Today we are learning all about Earth with our Earth facts printable pages! Simply download and print the fun facts about Earth and have some fun while learning about the world. Our printable fun facts pdf includes two pages filled with Earth pictures and facts about Earth that kids of all ages will enjoy at home or in the classroom.

Printed fun facts about Earth pdf files stacked on a wood table surrounded by a pencil and crayons - Kids Activities Blog
Print these fun facts about Earth!

Free Printable Earth Facts For Kids

These fun facts about the Earth are a cool ice breaker when meeting new friends at school or anywhere. They are also a great learning resource for home, classroom, or virtual learning environment any time of the year. Our Earth fact printable set includes 2 coloring pages with the following facts. Are you ready?! The click the pink button to download and print the Earth fun facts sheet.

Related: Fun facts for kids

How much do you know about the Earth? Did you know Earth is the only planet we can survive on (for now.) That’s right, Earth is the only planet that can sustain life as we know it.

Fun Earth Facts To Share With Your Friends

Earth Facts printed pdf file page one shown in black and white with 5 interesting facts for kids about Earth
This is our first page in our Earth facts printable set!
  1. Earth is the third planet from the Sun. 
  2. Earth is 93 million miles/149 million kilometers away from the Sun. 
  3. Earth is estimated to be around 4.5 billion years old. 
  4. Earth is the fifth largest planet in the Solar System, and it is the largest terrestrial planet. 
  5. The other terrestrial planets are Mercury, Venus, and Mars. A terrestrial planet is a planet that has a compact, rocky surface. 
  6. Only 3% of Earth’s water is fresh, the remaining 97% is salty.
Earth Facts printed pdf file page two shown in black and white with 5 interesting facts for kids about Earth
This is the second printable page in our Earth facts set!
  1. The atmosphere is divided into 6 layers – the troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere, and ionosphere.  
  2. Earth only has one natural satellite, the Moon.
  3. The Earth’s diameter measures 7,926 miles (12,756 kilometers) which is the distance straight through the middle. 
  4. Earth is the only planet in our solar system known to support life because it has what’s needed to do so: oxygen and water.

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Earth Facts Coloring Pages Square
Download these Earth facts for some learning fun!

More facts about our solar system

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What was your favorite fact about the Earth?

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