Today we are learning all about the planet Mercury with our facts about Mercury printable fact pages. Simply download and print the fun facts about Mercury and have some fun while learning about this planet! Our printable fun facts pdf includes two pages filled with Mercury pictures and facts about Mercury that kids of all ages will enjoy at home or in the classroom.

Printed fun facts about Mercury pdf files stacked on a wood table surrounded by pencil and crayons- Kids Activities Blog
Let’s make learning fun with our Mercury facts coloring pages!

Free Printable Mercury Facts For Kids

We already know that Mercury is the first the closest planet to Earth, as well as the smallest planet in our Solar System. In fact, did you know it is barely bigger than the Earth’s moon? Or that it’s one of the few planets that can be seen with the naked eye? Click the green button to print out these Mercury fun facts page.

Related: Fun facts for kids

Mercury is one of the most interesting planets – at least in our opinion {giggle}. That’s why we created these Mercury facts for kids coloring sheets, and especially, to help kids of all ages understand better how our solar system works.

Fun Mercury Facts To Share With Your Friends

Mercury facts printed pdf file page one shown in black and white with 5 interesting facts for kids about mercury
This is our first page in our mercury facts printable set!
  1. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, the first planet in our solar system. 
  2. Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, with a diameter of only 3032 miles (4880 km), it is barely bigger than our moon. 
  3. Mercury has a huge iron core, 75% of the planet’s radius is made of iron.
  4. Mercury is slowly shrinking every day, probably because its iron core is cooling, making it solid and reducing its volume. 
  5. Mercury is the planet with the most craters in the solar system because its atmosphere is so weak so it has nothing to protect it against meteor impacts. 
Mercury facts page with paper and crayons against a white background
This is our second Mercury printable facts page.
  1. Mercury’s closeness to the Sun makes its orbit shorter than others. One year in Mercury is 88 Earth days
  2. Mercury goes through wild temperature changes, by day it can reach 800°F (427°C) and at night it can drop down to -269°F (-173°C)
  3. One Mercurial day takes almost 59 Earth days. 
  4. Just like Venus, Mercury is one of the two planets in our solar system without moons.
  5. Astronomers think a huge asteroid slammed into Mercury 4 billion years ago, creating a giant crated called the Caloris Basin which can fit the whole state of Texas inside it. 

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Download The Fun Facts About Mercury PDF File Here

Mercury Facts printable pages shown on dark background with Kids Activities Blog logo and colorful accessories
Did you know these cool facts about Mercury?


  • Something to color with: favorite crayonscolored pencilsmarkerspaintwater colors
  • The printed Facts about Mercury coloring pages template pdf — see button below to download & print
  • This planet printable page is sized for standard letter printer paper dimensions – 8.5 x 11 inches.

More Printable Fun Facts For Kids

Check out these facts pages that include interesting facts about space, planets, and our solar system:

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What was your favorite fact about Mercury?

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