UPDATE:  I started this post over 4 years ago because I had a question on which subscription box for kids would be best for MY kids.  I figured if I had that question, others did!  There are SO MANY subscription boxes! Over the years, many have arrived at my mailbox and my kids have willingly participated in the deep investigative research you see below {giggle}.  Although the title of this article remains unchanged, the number of subscription boxes continues to grow! We all love to get mail.  It is one of the reasons why I think monthly subscription boxes are a popular choice for parents and those buying for kids this season. It is the gift that keeps giving past the holiday.   There are lots of different choices and each has a different slant, price and overall value. Monthly Subscription Boxes For Kids

Which Craft Subscription for Kids is Best?

I did some research to narrow down the choices to 10 subscription craft boxes for kids and then ordered all 10 to get the story on which is the best fit.  In my case, I had my 7 year old youngest son in mind and I decided not to try anything that was more than $30 a month.  I also wanted to make sure I could cancel the subscription after the first month easily so I didn’t end up with 120 boxes by year end! Over the last month Rhett and I have been in research mode – intensely playing with each of the subscription boxes for kids that we ordered to give you our thoughts.  For each box, I have taken a picture of the supplies we received and then an assortment of photos from the projects we made.  If we missed any boxes, please comment below and we will try them out! We ordered 10, but only received 9 in the first month.  I will be updating this article as more arrive.  Any of the boxes that offered an affiliate program have affiliate program links below.  Since this article first was published, I was sent several boxes to add to this post as a sample {no cost to me} – Animal Trackers & Space Scouts.  I also have worked with both Kiwi Crate and Green Kids Crafts in 2014.

Kiwi Crate

Subscription Boxes for Kids - Kiwi Crate contents

Kiwi Crate  –  Kiwi Crate  is a hands-on learning box that includes art, science, games and more for kids ages 5-8. —>Kiwi Crate is offering an exclusive discount for Kids Activities Blog readers (yay!) for 30% off first month pricing (new customers only) plus free shipping with the Kiwi Crate coupon code:  KAB30! Kiwi Crate Pricing:
  1. One month = $19.95 + shipping
  2. 3 months = $60 with free shipping
  3. Year = $205
Ordering a Kiwi Crate Craft Subscription:  The Kiwi Crate website is bright and easy to navigate.  When I selected one crate, I was sent to choose which one I wanted!  Yay.  I chose Robot Rally because it just looked fun.  When I chose it, I also had the option of starting my subscription with that box.  Since I was ordering just one month, I had to pay for shipping which ended up to be $4.95.  At the end of my purchase I could create an account by adding a password.  Cancelation was via email.

Kiwi Crate Craft Subscription for Kids - Kids Activities Blog

Kiwi Crate Craft and Activity Subscriptions for Kids

Kiwi Crate packaging is amazing and it doesn’t stop inside.  Everything we needed to create two different robot projects was inside the box.  The first project was a robot that we assembled and then used a magnet to guide him along a path or maze.  Rhett made extra mazes for him to travel.  The second was a wind-up toy that we covered with a custom robot cover.  Then created trailers, trains and things for him to pull. The additional suggested activities included making a large robot out of boxes.  Rhett insisted on doing that and we spent the afternoon upcycling cardboard boxes from our recycling bin int a large robot.


What we liked best about the Kiwi Crate crafts subscription box:   My 10 year old got involved too – he couldn’t help himself.  The two boys created robots for 2 1/2 hours that afternoon without fighting.  The activities were ones that I would never have thought of on my own and were very clever.

Tinker Crate

Tinker Crate from Kiwi Crate - Kids Activities Blog Tinker CrateTinker Crate is from Kiwi Crate and specifically aimed at older kids.  The age range suggestion is 9-14.  Rhett is now 8 and due to years of independent building, this set was very appropriate for him.  Sets hold one major project with all supplies and suggestions for modifications. —>We are thrilled that Tinker Crate has created an exclusive discount for Kids Activities Blog readers with the Tinker Crate coupon code:  KAB30  – this will get you 30% off the first month plus free shipping for first time customers. Tinker Crate pricing:
  1. 1 month = $19.95 + shipping
  2. 3 months = $59.85 + shipping
  3. 6 months = $111.00 + shipping
  4. 1 year = $203.40 + shipping
Ordering Tinker Crate activity boxes for kids:  Tinker Crate is part of Kiwi Crate’s website which makes it simple to order and track your order.  There is very little to fill out in the process and each time I have ordered, it has been very easy.  Each of the subscriptions do auto-renew, but logging in and making subscription changes isn’t a problem.  I did like that when I ordered several subscriptions {to try different boxes} and used Rhett’s name each time they flagged it and asked if I really DID want to send that many subscriptions to the same kid!

