Today we are learning all about Pluto with our Pluto facts printable pages! Simple download and print the fun facts about Pluto and have some fun while learning about this fascinating planet! Our printable fun facts pdf includes two pages filled with Pluto pictures and facts about Pluto that kids of all ages will enjoy at home or in the classroom.

Printed fun facts about Pluto pdf files stacked on a wood table surrounded by a pencil and crayons- Kids Activities Blog
Let’s learn some interesting facts about Pluto!

Free Printable Pluto Facts For Kids

Even if the International Astronomical Union downgraded the status of Pluto to that of a dwarf planet, instead of a full-sized planet, we can all agree that Pluto is a very interesting celestial body with lots of facts to learn about. Click the green button to download and print the Pluto fun facts sheets now:

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For example, did you know that the size of Pluto is only 18.5% that of the Earth, according to measurements obtained by New Horizons spacecraft? Or that Pluto is the largest dwarf planet in our Solar System? Let’s learn about Pluto, its known moons, and other interesting facts with these coloring pages! We put these facts in this blog post, but they’ll be much more fun to learn if you print and color them.

Fun Pluto Facts To Share With Your Friends

Pluto facts printed pdf file page one shown in black and white with 5 interesting facts for kids about Pluto
This is our first page in our Pluto facts printable set.
  1. Pluto is a dwarf planet, meaning it resembles a small planet but doesn’t fit all the criteria required to be a planet.
  2. Pluto is only about half the width of the U.S. 
  3. Pluto lies in the Kuiper Belt, an area full of icy bodies and other dwarf planets at the edge of our solar system.
  4. Pluto is named after the Roman God of the Underworld. 
  5. Pluto was discovered in 1930 by Clyde Tombaugh. 

More Pluto Fun Facts

Pluto Facts printed pdf file page two shown in black and white with 5 interesting facts for kids about Pluto
This is the second printable page in our Pluto facts set!
  1. Pluto is primarily made out of ice and rock. Pluto has five known moons: Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra.
  2. Pluto has mountains, valleys, and craters. 
  3. Its temperatures vary from -375 to -400°F (-226° to 240°C).
  4. Pluto is one-third made out of water.
  5. Almost all planets orbit around the Sun in almost perfect circles, but Pluto travels in an oval-shaped path.

Download The Fun Facts About Pluto PDF File Here

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Pluto facts printable pages shown on dark background with Kids activities blog logo and colorful accessories
Free Pluto facts coloring pages ready to be printed and colored!


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What was your favorite fact about Pluto?

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