Practicing sight word skills is fun with these sight word worksheets with a unicorn theme. These unicorn sight words printable worksheets are just what you need if you are looking for fun reading worksheet ideas that will help your child learn to read and write. Use our unicorn sight word worksheets at home or in the classroom for kids learning to read (ages 5-8).

unicorn sight words worksheet printed pdf shown on colorful background with writing supplies - Kids Activities Blog
These unicorn sight words printables make reading practice super fun for preschoolers and elementary school children.

Learning Sight Words

Learning how to read and write can be a fun task, especially if you add unicorn coloring activities to the mix. Kids learn best when they are having fun. Click purple button to download & print worksheet set:

Related: Sight word activities

What are sight words?

Sight words are words that young children are encouraged to memorize as a whole by sight rather than trying to sound them out. Learning sight words helps children how to read faster by being able to identify frequently used words without having to sound them out.

Related: Play a sight word game

Sight Word Practice Worksheet Set Includes

We have 2 unicorn sight words worksheets that kids of all ages can use and learn whether they’re at home or in the classroom.

1. Sea Of Sight Words Worksheet

The first page of our sight word worksheet set is a sea of sight words. On this page we have a word bank, clouds with sight words, and cute little unicorns. Can you find and circle the sight words in the picture? There are 6 sight words you will need to find and circle on this page. The sight words on this worksheet are: time, part, made, day, over, and may.

2. Sight Word Tracing Worksheet

Unicorn sight word coloring sheet with words to trace and a sentence to fill in, interspersed with cute colorable unicorn figures
Trace the word on the worksheet, write it on your own then color the cute unicorns!
  1. On the first sight word worksheet, have your child trace the word and say it out loud. Then let them write it on the blank line below.
  2. Read the next sentence aloud with them and let them fill in the blank with their newly-learned sight word.
  3. There is a cute picture of the unicorn from the sentence your child will have fun coloring that will help reinforce the meaning of the sentence at the same time.
  4. Then repeat these steps with the second sight word!
unicorn sight words worksheets- on colorful background with markers and coloring supplies- kids activities blog
Let’s practice our vocabulary with these unicorn sight words!

2. Sight Word IdentifY & Color Worksheet

  1. On the second unicorn sight word worksheet, have your child choose a color to circle a word from the word bank.
  2. Then search for the same sight word in the picture on the coloring sheet.
  3. Kids can circle the matching word or color in the cloud – whichever they like!

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Download & Print Sight Word Worksheet PDF Files Here

This sight word worksheet is sized for standard letter printer paper dimensions – 8.5 x 11 inches.

Children can color this unicorn sight words page with crayons or colored pencils after they are done finding the sight words!

RECOMMENDED SUPPLIES FOR Sight Word Worksheet Printables

More Free sight words printable Worksheets

I love reading games for kids, like this unicorn sight words printable, because they are a very helpful learning resource that can be done anytime, anywhere, with very little prep. Here are more sight word resources:

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How did you use the unicorn sight word worksheet?

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