Choose from over 1,000 Family Activities & Crafts and Make a Memory Today!
When you think of family activities, you think of fun things to do at home!
Sure, there are always the family vacations and family events, but the truth is that most of our family memories come from every day.
Those little moments that happen.
Some planned. Many are not!

Family Bucket List: Fun Activities & Things to Do with Kids
Scroll below to find over 1k ideas of things you can do together as a family. Create your own family bucket list of things you want to make sure not to miss! Our family bucket list includes…
- Indoor “camping” complete with blanket tents and s’mores in the toaster oven.
- Play a competitive game of memory…it is funny how the youngest kids always seem to win that.
- Bake cookies. And bake more cookies!
- Movie night in the backyard with a sheet screen.
- Picnic at the park…even if it is cold.
- Make an obstacle course inside and time each other running through it.
- Play 4 square with the entire family.
- Learn to knit with your fingers.
- Make a holiday ornament for each member of the family.
- Bake homemade dog treats.
- Put together a big puzzle…leave it out on the dining room table!
- Play Monopoly.
- Play Poker using goldfish crackers as chips.
- Put on a puppet show with homemade puppets.
- Put on a shadow puppet show…don’t make it too scary.
- Dress up silly for dinner.
- Put hop scotch on the sidewalk in front of the house.
- Make a volcano.
- Make a hummingbird feeder.
- Watch a funny cat video together.
- Play tag.
- Wash the car.
- Wash the dog.
- Ride bikes.
- Paint with water.
Keep scrolling because there are so many more ideas that you won’t want to miss…

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