Tinker Crate Subscription Box for kids - Kids Activities BlogTinker Crate Subscription Box for Kids

Tinker Crate arrives in a lovely package that Rhett couldn’t wait to open.  This subscription series from Kiwi Crate is a little different than some of the other boxes because it is aimed for older kids and had a building project vs. a craft or activity.  Our Tinker Crate was a trebuchet. But it wasn’t just any trebuchet.  It was a series of wooden pieces that fit together that built a serious catapult! Rhett read the detailed instructions and built the toy.  There were two different projectiles included in the kit.  Before I knew it, he was making modifications to weight the trebuchet basket and change the string length, etc. to try and improve accuracy.  When we looked at the instructions closer, we found that many of the things he tried were suggested.  Because of the size and strength, it is something that has now become part of our toy collection and sits next to our castle in the play room.   What we liked about Tinker Crate:   The age target was perfect.  While Rhett was building it, his 11 & 13 year old brothers joined in on the fun.  Any of my boys would appreciate this activity.  I loved how sturdy the end-product was.  With three boys in the house, not many thing last long!  It seemed to be a good value.

Doodle Crate

Update: This is a new addition to this list as of June 2017! Fueling Kids Creativity with Doodle Crate Subscription Box Doodle Crate – Doodle Crate is a kids subscription box that is a part of the Kiwi Crate family. It is geared towards kids ages 9-16+ and is filled with creative art projects. Doodle Crate Pricing:
  1. Monthly = $19.95 per month
  2. 3 months = $19.95 per month
  3. 6 months = $18.50 per month
  4. 12 months = $16.95 per month
Ordering Doodle Crate subscription box for kids: Doodle Crate is a part of the Kiwi Crate website which is really convenient if you have different kids who are subscribing to different boxes. The subscription does auto renew so you will want to be aware of that, but changing or canceling your subscription is very simple. Fueling Kids Creativity with Doodle Crate

Doodle Crate Subscription Box for Kids

Our Doodle Crate subscription box was really fun and included lots of painting which I think every kids loves. It came with 2 different pouches for pencils or other items for us to decorate and paint. We used the provided Washi tape to make different designs on the pouches. The quality of the items in the subscription box are really great. It has been months since we have done this activity and the bags with the paint on them are still holding up great. This box also included items to create a pom pom tie out of yarn for the zipper. It also came with a cute little blank paged booklet for drawing! What we liked about Doodle Crate: It was high quality products and really encouraged kids to mix the paint colors and doodle however they wanted to! Do you want to SEE what was in our Doodle Crate box? Fueling Kids Creativity with Doodle Crate

Koala Crate

Update: This is a new addition to this list as of June 2017! Koala Crate Subscription Box Koala Crate – Koala Crate is also a part of the Kiwi Crate family. This particular subscription box is geared towards children ages 3-4 and is filled with creative materials to help preschool aged children learn. Koala Crate Pricing:
  1. Monthly = $19.95 per month
  2. 3 months = $19.95 per month
  3. 6 months = $18.50 per month
  4. 12 months = $16.95 per month
Ordering Koala Crate subscription box for kids: The ordering was very simple since it is also included on the Kiwi Crate website with other subscription boxes in different age ranges. This is the perfect company to order from if you have kids different ages who all want a subscription box because it is all included on one website. Be aware that subscriptions do auto renew, but you are allowed to cancel at any time.

Koala Crate Subscription Box for Kids

The Koala Crate subscription box was perfectly designed for preschoolers. My daughter was the perfect age for this activity and with very little assistance she was able to understand what she was learning. We received enough materials to make a tiny “town” with roads and stop signs. It was fun for her to play imaginatively with the materials. It also came with a ramp for her to roll her truck down and see how far it could go. Then afterwards the subscription came with “magic ink” paper where she was able to dip the truck tires in water and make patterns along the paper.   She had a blast with it and was able to take the tiny town she had made back to her room for more play after we were finished with the activities in the box. What we liked about Koala Crate: The activities were designed perfectly for the preschool age group! Do you want to SEE what was in our Koala Crate box? Learning Transportation with Koala Crate

