This holiday season, spoil your child’s teacher with 12 Days of Christmas Gifts for teachers with our free printable teacher gift tags. Teachers are incredibly important and in order to get gifts for each one it is important to find affordable Christmas gifts. I love these easy teacher Christmas gifts and so will your teacher.

Best Teacher Christmas Gift Ideas
We’ve made some free printable cards with simple present ideas found at some of our favorite retailers to make this affordable gift idea something your child’s teacher will be so excited for! Click green button to download the teacher gift tags.
The idea here is to present your child’s teacher with useful and fun smaller gifts over a series of 12 days, instead of one big gift right before the holiday.
Related: Need more teacher appreciation week ideas? <–We have a ton!
12 Days of Christmas Gifts for Teachers
Some of the items are more expensive than others, but there is a great mix of affordable options that will fit any budget.

These gift ideas are really flexible to shop at any of the tons of online retailers or favorite stores — some of my favorites are Amazon, Target, Walmart, World Market, and Trader Joe’s.
Here is my daily present schedule with free printable gift cards…
12 Days of Teacher Christmas Gifts

Day 1 Teacher Christmas Gift Ideas
On the first day of Christmas, my student brought to me…some caffeine to save my holiday sanity.
Day 2 Gift Ideas for Teachers Christmas
On the second day of Christmas, my student brought to me…a gingerbread house to decorate with my family.
Day 3 Teacher Christmas Gift Ideas
On the third day of Christmas, my student brought to me…gum & mints to make my breath fresh and minty!
Day 4 Gift Ideas for Teachers Christmas
On the fourth day of Christmas, my student brought to me…a holiday candle that smells like a Christmas tree!

Day 5 Teacher Christmas Gift Ideas
On the fifth day of Christmas, my student brought to me…a salty snack for someone extra sweet!
Day 6 Gift Ideas for Teachers Christmas
On the sixth day of Christmas, my student brought to me…hand soap to keep me healthy and germ-free!
Day 7 Teacher Christmas Gift Ideas
On the seventh day of Christmas, my student brought to me…wrapping paper for the presents under my tree!
Day 8 Gift Ideas for Teachers Christmas
On the eighth day of Christmas, my student brought to me…cards & envelopes to make some fun holiday stationary.

Day 9 Teacher Christmas Gift Ideas
On the ninth day of Christmas, my student brought to me…a box of tissues so my nose won’t be runny!
Day 10 Gift Ideas for Teachers Christmas
On the tenth day of Christmas, my student brought to me…yummy hot cocoa everyone’s favorite holiday drink!
Day 11 Teacher Christmas Gift Ideas
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my student brought to me…cookies to make for Santa on Christmas eve.
Day 12 Gift Ideas for Teachers Christmas
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my student brought to me…a gift card for dinner with my family!
Free Printable 12 Days of Christmas Gift Cards pdf File
Supplies Needed to make Gift Tags for Teacher Christmas Gifts
- Print our free cards
- Cut them out
- Attach to your items with ribbon!
You could also wrap each item individually in a gift bag and attach the cards with clothespins.
Gifts Needed for 12 Days of Christmas Gifts for Teachers
- Caffeine (we are giving our teacher a “coffee shot” but you could do a coffee gift card, favorite soda, etc)
- Gingerbread House kit
- Gum and Mints
- Holiday Candle
- Salty Snack
- Hand Soap
- Wrapping Paper
- Cards and Envelopes
- Box of Tissues
- Hot Cocoa
- Cookie Mix
- Gift Card for Dinner

Example of First Day of Christmas Teacher Gift
On the First Day of Christmas, my student brought to me, some caffeine to save my holiday sanity!

Example of Second Day of Christmas Teacher Gift
On the Second Day of Christmas, my student brought to me, a gingerbread house to decorate with my family!

Example of Fifth Day of Christmas Teacher Gift
I also picked up some chips and salsa, mints, and more grocery items from Trader Joe’s and World Market.

Example of Seventh Day of Christmas Teacher Gift
On the Seventh Day of Christmas, my student brought to me, wrapping paper for the presents under my tree!
Affordable Gift Ideas for Teachers Christmas
Whether your teacher is a preschool teacher, Kindergarten teacher, grade school teacher, middle school teacher, grammar school teacher, high school teacher, rhetoric school teacher, college professor, Sunday school teacher or you use these ideas for another adored friend or family, we know they will absolutely love that you thought of them this holiday season!
Aren’t they fun?!
I headed to Target and Trader Joe’s to pick up items for our 12 Days of Christmas Teacher Gifts. One of the deals that I found at Target was for J.R. Watkins Hand Soap, which fit perfectly with our 12 Days of Christmas gifts.
Teacher Christmas Gift Ideas FAQs
Giving gifts to teachers during the holiday season is not required by appreciated. Because there are several holidays that fall in the month of December, often a holiday gift or appreciation gift is best suited for the celebration.
When I did research on how much you should gift a teacher at Christmas, the results ranged from values from $10 to $50. Another popular option is to collect donations from the entire class and give a larger gift from the entire classroom.
What I love about traditions at holidays in modern times is that there are no hard and fast rules about what a present needs to look like! Make the gift look festive and fun and in the spirit of the holiday. Often a gift bag is the easiest way to wrap a present that doesn’t fit exactly into a box.
We haven’t kept the 12 Days of Christmas gifts anonymous, but love the idea of doing a “secret Santa” type event from the class!
Yes, teachers are people too! One thing to keep in mind is that teachers may get overwhelmed with a certain type of gift and if that is perishable, that could be a problem. Giving a teacher something that lasts a little longer or a gift card that they can use on their own schedule may help!
- Gifts for preschoolers can feel challenging, but we are here to help you with the mind of a 3-5 year old…!
- Here are some smart 2 year old Christmas gifts that make sense or if you have a 3 year old, check out these 3 year old Christmas gift ideas.
- These DIY Christmas gifts are so simple that even kids can help make them.
- We have a big list of Valentines gifts for kids and many of the ideas will work year ’round.
- DIY gifts for kids are way more fun than what you can find at the store.
- These teacher gift ideas are genius and are things teachers really want.
- Are you looking for best e gift cards? We have some digital gift ideas.
- Oh yes…you may need this awesome list of Frozen gifts for girls and boys.
- 12 Days of teacher Christmas gifts is super fun.
- These simple homemade Christmas magnets makes a great kid-made gift.
- You can make your own sugar scrub recipe to give as a gift.
- Give a box of balloons…literally!
- I love these easy gifts in a jar that are creative and fun to give.
- You can make your own watercolor Christmas tree tags.
- Free printable teacher gift card holders
- We have nearly 30 DIY teacher gift ideas that are a great way to say thanks!
This post was originally sponsored in 2019 & has been updated to reflect that this article is no longer sponsored.
I love these cards. Is there a specific template you use so I can make a couple customs cards that go with the gifts I chose for the 12 days. I believe these cards will not be editable before printing?