We are learning about Mars today with our Mars facts printable pages. Download and print the fun facts about Mars and have some fun while learning these fascinating facts about Mars and space. Our printable fun facts pdf includes two pages filled with Mars pictures and facts about Mars that kids of all ages will enjoy at home or in the classroom.

Printed fun facts about Mars pdf files stacked on a wood table surrounded by a pencil and crayons - Kids Activities Blog
Did you know these fun facts about Mars?

Free Printable Mars Facts For Kids

Did you know that Mars, the fourth planet from the sun, is named after the Roman God of War? In fact, it is the smallest planet in the solar system after Mercury. There are so many cool things about Mars that you probably don’t know about, which is why we’re so excited to share with you these fun Mars facts. Click the green button to download and print the Mars fun facts.

Related: Fun facts for kids

They are also a great learning resource for home, classroom, or virtual learning environments any time of the year. Did you know scientists thing people may be able to live on Mars one day? What a crazy thought!

Fun Mars Facts To Share With Your Friends

Mars Facts printed pdf file page one shown in black and white with 5 interesting facts for kids about Mars
This is our first page in our Mars facts printable set!
  1. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun in our solar system. 
  2. Mars is named after the Roman God of war and is also known as the Red Planet because of its color, which comes from the large amounts of iron oxide in its rocks and soil. 
  3. Mars is the second smallest planet in our solar system after Mercury, it’s roughly half the size of Earth. 
  4. At Mars’ equator, temperatures can reach 68°F (20°C), but at its poles, they can go as low as -220°F (-140°C).
  5. Mars has 2 moons called Deimos and Phobos, named after the two horses that pull the Roman God of war’s chariot.  
  6. A day on Mars lasts 24 hours and 37 minutes, while a year is 1.9 Earth years. 
Mars Facts printed pdf file page two shown in black and white with 5 interesting facts for kids about Mars
This is the second printable page in our Mars facts set!
  1. The tilt on Mars’ axis is 25 degrees, which means that the planet experiences seasons like we do. 
  2. Mars has a gravity 37% weaker than on Earth, which means you could jump 3x higher than on Earth. 
  3. Mars has many channels, plains, and canyons which could have been caused by water erosion.
  4. Mars has the highest mountain in our solar system, a volcano called Olympus Mons, which is three times the height of Mount Everest.

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Mars Facts printable pages shown on dark background with Kids Activities Blog logo and colorful accessories
Do you know these cool facts about Mars?


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