Looking for some no prep activity ideas for preschoolers? We got you! Life is busy, as parents ourselves, we get it. And while we would love to always be able to do elaborate activities with our preschoolers, that isn’t always possible. Kids of all ages will love these no prep activities, but toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten kids will benefit most from these super fun activities. Try these activity ideas for preschoolers at home or in the classroom.

No Prep Activity Ideas For Preschoolers- Kid playtime with a white table, blocks and toy animals- kids activities blog
These no-prep activities are so much fun!

Activity Ideas For Preschoolers

As parents we’re juggling a ton right now. We’re attempting to educate our kids, keep them entertained, somehow get some work done at home, and maintain our sanity.  That’s why I totally appreciate a good list of little to no-prep activities. 

Related: Check quiet time activities for preschoolers

I stumbled across a gem of a resource from Fantastic Fun and Learning. It shows how we can think outside the box when we teach and play with our kids. Plus, it’s a great combination of no-prep activities to do with my kiddos, as well as things my kids can do independently when I need some time to work. Or, let’s be honest, to get a moment to myself too. And yes, all of these ideas are educational! You can get them here.

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No-Prep Literacy Activities

Below are some of our favorite no-prep activities that you can do with your preschoolers: 

1. Read Together

Read together as a family. 

2. Listen To Their Favorite Author Read

Listen to a favorite author or actor read a book online

3. Play Library

Put your books into bins and play library. 

4. Share A Favorite Story

Share a favorite story from your childhood. 

5. Read Rhyming Poems

Read a a book of rhyming poems. 

6. Make A Poet Tree

Create a poet tree. It is fun and educational!

7. Sing Songs

Sing favorite songs.

8. Watch An Animated Story

Listen and watch an animated storybook.

9. Make Your Own Book

Fold some paper in half and staple it to create a “book.” Fill the book with drawings. 

10. Rhyming Songs Remix

Sing your favorite rhyming songs… but change the ending! 

Activity ideas For Preschoolers- Reading to kids- dad reading a book to a boy and girl on a couch- kids activities blog
Source: Oops & Daisies– Reading is a great activity For kids.

11. Read Historical Books To Kids

Read a historical children’s book and talk about when it was written.

12. Trace Letters

Trace letters in a wipe-clean book.

13. Mad Libs

Play Mad LibsWho knew such a fun game could also be educational.

14. Take Turns Making A Story

Say out loud the first line of a story. Take turn adding lines to the story. 

15. Make Letter Cards

Make letter cards and unscramble names. Challenge your kiddo to put their name together in the right order.

16. Letter Card Hopscotch

Turn your letter cards into a game of hopscotch. Call out a letter and jump to it!

17. Write Your Name Colorfully

Write your name using different colored markers and crayons. 

18. I-Spy Game

Play “I Spy” in your house or backyard.

19. Write A Letter

Write a letter or card to someone. 

20. Make A Phone Call

Call someone to talk on the phone. 

Educational Activities For Preschoolers

Tell your kids to get one object in the house for every color of the rainbow. 

Math Activity Ideas For Preschoolers- yellow car on a yellow background- kids activities blog
Let’s learn and have fun with these great preschool activities.

21. Dolly Scavenger Hunt

Make a scavenger hunt with your child’s favorite doll. Give your kid clues using words like above, behind, and below. 

22. Outside Scavenger Hunt

Go on a scavenger hunt outside.

23. Sort and Count Laundry

Sort laundry by color. Count how many shirts everyone has! 

24. Fine Motor Skills Test

Give your child a pipe cleaner and ask them to put some dried noodles on it. This is a great fine-motor test too.

Math Activities For Preschoolers

Activity ideas for preschoolers- little boy with magnifying glass, shovel, and camping gear outside- kids activities blog
Let’s go on a scavenger hunt!

25. Count The Blocks

Stack blocks then challenge your kiddo to count them before knocking them down.

26. Measure Gummy Worms 

Measure things using gummy worms.

27. Hopscotch Counting

Play a game of hop scotch and count out loud as you jump from square to square

28. Count How Long You Can Balance

Stand on one foot. Count how long you can balance.

29. Make A Shape Garden

Make a shape garden.

Activity Ideas for preschoolers- colorful blocks spelling play- kids activities blog
Let’s play with these great activities for preschoolers!

30. Edible Bracelets

Make a jelly bean or cheerio bracelet.

31. Snack patterns

Make a pattern out of snack food, like goldfish and cheerio. Finish the activity by eating them.

32. Connect The Dot Printables

Do some connect-the-dot printables.

33. Count Your Toys

Count how many figurines you have. 

34. Count Your Doors

Count how many doors there are in your home.

35. Roll A Ball And Measure

Roll a ball. Measure how far it goes by counting steps. 

36. Draw A Line and Count Pennies

Draw a line down the center of a piece of paper. Shake nine pennies and drop them onto the paper. Count how many land on each side of the line.

37. Roll Dice and Count

Roll a dice. Count out that many objects.

38. Skip Counting

Practice skip counting with this printable.

39. Playdough Addition

Practice adding with balls of play dough.

Activity Ideas For Preschoolers- blocks of different shapes and colors with numbers on them on a wood floor- kids activities blog
Let’s do art and science!

No-Prep Art & Science Activities

40. Free Printable Coloring Pages

Print off some coloring page printables for your kiddos to color in. 

41. Make A Bucket List

Draw a picture of a place you want to visit. (And add it to your bucket list!)

42. Paint Your Favorite Food

Paint a picture of your favorite food.

activity ideas for preschoolers- pink, orange, green, purple macarons- kids activities blog
Paint your favorite food!

43. Build Something WIth Cardboard Boxes

Gather cardboard boxes. Build something out of the boxes and then decorate them. 

44. Build A Fort

Build a fort out of sticks and things from outside.

45. Bake Your Favorite Dessert

Bake your favorite dessert with an adult.

46. Make Cloud Dough

Make cloud dough with just 2 ingredients and let them play

47. Paint With Water On The Side Walk

Paint with water on the sidewalk on a warm day… and then watch what happens when it dries. 

48. Search For Animal Prints

After it rains or snows overnight, go outside and look for animal prints. Guess what animals made those tracks! 

49. Baking Soda and Vinegar Art

Make art with baking soda and vinegar. Here’s how.

50. Draw A Sunset

Watch the sunset. Draw a picture.

activity ideas for preschoolers- sunset against mountains- kids activities blog
Draw a sunset!

51. Act Like An Animal

Shout out a name of an animal and then walk like that animal. 

52. Play With Colored Ice

Add colored ice to your water table, see what happens, and have fun playing in the water.

53. Go Fish

Play a card game, like Go Fish.

54. Matching Games

Do a matching game.

55. Make Monsters

Make shape monsters out of scrap paper.

56. Make Puppets

Create puppets using old socks or paper bags

57. Play Tag

Play a game of tag (or Sleeping Lion, my preschooler’s favorite).

58. Listen To Music

Listen to music and dance your sillies out. 

59. Simon Says

Play Simon Says.

60. Free Printable Geometric Coloring Pages

Learn about weird shapes and geometric shapes with these coloring pages.

There are so many fun non-prep activities to do with your little ones. For even more fun no-prep learning activities, get a whole lot of awesome ideas from our friends at Fantastic Fun and Learning. 

MORE FUN From Kids aCtivities Blog

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