Green Kid Crafts

Green Kids Crafts Subscription Craft Box for Kids - Kids Activities Blog

Green Kid CraftsGreen Kid Crafts is an award winning and earth friendly subscription of art boxes for kids. Each box has 3-4 creativity and science kits designed by experts to build confidence, flex creativity and engage kids with the world around them. All materials and instructions are included. —->Green Kid Crafts is offering Kids Activities Blog readers an exclusive discount!  Use Green Kid Crafts coupon code:  KIDS50 for 50% off the first month of a new subscription! Green Kid Crafts price:
  1. One month = $19.95
  2. 3 months = $59.85
  3. 6 months = $113.70
  4. 1 Year = $215.40
  5. Siblings can be added to the subscription for about $10/month
Ordering a Green Kid Crafts Kit:  The Green Kid Crafts website has a lot of information, but is really easy to use.  The ordering process was simple and I was given a order summary right after I completed the process.  It also gave me an immediate link to tweet for commission on sales from friends which is kinda cool.  I was also given an immediate login to manage my account.  Cancellations happen via email per FAQs on the site.  When I did cancel, I received a quick confirmation.

Green Kid Crafts Craft Subscription Box for Kids featured on Kids Activities Blog

Green Kid Crafts Craft Subscription for Kids

Green Kid Crafts was one of two craft subscription kits that I had been familiar with before I started on this journey.  A few years ago we reviewed a box they sent as here on Kids Activities Blog.  It was a positive experience back then and Rhett loved this one as well. Our box {and the packaging is really cute} included three projects:
      • Photo frame project – small {could be used as an ornament}
      • Tape resist painting
      • Card-making kit
      • Bonus:  Wrapping paper making from the packaging supplies
Rhett started on the tape resist before I even showed him what to do.  He loved that project.  He also completed the photo frame and took it to his teacher at school before I could get a picture of it!  I take that as a sign that he really enjoyed the projects. The supplies are bright and colorful and just made us happy to look at them. What we liked best about the Green Kid Craft kit:  Everything is simple, organized and easy for kids.  Rhett was able to do all the projects on his own without help from me unless I wanted to be involved. Do you want to SEE what was in our Green Kid Craft boxes? They are really cool! Check them out: Simple Kitchen Science The Craft Box to Rule Them All Gift That Keeps Giving

Steve Spangler STEMlab

STEMlab Subscription Box for Kids Steve Spangler STEMLab – Steve Spangler’s STEMLab is a monthly subscription box that is filled with science tools for STEM related activities. It is perfect for kids ranging from ages 7-14, but I am an adult and had a blast doing the projects too! STEMLab Box Pricing:
  1. 1 month = $19.95 + shipping
  2. 3 months = $59.85 + shipping
  3. 12 months = $239.40 + shipping
Ordering STEMLab: The STEMLab boxes are all $19.95 per month, the price doesn’t change by the length of the subscription you are ordering which is nice. There are actually 3 different STEM subscription boxes that you can order from Steve Spangler’s subscription service, but we went with the STEMLab box which is noted as the most popular option on the website. The ordering is pretty straight forward too. If you order the 1 month service you are billed once a month, if you order the 3 month service you are billed every 3 months, and if you order the 12 month service you are billed every 12 months. You must cancel your subscription if you want to stop getting boxes. STEMlab Subscription Box for Kids

Steve Spangler STEMLab Subscription for Kids

Our STEMLab boxes had four different science related activities to do. It took us about an hour total to go through all of the experiments. Each one of the activities comes with all of the materials you need plus a detailed instruction card on how to complete the experiment. Our box included projects on Newton’s Laws of Motion so during each activity we learned about the different Laws of Motion and how they applied to the particular experiment. We did our projects with the materials included which was a bottle, beads, a cup, hex nuts, a balloon, a penny, and a ring! It was fun to do these experiments with everyday materials!   What we liked about STEMLab: Each activity card has a full lesson on why the experiment worked the way that it did. So we learned Newton’s Laws of Motion while having fun! This box is perfect for any Science lover.

DIY Happy Kits

Update: This is a new addition to this list as of June 2017!

