“Let Me See Your Candy Bowl” is such a great parody song! We know we all have to check our kids candy and we need to be generous hand out Halloween candy, but this song shows what usually happens. We chow down on the candy! Let’s watch a fun and playful Halloween video that will make you smile…and sing along.

Let me see your candy bowl video - Kids Activities Blog - skeleton hand reaching for candy
Let’s watch a fun Halloween video…

Let Me See Your Candy Bowl Song

We all know the Holderness family from the PJ videos, of course, and being protective parents on the playground, and lets lot forget sending their kids off to school.

Now, watch what happens after they take their kids out trick-or-treating!

Holderness Family Halloween Song Video

Can you relate?

How long does Halloween candy last in your house?

I know we’ve gone through several bags already…that candy bowl never stood a chance!

More Halloween Fun from Kids Activities Blog

Did you sing along with the Holderness family for Let me see your Candy Bowl?

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