I heart muffins. One of the best things about muffins is that they are not that hard to bake!  Yay!  It is a win-win for muffin lovers everywhere. But which muffin recipes are the best? I have done the research (it was grueling) and have come up with a top 12 list of muffin recipes that you don’t want to miss if you heart muffins too!

I heart muffins - 12 best muffin recipes from Kids Activities Blog - variety of muffin types pictured
Oh how I heart muffins!

Best Muffin Recipes

Here are the top 12 muffin recipes families need to try ASAP! I mean, muffins are essential!

More Muffin Goodness from Kids Activities Blog

When making muffin flavors at home think beyond just the blueberry muffin…flavors like Pumpkin Cheesecake, Cherry Vanilla, Sweet Potato and Poppy Seed!  

Pssst…I also heart origami!

Don’t you feel like a I Heart Muffin Bakery has opened in your home?

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