Learning Simple Machines with The Happy Trunk DIY Happy Kits – DIY Happy Kits is a monthly subscription box service that sends boxes full of arts, crafts, and DIY science experiments to children ages 6 and older! DIY Happy Kits Pricing:
  1. 3 months prepaid = $60.00 + shipping
  2. 6 months prepaid = $110.00 + shipping
  3. Quarterly prepaid = $100.00 + shipping
Ordering DIY Happy Kits: Although the ordering is quite simple on the DIY Happy Kits website, there are some purchasing options that you might not see unless you dig around for them. In addition to their regular subscription lengths, if you click on the “quarterly prepaid” option it also gives you the option to purchase a single box, 2 boxes, or 3 boxes. All of the subscriptions are prepaid so you don’t have to worry about them charging your card each month and you can also pay through PayPal! Learning Simple Machines with The Happy Trunk

DIY Happy Kits Subscription for Kids

Each DIY Happy Kit your child will receive will have all of the materials in it to complete two different projects. In our subscription box we learned about simple machines and got to experiment with creating the machine and then learning how each simple machine worked. Our activities mixed both science and art. DIY Happy Kits provided art materials in our kit for the kids to decorate their simple machines and express their creativity. What we liked about DIY Happy Kits: The simple machines were really fun to make, but also were a really great teaching tool. The simple machines were also something kids can play with long after they are finished with the kit activities. Do you want to SEE what was in our DIY Happy Kit?  Learning Simple Machines with Happy Trunk (DIY Happy Kits is formerly known as Happy Trunk)

Animal Trackers

Animal Trackers Subscription Box for Kids - Kids Activities Blog Animal TrackersAnimal Trackers is a monthly learning activity subscription box for kids that is all about animals.  It is for ages 3 and up.  It starts with an intro box and then each box after that is specific to a new animal. Animal Trackers Pricing:
  1. 1 Month = $11.95 + $3 shipping
  2. 3 Months = $36 + $9 shipping
  3. 6 Months = $70 + $18 shipping
  4. 1 year = $135 + $36 shipping
  5. 15 Months = $167 + $45 shipping
Ordering Animal Trackers:  Animal Trackers shares a website with another subscription box for kids – Space Scouts {see below}.  The site is simple with just a few options and easily points through the ordering process without much trouble.  An account is made during those steps that allow you to cancel at a later time. Animal Trackers Subscription for Kids - Kids Activities Blog

Animal Trackers Subscription for Kids

We received the first Animal Trackers activity box which included a metal lunchbox, a set of animal playing cards with instructions for several games, some landscape cards with puffy stickers, an information sheet, an animal ring ready to add more cards and a pencil. Each subsequent box would center around an animal with crafts, activities and games.  The second month of Animal Trackers was a zebra box with a zebra craft, a zebra toy, zebra mask and several other zebra-themed activities.   What we liked about Animal Trackers:  Animal Trackers is aimed at the younger kids and is something I really think my kids would have liked in those early years.  There is a lot of animal learning snuck in the fun.

Little Passports

Little Passports Subscription Box for Kids - Kids Activities Blog

Little Passports  – Little Passports  is a ticket to an exciting global adventure.  Inspire a love and understanding of the world as your child learns about a new country every month or embark on an adventure around the United States of America.  The world edition is recommended for ages 5-10.  The USA edition is for kids ages 7-12. They also offer an early explorers edition for younger kids ages 3-5 and a science expeditions edition for kids 9 and up! Little Passports Pricing (World Edition):
  1. One month = $14.95 + $3 shipping
  2. 6 months = $83.70 + $18 shipping (which is $13.95 a month)
  3. Year = $155.40 + $36 shipping (one-time payment)
Ordering Little Passports Activity Kits for Kids:  The Little Passports website made me want to order both the world and US editions.  But, I restrained myself and went with the world edition.  There was a coupon code ON the site which gave me another $5 off which I adored.  I chose the 3 month plan which was $41.84 minus $5 and plus a $12 shipping charge to my Texas home. (Update: Little Passports no longer offers the 3 month plan). Little Passports Subscription for Kids - Kids Activities Blog

Little Passports Subscription for Kids

The first Little Passports box contains the adorable Little Passports suitcase.  It also had a passport, boarding pass, post card, large map and an activity sheet.  Rhett was excited about the suitcase. From what I can tell, future months will fill the suitcase with activities surrounding 2 countries each month.  We are looking forward to what next month has in store for us. What we liked best about the Little Passports Subscription:  The supplies are high quality and are things that Rhett will definitely keep for a long time.  It is fun to see what is in store for us each month as the activities build on one another.

