One of the reasons why dogs are so funny is that sometimes they act the way we WANT to…

…if we were allowed.

If we were a dog.

Dog takes teddy bear to pool video - Kids Activities Blog - yellow lab looking at camera
Hey, I can act that way because I am a dog.

Somedays you just want to curl up in a comfy place with your teddy bear.

Maybe in a pool.

This video made me giggle.

We have a dog who is a little toy-obsessed.  It looks like I may need to invest in a teddy for her.

dog in pool screenshot
Where is my water bed?

This dog finds a soft and comfy water bed to sleep with teddy.

Shhhh….sweet dreams.

Take a look.

Dog Sleeps in Pool with Her Teddy Bear Video

OK, I couldn’t resist adding this one in as well…

This dog is WAY less relaxed about heading to the pool.

Or more accurately, heading the pool toward him.

Take a look.

Dog Tries to Bring in Pool from Backyard Video

More Pool fun from Kids Activities Blog

Alrighty!  Let’s all grab our teddy bears and head to the pool.

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