easier with this printable dot game board – print off more than one because you know you can’t just play one game!

12. DIY Grid Game

DIY game - grid game shown made with string and post it notes on a carpet from above - Kids Activities Blog
DIY grid game is full of fun

This DIY floor game for kids is the playful way to have kids learn how to follow directions and see if they can explore their own path. Add dice to your game to mix it up a little!

More Fun At Home Activities & Games from Kids Activities Blog

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What is your favorite game to play with your family? Tell us in the comments section, we’d love to hear from you!

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