Space Scouts

Space Scouts Subscription Activity Box - Kids Activities Blog Space ScoutsSpace Scouts is a monthly learning activity box for kids that builds each month on space knowledge.  It is aimed for ages 6 and up.  I would suggest 6-11 would be appropriate.  The first month sets up the entire series with a few items that are added to each month. Space Scout Activity Box Prices:
  1. 1 Month = $11.95 + $3 shipping
  2. 3 Months = $36 + $9 shipping
  3. 6 Months = $70 + $18 shipping
  4. 1 year = $135 + $36 shipping
Ordering Space Scouts Subscription Box:  The Space Scouts website is shared with Animal Trackers and both have very easy ordering processes.  There is a simple drop down menu to choose which plan works best.  Once that is chosen, you are lead through creating an account with Space Scouts. Space Scouts Subscription for Kids - Kids Activities Blog

Space Scouts Learning Activity Subscription for Kids

Space Scouts arrived and Rhett showed an interest in the lunchbox component.  The first box has a metal Space Scouts lunchbox as well as a constellation card cover and ring – both will be added to with additional subscription boxes.  There was a big, bright space poster and several activities. The favorite activity was the sticker scramble picture.  Rhett also liked using the wax sticks to complete a dot-to-dot.  There was some colorful educational information about space and an intro letter.  The last thing we completed was the worksheet.   What we liked about Space Scouts:  Both the sticker scramble and the wax sticks were things that we had never done.  I thought it was clever to have these items included in the first box for fun.  In future boxes, there will be magnets to add to the metal lunchbox and constellation cards to the ring. Do you want to SEE what was in our Space Scouts box? It is are really cool! Check it out: Space Scouts Subscription Boxes for Kids

Surprise Ride

Subscription Boxes for Kids - Surprise Ride

Surprise Ride  –  Surprise Ride  are themed hands-on activities to explore art, science, cooking, magic and more.  It is perfect for ages 6-11 and includes supplies and instructions. The Surprise Ride Price:
  1. One month = $24 + shipping
  2. 6 months = $120 + shipping (one time payment)
  3. Year = $228 (one time payment)
Ordering Surprise Ride Craft Kits:  The Surprise Ride website worked well.  There were more boxes to fill out when checking out, but they were simple.  I was able to use a credit card and given a order number after it was placed.  In the process of checking out, I was lead through setting up an account which is where I will need to change my subscription settings.  This was one of the few sites that told me how to make subscription changes.  Canceling was easy. Surprise Ride Subscription Craft Box for Kids - Kids Activities Blog

Surprise Ride Craft Subscription for Kids

Surprise Ride packaging is bright and fun.  It was the first box to arrive so Rhett was super excited to open it.  It was all about the country of Japan which coincidentally has been of interest to him for awhile. There were two main crafts in the box, but also some information about the country, a book, some snacks and souvenirs as well.  The eraser animal was immediately put in his school pencil box. The first craft we tackled was to add lots of color to a Japanese lantern.  There was even a little light that could be added once we were done to make it glow.  The second was a series of origami with corresponding colorful paper.  We made several of the simpler ones, but I have found that origami is not a strength of mine so we were limited by my skill level.  Despite my inabilities, Rhett adored everything that we did that afternoon.  Everything we needed to make the crafts were included in the box. What we liked best about the Surprise Ride craft box:  The Surprise Ride boxes are well put together and every element in the box has a reason.  Rhett loved the chocolate sticks that were a sample of food from Japan.  Several of the other things included have been relocated to his personal treasure box.

Sensory TheraPlay

Update: This is a new addition to this list as of June 2017! Sensory TheraPlay Subscription Box Sensory TheraPlay – The Sensory TheraPlay subscription box is a monthly subscription service that sends sensory toys and activities to your child at home. The recommended age group for this  subscription box is 4-9 years old, but since this box is specifically for children with special needs it is really up to your discretion. Sensory TheraPlay Price:
  1. Month to Month = $39.95 (renews each month)
  2. 3 month = $113.85 (prepaid)
Ordering Sensory TheraPlay Subscription Box: Ordering the subscription box is really easy. You simply head to their “get started” page where you are prompted to choose which term length you would like to purchase. If you choose the month to month option your card will be charged one time initially and then again on the 15th of each month. You can cancel your subscription anytime you want. Sensory TheraPlay Subscription Box

Sensory TheraPlay Subscription Box for Kids

There were 6 different sensory toys that came in our subscription box. Each one of them were high quality toys that we would have chosen on our own. Some of the toys were “fidget” type toys that help with self-regulation and help control impulsive behaviors. Some of the toys were intended to relax your child as well like the bath bomb or the squishy animals. What we liked best about Sensory TheraPlay: It is a well curated box of toys that can really help children with special needs. Many parents have a hard time finding toys that can help their child and this subscription box makes it easier for parents to do that.

