We have gathered the best rock games, rock activities, and rock crafts. These rock games, crafts, and activities are great for kids of all ages like: toddlers, preschoolers, and even kindergarten aged kids. Whether you’re in the classroom or at home, your kids will love these rock activities.

activities with rocks- text: 22 games to play with rocks- kids activities blog- rock tik tak toe, rock counting, rock dominoes, rock painting, rock bird craft, rock color sorting
So many fun and creative things to do with rocks!

Rock Games, Crafts, and Activities For Kids

We all know that kids can play with pretty much anything. An empty cardboard box will entertain them for hours. How about rocks? Pebbles have big potential and can provide educational and fun moments for your kids of any age…even older kids. Add some color and creativity and they make the greatest toys ever. It’s the idea that matters!

Related: Easiest Kids Craft Ever! Make Rock Monsters

We collected some of the most amazing activities with rocks for kids that will teach them something, help them improve some skills and of course will provide entertainment. Go on a rock hunting adventure in your backyard or neighborhood.

Pssst…you can even get a box of rocks on Amazon (affiliate link) if rock hunting in your area isn’t ideal.


1. Rock Tic Tac Toe

PLAY tic tac toe with small stones via onecreativemommy

2. Practice Telling Time With Rocks

PRACTICE telling time with this super cool rock clock for outdoors using medium-size rocks via sunhatsandwellieboots

3. DIY Rock Dominoes Game

ENJOY playing with homemade rock dominoes. via craftcreatecook

4. Try Some Rock Painting

Grab some small rocks and paints and paint brushes. It’s time to PAINT with rocks. via .fantasticfunandlearning

5. 5 Little Ducks Made From Rocks

SING and improvise “5 little ducks”. via innerchildfun

6. Explore Colors With Rocks

TEACH kids about colors with rocks. via smartschoolhouse

Educational Rock Games and Rock Activities

rock games- chess, tic tac toe, sight words, rock counting, rock dolls
Play chess or tic tac toe with rocks!

7. DIY Rock Chess

MASTER the chess game made from rocks. via myheartnmyhome

8. Adorable Story Rocks

TELL stories with cute story rocks. via playtivities

9. Tic Tac Toe With Rocks

GET SUPER GOOD at playing tic tac toe. Nature inspired. via playtivities

10. Counting Activities With Rocks

HAVE FUN while learning to count. via growinghandsonkids

11. Learn Words With Rocks

BUILD words with rocks. via sugaraunts

Super Fun Hands On Rock Activities

rock activities for kids- rock people, rock stacking, road made of rocks, trains made of rocks
Race around town with your cars made of rocks!

12. Super Fun Rock Art

CREATE art with rocks. via mynearestanddearest

13. Build Rock Towers

BUILD tall towers from rocks. via nurturestore.co.uk

14. DIY Rock Car Track

RACE in diy car track with cars made from rocks. via playtivities

15. DIY Rock Train

GET on the rock train. via handmadekidsart

activities with rocks for kids- rock dinosaur egg dig, rock checkers, rock painting, rock pumpkin math game
I love the rock painting activities!

16. Rock Dinosaur Egg Digging Activity

DIG for dinosaur eggs. via beafunmum

17. DIY Rock Checkers

ENJOY outdoors while playing checkers. via diydelray

18. Melt Crayons To Make Rock Art

MELT old crayons on the rocks and LOOK what happens. via kidsactivitiesblog

19. Painted Pumpkin Rocks

PRETEND it’s Halloween and play with these awesome pumpkin rocks. via kidsactivitiesblog

activities for kids with rocks- very hungry caterpillar, painted rock face
I love the Very Hungry Caterpillar!

20. Rock Painting- Very Hungry Caterpillar

PAINT the very hungry caterpillar and listen to a story. via lessonplans

21. Simple Rock Activities

PLAY with rocks. 5 simple activities with rocks. via playtivities

22. Learn About Emotions Using Rocks

FEEL the emotions while building and learning about them with rocks. via whereimaginationgrows

More fun Rock activities for kids From Kids Activities Blog

Which rock game or activity are you going to try first?

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