We have the best Popsicle stick crafts guaranteed to bring oodles of fun to kids of all ages. A bag of craft sticks can keep kids creating for hours and is incredibly inexpensive. These popsicle stick craft ideas are great for home, camp, church or in the classroom!

30 Popsicle Stick Crafts for kids - 10 different popsicle craft ideas shown including puppets, plants and frames
What popsicle craft will you choose first?

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Popsicle Stick Crafts for Kids

We always have a bag of craft sticks at home for those afternoons of boredom! 

Related: Activities with popsicle sticks and Easy Clown Stick Puppet Craft Made from Paint Sticks

You can play games with them like these popsicle stick games or craft them into amazing popsicle stick art and more.

Popsicle Stick Crafts Kids Love

1. Make craft stick puppets

Craft stick puppets craft from Molly Moo Crafts - boy and girl holding craft stick puppets that look like them
Let’s make puppets out of popsicle sticks!

Turn family photos into fun moveable craft stick puppets with this craft from MollyMooCrafts.

2. Craft a popsicle stick wreath

Craft stick wreath craft for kids from Babble Dabble Do
Let’s make a popsicle stick wreath for a front door!

Decorate your front door with this color-popping craft stick wreath from Babbledabbledo! I want to try dip dying sticks right now! 

3. Make a Pretty Popsicle Stick Flower

Popsicle stick craft - brightly colored popsicle stick flowers with printable flower templates provided in a blue and green background
These popsicle stick flowers are so fun to make!

Check out all the fun you can have making an entire flower garden of beautiful popsicle stick flowers! Use our free flower template to make these fun flower crafts.

4. Learn to count with popsicle sticks

Powerful Mothering‘s fine motor skills project is also a fun color sorting activity that practices how to  count to 20 little hedgehog.

30 Children's Popsicle Stick Crafts for kids - 3 shown including weaving with popsicle sticks
Grab your craft sticks and get weaving!

5. Make Popsicle Stick Dolls

I’ve never witnessed my daughter so engaged, bordering on fanatic, about a craft as she was with these Craft Stick Dolls from Molly Moo Crafts!

6. Popsicle stick art project

How sweet is this bright and cheerful handprint flower garden craft with popsicle stick stems from Fun Handprint Art

7. Craft stick Scooby Doo craft

Scooby Doo popsicle stick dolls are such a great color mixing activity for learning primary and secondary colors through fun character rich crafting.

8. DIY weaving loom made of popsicle sticks

Buggy and Buddy‘s homemade weaving looms made with popsicle sticks are so pretty!

9. Make a Craft stick fairy door!

Invite some fairy magic into your home by making and hanging fairy doors! How sweet is this popsicle stick fairy door by Danya Banya?

30 Children's Popsicle Stick Crafts for kids - three shown including bracelets
Let’s bend our popsicle sticks into pretty bracelets!

10. Make Popsicle Stick Bracelets

Craft Stick Bracelets - 3 children wearing bent popsicle stick bracelets holding their hands together
Let’s bend popsicle sticks into bracelets!

Did you know you could bend popsicle sticks into bracelets? We will show you how fun this popsicle stick craft can be!

11. Easy Craft stick kitty craft

This is the cutest little craft stick kitty, from Mama Smiles, to accompany story time!

12. DIY Play mat with craft sticks

Let’s Do Something Crafty‘s Popsicle Stick Play Mat is such a smart idea for breathing new life into toys that haven’t been played with for a while.

13. Make craft stick Christmas ornaments

Popsicle Stick ornaments hanging on a Christmas tree
These popsicle stick ornaments are perfect for your tree…or as a gift!

These popsicle stick ornaments are soooo cute!  They are also really easy to make and turn out so cute on your tree.

14. Make popsicle stick animals

With Crafts By Amanda‘s Barnyard Farm Animals you can use you imagination to make any animal!

15. DIY Word spacers

Make word spacers out of popsicle sticks with this great idea from Therapy Fun Zone!

16. Popsicle stick abacus craft

Make an Abacus with popsicle sticks and beads!