Toka Box

Update: This is a new addition to this list as of June 2017! Toka Subscription Box for Kids Toka Box – The Toka Box is a subscription box service for kids that has two different tiers of boxes for different age groups. Toka Box Junior is for ages 3-5 and Toka Box Explorer is for ages 5-8. Each box focuses on literary skills, STEAM skills, school readiness, and life skills. Toka Box Pricing:
  1. 1 month = $24.99 per month
  2. 3 month = $18.75 per month
  3. 6 month = $17.50 per month
  4. 12 month = $16.50 per month
Ordering Toka Box subscription for kids: There are several different areas to sign up for your subscription on the Toka Box website which makes the sign up process pretty easy. The subscriptions all auto renew, but you are able to cancel your subscription at any time. Toka Subscription Box for Kids

Toka Box Subscription for Kids

The Toka Boxes that we received included crafts and activities for the kids to complete. Each box also included a picture book for kids to read and learn from. Both activities were painting and crafting activities. In the first one we created a “plate” by painting and decorating a template that was provided. The second activity was a DIY menu chalkboard. We used the provided materials to paint and put together the lion themed menu board. What we liked about Toka Box: We really enjoyed having the picture books to add to our collection.

Ivy Kids

ivy kids subscription boxes for kids   Ivy Kids  – Ivy Kids  is a monthly educational subscription box for children 3-8.  Their activities are centered around quality time with kids.  Each box has the tools for a solid foundation in math, literacy, and science.  Each kit has a personalized item. Ivy Kids price:
  1. One month = $38.95
  2. 3 months = $110.85
  3. 6 months = $209.70
  4. Siblings can be added to the subscription for $5/month
New subscribers receive 20% off their first kit with promo code:  IVY20 Ordering an Ivy Kids Kit:  The Ivy Kids website has a lot of information, but is really easy to use.  The ordering process was simple and I was given a order summary right after I completed the process.  I liked that it was obvious as to which kit would arrive first. ivy kids subscription kit for kids - Kids Activities Blog  

Ivy Kids Activity Subscription Box for Kids

Inside the Ivy Kids box were a dozen learning activities!  Each is centered around a theme.  This box’s theme was frogs.  Everything we needed to do all 12 activities was included.  We used these for our homeschooling, but they are so fun the kids wouldn’t even have noticed the learning aspect.   What we liked best about Ivy Kids:  There was a book which was the centerpiece to all the learning activities.  It was an easy fit into our preschool curriculum because everything needed was included and they were activities we really enjoyed. Do you want to SEE what was in our Ivy Kids boxes? They are really cool! Check them out: Ivy Kids Subscription Box Ivy Kids – Monthly Activities


Nerd Block Jr.

Nerd Block Jr Subscription Box for Kids - Kids Activities Blog Nerd Block Jr – Nerd Block has expanded to include Nerd Block Jr!  You can choose a Nerd Block Jr subscription for boys or a Nerd Block Jr subscription for girls.  These are a little different than all the other choices on this list because it is more about fun and new products vs. activities.  It is awesome “nerd gear” for ages 6-11. The Nerd Block Jr Subscription Price:
  1. One month = $19.95
  2. 3 months = $53.97 + shipping (one time payment)
  3. 6 months = $101.94 + shipping (one time payment)
  4. Year = $191.88 + shipping (one time payment)
Ordering Nerd Block Jr:  The Nerd Block Jr order process happens on the already existing Nerd Block.  It is graphic and simple. Nerd Block Jr Subscription Box contents

Nerd Block Junior Subscription Box for Kids

Inside the Nerd Block Jr box was a collection of toys.  Our box had a slap watch, a PENGUINS comic book, an eraser 3D puzzle, an Ironman action figure, and a Zombie micro-figure. My boys were really excited to see this arrive and were bugging me daily to get the pictures taken so they could play with the contents!   What we liked best about the Nerd Block Junior box:  Everything that was in the box is something that my boys love.  These are all things they would have bought if they saw them in the store and had the allowance money to cover it!  The slap watch was surprisingly the most popular.  Someone in my house has been wearing it since I finally handed it over.



