We all think our baby is the smartest at one point.

But what I am about to show you may have you second-guessing!


These are the Smartest Babies Ever Video - Kids Activities Blog
I am a smart cookie.

At a year and a half old, most babies are just beginning to stretch their vocabularies.

Related: Grab these toddler activities

Most  can walk, some can run, say basic sentences, and even communicate basic requests, but I was blown away to find out about a  toddler who is able to read better than most kindergarteners!

Video of Baby Who Can Read

This 19-month-old baby can read 300 words and count to 50.

You can tell from the patient way his parent works with him that this is something they both enjoy.

It’ll be exciting to see what other things he learns as he gets older!

The Baby Skateboarder Video

This two-year-old from Australia can skateboard.

Can you believe that?

Video of Smartest 2-Year-Old Ever!

When they get to, “What does Tito say?” I can’t stop laughing!


Are you as smart as a baby?

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