30 Children's Popsicle Stick Crafts for kids - 2 projects shown including stick bombs
What are you going to craft with your popsicle sticks?

17. Craft photo frames from popsicle sticks

Make Classic craft stick frames  for the kids’ favorite family, pet and playdate photos! 

18. Make mom happy with craft sticks

How sweet is Crafty Morning’s Home is Where Mom Is  Popsicle Stick Mother’s Day Craft?

19. DIY craft stick plane

Build Your Own Glider with this clever craft idea by a 6yr old boy, inspired to create by his mom, Aysh on Jeddah Mom.

20. Popsicle Stick frog craft

popsicle stick frog craft with craft stick frog sitting on a craft paper lilly pad
This craft stick frog is the cutest!

This adorable frog craft uses craft sticks to make the curious frog.  I love the way this turns out even when little fingers do all the work.

21. Popsicle Stick Catapult Craft

DIY catapult made with popsicle sticks, rubber bands and a lid.
You won’t believe how easy it is to make a catapult!

Your toddler will absolutely love making a real working catapult with craft sticks. It is one of our most popular popsicle stick activities here at Kids Activities Blog. It is a great rainy day activity or playdate project! 

22. Create a craft stick alphabet garden

Buggy and Buddy‘s Alphabet Flower Garden is a perfectly pretty project for children to learn individual literacy skills through play!

23. Popsicle Stick Bookmark Craft

Popsicle stick crafts for kids - make Pokemon themed bookmarks for kids - three shown held by a hand in front of a Pokemon book

DIY Craft Stick Bookmarks make for a lovely activity for encouraging young readers especially Pokemon fans.

30 Children's Popsicle Stick Crafts for kids - 3 shown including a popsicle stick garden
These three popsicle stick crafts are some of my very favorite things to make with craft sticks!

24. DIY craft stick puzzles

Pequeocio‘s Popsicle Stick Puzzles are fun to make, fun to paint, and fun to play with! 

25. Craft popsicle stick oars

You just can’t beat a super simple  paper boat craft with popsicle stick oars! 

26. DIY building toy using popsicle sticks

Keep the kids busy while encouraging and building upon creative use and learning with Powerful Mothering‘s Velcro Dot Craft Stick Popsicle Stick Projects!

27. Craft Stick Flags

Make this popsicle stick American flag craft for kids
What fun to make a popsicle stick flag!

Make this really cute American flag craft made out of popsicle sticks.  It is easy and a lot of fun year round.

28. Popsicle stick play fences

Time to building Popsicle Stick Fences for small world farm play! Grab the little animals and get playing with this great tutorial from Powerful Mothering.

29. Make a Popsicle Craft with Popsicle Sticks

Popsicle stick crafts - make foam popsicles that look like popsicles with popsicle sticks
Make popsicles with popsicle sticks!

This cute popsicle craft is an easy way to make what looks like a popsicle out of craft paper and popsicle sticks!

30. Popsicle train fun

Craft sticks are perfect for making train tracks for small world pretend model train play. See the magic on Play Trains!

30 Children's Popsicle Stick Crafts for kids - popsicle stick building toy and fences made with craft sticks
I love the popsicle stick building toy – great for hours of fun!

What is the difference between a popsicle stick and a craft stick?

Traditionally popsicle sticks have been used for making popsicles (check out our list of over 50 popsicle recipes kids love) which means that after you eat the popsicle, you clean the popsicle stick!  Well, when it came to creating popsicle stick crafts, the thought of eating that many popsicles might be a problem. 

So, the craft stick was born.

Where to Buy Craft STicks

Craft sticks are sold in bulk and in different sizes and lengths making crafting much easier (and with less calories!).  Here are a few of my favorite craft sticks:

Even More Popsicle Stick Crafts  

Ran out of popsicle sticks? Check out these egg carton crafts!

What is your favorite craft stick craft to make with your child? Comment below! 

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  1. Engaging kids in such activities brings out their creativity in a full zeal and hence helps the parents and teachers to make their kids learn in an easy way.