Xplore Box

Subscription Boxes for Kids - Xplore Box

Xplore Box  –  Xplore Box  engages kids to take an interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by delivering hands-on kits and toys each month through a subscription service.  Great for kids ages 7-12. The Xplore Box Price:
  1. One month = $29.95 with free shipping
  2. 3 months = $89.85
  3. Year = $323.40
Ordering Xplore Box Science Activities for Kids***Update: Xplore Box no longer offers their subscription box service*** The Xplore Box website only has a few choices which made it easy.  The payment system sent me directly to paypal and there was no choice to just choose one month.  It did return me to a page on Xplore Box which let me know that they had my proper shipping address and gave me an order number.  After I received my box, Xplore Box was one of the two sites that let me cancel my subscription easily within my login with the push of one button.

Xplore Box Subscription Box for Kids - Kids Activities Blog

Xplore Box Science Activities for Kids

The Xplore Box was another one that arrived shortly after we ordered it.  It was FULL of stuff all about space.  There were two main projects – a baking soda rocket and a soda bottle rocket.  Rhett was thrilled to see astronaut ice cream was one of the box supplies. There was a long list of things we needed to build the baking soda and soda bottle rockets.  We had the things on hand for the baking soda rocket and played with that for a long time.  It was a really clever activity that we both thoroughly enjoyed.  The soda bottle rocket was much more complex and overwhelming activity that we have not done and likely will not. What we liked best about the Xplore Box:  I liked the baking soda rocket, but Rhett overruled me with his love for the astronaut ice cream which he DID share with his brothers.

Carefree Crafts

Carefree Crafts Subscription Box for Kids - Kids Activities Blog Carefree Crafts – New craft packages each month filled with 5 holiday or seasonal-themed craft kits.  These crafts are meant to be assembled by kids aged 3-7 with their parents and caregivers. The Carefree Crafts Subscription Price:
  1. One month = $17.95 with free shipping
  2. 3 months = $58.85
  3. Year = $179.95
Ordering Carefree Crafts:  ***Update: Carefree Crafts no longer offers their subscription box service, but their craft box sets are still available to purchase*** The Carefree Crafts website was a little confusing at first because they have both subscription and box sets available.  I wanted to get one month of the subscription and was ordering on October 26 and my only choice was to order the Halloween craft set even though Halloween was only 5 days away.  I decided to return later so I could receive a non-Halloween kit.  When I ordered later, it was the Thanksgiving craft kit that was available which arrived within a week. I thought I had just ordered one month, but received an email later saying that my next month’s box would arrive in January, but it was easily canceled with an email. Carefree Crafts Subscription Craft Kit for Kids - Kids Activities Blog

Carefree Craft Subscription Box for Kids

Inside the Carefree Craft envelope was 6 holiday craft projects.  Rhett was pretty excited because there was lots to do.  The Thanksgiving crafts were:
  1. Leaf Wreath
  2. Pilgrim Hat
  3. Turkey
  4. Paper pumpkin
  5. Thankful tree
  6. Indian corn craft
There was everything we needed to make all 6 crafts in the box.  I liked that many of the things were assembled with glue dots since Rhett was able to do that by himself.  In fact, most of the things included he was able to do without much help.  His favorite craft was the turkey.  I thought the corn came out pretty cute.   What we liked best about the Carefree Craft kit:  There is a lot of craft for the money in these kits and no waste.  We used everything inside for about 1 1/2 hours of fun.  We put all our projects on display for the holiday.  This was Rhett’s top pick when asked which subscription he liked the best.

Crafting Our Kids

Crafting Our Kids Craft Subscription Box for Kids - Kids Activities Blog

Crafting Our Kids   – delivers fun and creativity to kids’ mailboxes each month. The Crafting Our Kids Price:
  1. One month = $21.99
  2. 3 months = $65.97
  3. Year = $224.30
Ordering Crafting Our Kids Kits:  ***Update: Crafting Our Kids no longer offers their subscription box service*** The Crafting Our Kids website was a bit challenging to complete an order.  The child’s information and shipping address were entered awkwardly and then it appeared I was done.  Except, I hadn’t paid yet.  At the bottom of the page was a small paypal button that needed to be pushed as well to complete the order.  It said “pay as you go” so I assumed I didn’t have to cancel the subscription, but was charged again the next month.

Crafting Our Kids Monthly Craft Subscription Box for Kids

Crafting Our Kids Craft Subscription Kit for Kids

The Crafting Our Kids envelope had two large projects inside that were holiday related.  One was a “Thankful” banner to hang and the other was a very large snowflake.  Everything we needed to make both crafts were included.

