Have you seen a decorative book pumpkin in a cute decor store? This simple pumpkin craft uses an old discarded or broken paperback book and some paint to make the cutest book pumpkin fall decoration that can be used for centerpieces or autumn decor. It is a surprisingly easy fall craft for older kids and adults to make fall pumpkins from an old book.

Book Pumpkin Craft for Kids and Adults from Kids Activities Blog - finished book pumpkin craft shown against stone and wood as fall centerpiece
Let’s make a pumpkin out of a book!

How to Make a Pumpkin from a Book Craft

Finding really easy fall crafts that turn out with limited skills and are inexpensive to make is sometimes difficult, but this book pumpkin craft ticks all the boxes and turns out so cute. Older kids will be able to craft their own book pumpkins and younger kids can help with several of the crafting steps.

This pumpkin craft used an old paperback book I had around the house that had water damage. If you don’t have worn out, dog-eared paperback books laying around, check recycling bins, thrift stores and dollar stores. They can be any size. The thicker the book, the more full your finished book pumpkin will appear.

Related: How to Order Scholastic Books Online with Scholastic Book Club

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Supplies Needed

Directions to Make a Book Pumpkin

Step 1 – Make a Half-Pumpkin Template

Trace 1/2 a pumpkin on the outside of the paperback book with a marker – think 1/2 a heart like you would do for Valentines.

If you are using a hardback book, then remove the hard spine from the book.

Step 2 – Cut the Book Pages into a Pumpkin Shape

Use scissors or a exacto-like knife to cut the book pages along the traced line.  I ended up sectioning the book into several segments (and it doesn’t have to be perfect because you can trim later with scissors).

Step 3 – Add a Pumpkin Color with Paint

Step 3 - How to Make a Book Pumpkin Craft - dilute paint with water and then brush on the outer edges of the pages in book
Dilute your paint and then brush your book page edges.

Dilute orange paint with water – equal parts paint & water.  And paint just the outside edges of the pages.

Step 4 – Add Pumpkin Stem

Grab a stick from outside and use it as a pumpkin stem by placing it in the middle of the spine of the book with enough poking out at the top.

Step 5 – Attach the Book Covers Together

Glue the book in a fan around the the stick or attach book covers with paperclip which fans out the book pages in a full circle that looks like a pumpkin!

Step 6 – Add a Little Pumpkin Decoration

Add raffia, curly wires, burlap or twine bow or anything else to decorate your cool finished book pumpkin craft.

Tips for Next Time

This is a great craft for older kids. I was surprised at how easy it was to complete. The only modification I would make is to thicken the stick pumpkin stem with several additional stick pieces.

Yield: 1

Book Pumpkin

How to make a book pumpkin from a paperback book

This lovely fall pumpkin decor can be made easily with a few simple supplies and a discarded or tattered paperback book. Making a book pumpkin is simple and fun...and frugal!

Active Time 15 minutes
Total Time 15 minutes
Difficulty Medium
Estimated Cost $5


  • old paperback book
  • orange paint
  • water
  • stick
  • rafia
  • glue or paperclip


  • paint brush
  • scissors/sharp edge cutter
  • marker


  1. Trace 1/2 a pumpkin on the book cover with a marker.
  2. Using sharp scissors or an exacto knife cut the book through the pages along the drawn line. You can trim later if needed.
  3. Dilute orange paint with equal parts water and paint the outside edge of the book pages.
  4. Use a stick or several sticks as the stem of the book and glue in place.
  5. Fan the book by bending it back so the cover pages meet and glue or paperclip in place.
  6. Add rafia to the pumpkin stem.

More Pumpkin Crafts & Fun from Kids Activities Blog

How did your book pumpkin craft turn out? Wasn’t that fun to make?

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  1. I am looking at doing this at a senior center (not nursing home) and had a few questions. I see you paint it before you open the book into a pumpkin. Don’t the pages stick together as they dry? Is it hard to get it to stay open and round? In experimenting with a book (before painting), it seemed to just stay open 1/2 way. Will it be better after painting?
    Sorry for all the questions — I think it’s a cute idea, just wondered if it is something that will work for us.

    1. As far as painting the book page edges – it is easiest to paint them when the book is closed, but I did open them and fan them out to allow the pages to dry individually. You are right, I think if you let it dry with the book closed, the pages might stick together more.

      Yes, the book tends to do well staying open in a 1/2 circle like the picture above, but if you attach the two covers together as in the instructions, it will create a full pumpkin.