When you think about child birth you usually image a conventional birth and how to mother cares for her child after birth. You might imagine the mother seeing her child for the first time and the baby sleeping in arms. Maybe you imagine the mother laying her baby in crib for the first time and rocking her new baby to sleep. However, some child births are not all the same. Do you remember the baby born looking old? Well, this baby was born just as unique, she didn’t even know she was born yet!
After the doctors performed the c-section, this new baby was still in her amniotic sac. Rather than bursting the caul and removing her, the doctors decided to pull her out still in the ‘womb’, so to speak.
The results are incredibly powerful: a new born baby who doesn’t know her world has changed. It is estimated that births like this only occur in one and 80,000 births.
In the video you can see the doctor stroking the newborn and the baby stretching. Watch how she’s completely calm in her tight little world. If there was one word that could describe the whole experience? It’s breathtaking. Watch her viral en caul birth, it’s amazing!
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