Rhett loved the snowflake craft.  It had a large template so he was able to do it completely by himself with just a little verbal guidance.  The Thankful banner was a little more challenging.  The according folding was made easier by pre-scored paper, but he was still unable to fold them by himself.  I obviously should have helped him with the letters because our “Thankful” has several of the letters backwards!

What we like best about the Crafting Our Kids Craft Kit: I thought both projects were really creative.  They are things I would never have thought to do on my own.  The snowflake will be something that Rhett saves for a very long time.

Foldigo Subscription for Kids

Subscription Boxes for Kids - Foldigo Foldigo – Foldigo sends new activity packs each month.  With a subscription, kids receive a new story and an activity pack with die-cut paper toys.  It appears that the story continues each month and you can order the entire story which will be complete after 6 months. The Foldigo Price:
  1. One month = $11.95 with free shipping
  2. Full series (6 months) = $60
  3. Digital version – PDF printables delivered via email = $4.95/month
Ordering a Foldigo Subscription:  ***Update: Foldigo no longer offers their subscription box service*** The Foldigo website is very simple and before I knew it I had purchased one month with the only payment option being a reoccurring monthly paypal withdrawal.  It didn’t ever ask me for my mailing address which made me go and check that my paypal mailing address was up to date. When I did cancel the membership, it was by email and I received a response right away confirming the cancellation. Foldigo Subscription for Kids - Kids Activities Blog

Foldigo Subscription for Kids

We received our Foldigo Subscription within a few weeks and it was packaged in a flat envelope.  Inside was a story and foldable versions of the house and characters.  The actual folding process for several of the projects was pretty advanced.  The house wasn’t too complicated, but needed a craft knife instead of scissors to cut properly.  It was the bulldog 3D animal that took me 45 minutes to fold.  Rhett was done with everything else long before I finished.


What we liked best about the Foldigo Subscription:  Rhett really liked the pop-up house.  I think the less expensive pdf version is a great option – you would be able to get 6 months of activities for the price of what just one month costs for some of the other subscriptions.

Together Box

Together Box Subscription Box for Kids - Kids Activities Blog TogetherBox – TogetherBox will land on your doorstep with everything you need for hours of family fun.  Open and find 3-4 unique activities to enjoy together. The TogetherBox Price:
  1. One month = $29
  2. 3 months = $81 (pay upfront)
  3. Year = $288 (pay upfront each 6 months)
The TogetherBox Activity kit ordering process***Update: TogetherBox no longer offers their subscription box service*** TogetherBox’s website was one of the easiest to use and purchase.  It instantly gave me an order number and terms which did show that I would need to cancel my subscription.  It was one of the two websites that made it easy for me to cancel my subscription within the login area and not have to email them. Together Box Subscription Activities and Crafts for Kids - Kids Activities Blog

TogetherBox Activity Subscription for Kids

TogetherBox arrives in a cute box with coordinating packaging and simple instructions.  Our box was called “glow box” and everything inside glowed in the dark.  There was two crafts and a series of games to be played in the dark with a set of cups and a ball. Rhett immediately wanted to create a custom t-shirt for one of his stuffed animals.  The kit included everything we needed including glow-in-the-dark puffy paint.  He copied the enclose information about constellations to create an abstract big dipper on his t-shirt.  I was surprised how excited he was about this project.  We used the stars that were intended to be hung on a wall or ceiling to create glowing constellations as a stencil for his art. The other activities were  a series of games that we played that evening after dark.  There was glowing bowling, ring toss and hide-and-seek.  All the boys got involved because…who doesn’t love a good in-the-dark game? What we liked best about the TogetherBox craft and activity box:  Each of these activities and crafts were very unique.  It was well-themed and we did them all.  I liked the simplicity of the activities and the kids were really engaged in them!  It wasn’t clear what age was intended for these boxes, but they are really for multiple ages and could easily be modified for younger or older kids.

Subscription Boxes for Kids

10 Craft and Activity Subscription Boxes For Kids Compared on Kids Activities Blog We had a ton of fun investigating these boxes.  There is one more on the way from The Happy Trunk.  I will update this post after it arrives {and then we really WILL have 10!}.  I hope you can find the perfect subscription box for the kids on your list. Ps- Keep it all organized!  We LOVE this ‘declutter & organize the house’ course!  It’s perfect for busy families (written by a mom of four).

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