We think every little kid goes through the phase where constructions vehicles are fascinating. And the garbage truck, especially those with arms to life the trash cans, holds a special fascination for most kids.

How many parents go through the phase of making sure they are out front on trash day so their kids can wave at the trucks and workers?

You can now buy plans to build your own garbage truck bunk bed, complete with a built-in desk and bookshelves.

Courtesy of HammerTree on Etsy

These plans, available on Etsy, are designed for a bunk bed holding two twin mattresses.

Courtesy of HammerTree on Etsy

But unlike a regular bunk bed, the entire set up is designed to look just like a garbage truck.

The front grill of the truck becomes a bookshelf. And the cab is a desk for two. But the best part of all?


The beds are the upper and lower parts of the actual truck bed, with the back of the truck’s stepping area leading up to the top bunk! There’s even faux wheels to complete the look.

Courtesy of HammerTree on Etsy

According to the Etsy listing, this bed can be built completely from wood you pick up at your local store. It does not require specialized power tools–if you can measure and cut 2x4s and work a power drill? You can build this awesome garbage truck bunk bed.


The company, HammerTreeLLC, sells plans for a variety of beds for kids, including a Construction Truck Bed, Tractor Bed, Robot Bed and Castle Bed.

If you would like to build a Garbage Truck Bunk Bed for your kids, the plans are available for just $32.50 on Etsy!


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