Today we have the cutest beach crafts for kids.  Beach crafts make great summer crafts for preschoolers, toddlers and kids of all ages.  And since we have a big variety of choices, there is sure to be the perfect beach craft for your child! Use these beach crafts at home, for learning about the ocean environment and in the classroom.

21 Beach Crafts to Make With Your Kids This Summer! - 7 images of various beach crafts and summer crafts for preschoolers toddlers and kids of all ages
Let’s make beach inspired crafts together!

Beach Crafts for Kids

Summer and the beach make some of the best childhood memories.  From under the sea inspired ocean crafts to sandy playful sand castles the beach is a place of unlimited creativity and exploration for children of any age.  We love these nature inspired beach crafts that can make you feel like you are at the beach even if it is miles away.

Related: Beach coloring pages

A bucket full of sand, the prettiest shells, rocks worn smooth by the waves, as much driftwood as your pockets will hold – wonderfully free natural beach finds so perfect for timeless, treasured craft activities.

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Beach crafts for kids - shell pets and painted rocks
Adorable preschool ocean crafts

1. Seashell Craft Pets

Looking for fun crafts? Well then check out the very best beach fun with googly eyes by Simple As That. Never leave home without a bag of googly eyes!

2. Spin Art Rocks

What a fun way to use rocks. This glorious color-popping art activity is for children of all ages, using deliciously smooth beach stones. Check out the tutorial on MeriCherry

Beach Crafts for kids - driftwood weaving and driftwood decorating
Driftwood crafts for kids

3. Driftwood Weaving Or A Little Raft For Shell People!

I just ADORE driftwood, and this cute weaving craft from theredthread. I need to make some right now! I love these easy crafts. Such a cute way to use sea shells.

Beach Crafts for kids - beach inspired art collage and beach inspired art turned photo holders
Under the sea inspired crafts for kids

4. Ripped Tissue Paper Collage

Looking for more ocean crafts. Look no further! How amazing is this mixed media collage art activity?! Kids can create masterpieces with their hoard of beach finds with this idea from  Joy Of My Life. Also, check out her butterflies and insects made with shells in the same post!

5. Beach Stone Photo Holders

This is such easy peasy sea crafts that doubles as a great gift. What a neat idea! These beach stone photo holders from Garden Mama are fun and easy to make, and the perfect way to display drawings and photos. 

Beach Crafts for kids - sea shell necklace and shell dolls

6. Seashell Craft Necklace

Want a better way to use up some of the collected seashells? It’s fun searching for shells with holes in them for making jewelry! Just loop, knot, and layer for pretty gorgeous results with this tutorial from theredthread. Kids of all ages will appreciate these lovely necklaces.

7. Shell Dolls

Let’s Do Something Crafty‘s wooden stick people are full of glitter and have shell skirts – what’s not to love! It is so much fun!

Beach crafts for kids - dying sea shells - one image of kids doing this beach arts & craft idea and the other is the colorful dyed shell results
Let’s dye some sea shells!

8. Rainbow Sea Shells

Looking for summer activities? This gorgeous backyard activity is something that can be done with leftover egg dye. It’s a science and discovery activity that can easily be turned into colorful artwork and sea shell jewelry when dry. Check out the tutorial on The Educators’ Spin On It.

Beach Crafts for kids - shell animals and clay sculptures with sea shells

9. Sea Shell Snails – adorable!

Meet the Dubiens Sea Shell Snails are just too easy and cute! Make them with shells, pipe cleaners, and pom poms! You can make them all different colors!

10. Clay Sculptures

Sand isn’t just for sand castles! Buzzmills‘ Clay sculptures are such a sweet activity for small hands! All you need is a bucket of sand, shells, and some clay. This sand handprint keepsake is so sweet

Beach crafts for kids - salt dough shell fossils and memory craft with shells

11. Salt Dough Shell Fossils

The Imagination Tree has the most beautiful idea for salt dough homemade fossils and nature print keepsakes! What a fun seashell craft.

12. Memory Craft: Shells

During the summer season a lot of us love going to the beach.How lovely for children to create something special as a reminder of their fun family vacation. Check out this sweet plaster of paris and shell craft activity.

Beach Crafts for kids - sea shell stepping stones and exploring sea shells through sensory experience

13. Sea Shell Stepping Stones

Want more fun things to do? What a precious idea for fairy gardens and magic steps to a playhouse from buzzmills! If you put your ear to the sea shell stepping stones path, you’ll hear the sea!

14. Exploring Sea Shells

Check out this fun activity. B-InspiredMama has the most fun, sensory clay and seashell craft! Kids will love exploring the impressions that the seashells make when pressing them in the clay.

Beach Crafts for kids - beach themed sensory bins and ice break out activity

15. Beach-Themed Sensory Bin

If you don’t have room for a sandbox in your backyard, then this beach-themed sensory box from Buggy and Buddy is the perfect sensory activity idea for your little ones!

If you are looking for more beach sensory ideas you can do at home, check out these:

16. Beach Treasure Hunt Ice Tower

Bins for Little Hands beach treasure hunt ice tower is a fun frozen excavation activity that incorporates treasured beach finds.

Beach Crafts for kids - sandy handprint craft and mermaid cups out of shells

17. Sandy Handprints

How can you take home and treasure something as ephemeral as a footprint in the sand, or the smallness of your child’s hand the day that she first saw the Atlantic Ocean? Check out Crafting a Green World‘s sandy handprints tutorial! 

18. Mermaid or Fairy Cups. Oh the cuteness!

All you need to make Blue Bear Wood‘s mermaid (or fairy) cups are: sea shells, pipe cleaners, and a hot glue gun!

Beach Crafts for kids - painted sea shells and sea shell necklaces

19. Painted Sea Shells

She paints sea shells by the sea shore… Painted sea shells is such a simple and engaging activity.

20. Make Your Own Seashell Necklace

Nothing says summer more than wearing a pretty seashell necklace

21. Sand Mold Craft at Home

beach crafts for kids - sand mold at home just like at the beach - child setting up a sand mold at the beach
Let’s use sand for this sand mold craft!

This is one of my favorite beach crafts and we were introduced to this one at the beach. Use sand to create the mold for your next craft project with this sand mold craft.

Can I Collect Shells at the Beach?

Before you gather all the supplies on your next beach vacation, you may want to look into the rules for collecting sand, shells and other beachy items before you fill up your sand bucket! Many beaches around the world have rules making collection of sand illegal. For instance, on California beaches…

Then, is it illegal to take shells from the beach in California?

No intertidal collecting of mollusks (living shells) is permitted in California without a fishing license. Consult the current California Fish and Game regulations. In general, there are no restrictions against collecting empty shells from California beaches. However, on some beaches, empty shells may not be collected.


Confused? Me too! Check signs and specific regulations for the beach you are visiting!

More Beach Inspired activities & Summer Fun from Kids Activities Blog

And if you are curious… here are 6 reasons why arts and crafts for kids are beneficial for their development!

Which of these beach crafts for kids are you going to do first?

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  1. Thanks for some great information and links, will sign up for the 30 day calendar shortly, cheers!