Make your own Valentine’s slime and then package in in the cutest heart shape containers and add it to our free valentine’s day card printables! This is a great Valentine alternative to candy! Kids of all ages will have so much fun making this Valentines slime and homemade Valentine’s day cards.

valentine slime- DIY Homemade Slime Valentines With Free Printables from Kids Activities Blog with a red background
Celebrate Valentine’s day with these cute slime Valentine’s day cards.

Valentines Slime

Kids will love these printable homemade slime valentines!

Many classrooms don’t allow baked goods or candy, due to allergies, so homemade slime is a perfect solution!

How To Make Homemade Slime Valentines: Slime Time!

To make our homemade slime valentines, first you’ll need some slime, using this awesome homemade valentine slime recipe, from The Nerd’s Wife!

Related: Learn how to make slime without borax! We have so many slime ideas!

Supplies Needed To Make This Valentine Slime Cards

valentine slime- Red and pink sparkle slime and printable Valentine's day card -homemade slime valentines - final
This Valentines day slime is so easy to make and looks great on these printable Valentines day cards.

Related: We have so many amazing slime recipes!

How To Make Homemade Slime Valentines: Package It With Love

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Now that you have your sparkly batch of slime, it’s time to package your valentines for your kids to hand out to their friends!

valentine slime- Add your heart shaped containers to these printable Valentines day cards.- homemade slime valentines
Add your heart shaped containers to these printable Valentines day cards.

Step 1

Fill these heart-shaped slime containers with the slime. Depending on the size of the containers that you use, and how full you want the containers to be, you may need to make more or less slime. It’s totally up to you!

Step 2

Print our Slime Valentine Cards. We highly recommend using white card stock. It holds up better than paper, and you want to be able to see all of the vibrant colors in our design!

Step 3

Trace the slime container onto the card, and then cut it out.

Step 4

Put the slime container through the cut out, to attach it, and voilà! Your homemade slime valentines are ready to go.

valentine slime- Child holding a valentines day heart balloon
These Valentines day slimes and cards are a great candy alternative.

Our Experience With This Valentine Slime

You don’t have to wonder how to make Valentine slime anymore! We’ve perfected it with this easy slime recipe. My kids helped me make multiple batches. We made red and pink for my daughter and my son wanted green and blue slime.

And that’s the best part about this slime. You can color it anyway you want!

Homemade Slime Valentines With Free Printable!

valentines for school to print slime

Make your very own sparkly Valentine slime with free printable Valentines card. It's a great alternative to candy and so easy to make!


  • Make Slime
  • Heart Shaped Slime Container
  • Print Our Valentines Day Cards
  • Tape


  1. Fill these heart-shaped slime containers with the slime. Depending on the size of the containers that you use, and how full you want the containers to be, you may need to make more or less slime.
  2. Print our Slime Valentine Cards.
  3. Trace the slime container onto the card.
  4. And then cut it out.
  5. Put the slime container through the cut out, to attach it, and voilà!

More Valentine’s Day Inspiration From Kids Activities Blog

Are you looking for more DIY valentine ideas?

valentines day dessert smores bark
Make and give some delicious treats this Valentine’s day.

More Slime Fun From Kids Activities Blog

How did your homemade Valentine slime turn out?

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