How cute is this homemade ghost bowling game? Kids of all ages will want to make and play this bowling game with a Halloween theme. Make a Halloween bowling game to play at home or for a Halloween party.

Three home made pins stand on top of the image. White Text Reads: Ghost Bowling. Orange Text Reads: Homemade Halloween Game with an arrow leading to an orange pumpkin ball. One of the ghost pins from above has fallen, now.
Let’s make a Halloween bowling game for kids!

Homemade Bowling Game for kids

What I’m sure they will enjoy even more is the fun that comes with knocking them down! This ghost game is one you can do at home, at Halloween parties, and anywhere else you want to have a ghostly good time!

Related: Halloween games

If you have creative kids, let them each decorate their own bowling pins. They can draw their faces on with sharpie, or do construction paper, depending on skill level.

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How to Make Ghost Bowling Game for Halloween

Halloween themed bowling game features white creamer containers with ghost faces made out of black construction paper. An orange ball is meant to look like a pumpkin.
What a fun game to make!

Supplies Needed to Make Ghost Bowling Pins

*We used identical empty creamer containers, but you can use whatever you have around your house: juice jugs, yogurt containers, recycle some old cans, soda cans, mini cereal boxes.

**If you don’t have similar containers, the game is still fun, but a little different in play.

How To Make Ghost Bowling Game

Step 1

Clean out your bowling pins (recycled containers that are the same).

Step 2

Cut out eyes and mouth from the black construction paper and glue it on.

Step 3

You can use balls or pumpkins to knock out the pumpkins. If you decide to use pumpkins make sure your child is not playing “dodge the ghost” unless you don’t mind cleaning up a splattered pumpkin mess. We have used balls or fake pumpkins.

Variations on this Halloween Bowling Game Design

This craft can be as simple and easy or as unique and creative as you would like! Don’t feel stuck to only making ghosts! With green spray paint, you can make a wicked witch bowling game! Vampires, werewolves, spiders – the only limit is imagination!

Three ghost bowling pins made from upside down plastic creamer bottles with ghost faces made from black construction paper and a plastic orange ball half the size of the bowling pins on a black floor in front of a white wall.
This was the fastest and easiest ghost game to do at home that I could make – and it was so much fun!

How to Play This Halloween Ghost Game at Home:

  1. Using two equally sized pieces of the painter’s tape, draw a lane as long or as short as you like. Longer lanes are better for older children with better coordination. Short lanes are perfect for little kids!
  2. Set the homemade pins up at the end of the lane. No matter the number of ghost bowling pins you’ve made, you can make a variety of shapes! Set them up and have fun.
  3. Depending on the age of the kids playing this game, you can set them up differently to make ghost bowling homemade games more challenging. You can even assign different pins different values of points!
  4. If you don’t have similar containers, have your kids guess which ones will be easier to knock over, before sending their pumpkin down the lane. The game then becomes a very basic lesson in physics!
  5. Let kids set their pins up, at the end of the lane, and spend their turn trying to knock down each other’s pins without hitting their own! Bowling can be more than just pins in a triangle! Get fun and goofy with this spooky craft.

Homemade Ghost Bowling Game

Ghost Bowling

This was the fastest and easiest homemade ghost game to make and to play – and it was so much fun!

Prep Time 5 minutes
Active Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Difficulty easy
Estimated Cost under $10


  • 3 or more containers
  • Black construction paper
  • Glue
  • Orange balls or pumpkin
  • White Spray Paint (Optional)
  • Sharpie Marker (Optional)
  • Painter's tape to draw a bowling lane (Optional)


1.  I would suggest using an empty container, because no one wants to risk making a mess! Homemade crafts don't have to make a mess. Rinse the container with water, to avoid funky smells if you want to save this project after you're done.

2. Spray paint the containers, if they are not already white. Do this only in a well ventilated area, and follow the paint's recommendations for drying time.

3. Cut out eyes and mouth from the black construction paper. You can trace silly faces on with pencil, or do simple shapes.

4. Glue the faces onto the ghost. Allow it to dry completely before playing to avoid a sticky situation.


This craft can be as simple and easy or as unique and creative as you would like!

If you don't have similar containers, have your kids guess which ones will be easier to knock over, before sending their pumpkin down the lane. The game then becomes a very basic lesson!

If you have creative kids, let them each decorate their own bottle! They can draw their faces on with sharpie, or do construction paper, depending on skill level.

Let kids set their pins up, at the end of the lane, and spend their turn trying to knock down each other's pins without hitting their own! Bowling can be more than just pins in a triangle! Get fun and goofy with this spooky craft.

Don't feel stuck to only making ghosts! With green spray paint, you can make a wicked witch bowling game! Vampires, werewolves, spiders - the only limit is imagination!

More Ghost Fun for Kids

“Who ya gonna call?  Ghost Busters!” Sorry, if you now have this 80’s tune playing in your head all day. After everyone is done with their Ghostbuster coloring sheets, it’s time for even more fun! The free printable will surely have inspired some fun ghost faces! They can make them for these ghost bowling pins.

More Halloween Games From Kids Activities Blog

I hope your kids love this homemade Halloween bowling game as much as mine did!

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  1. I love all the fun Halloween party ideas I’ve seen at After School this week. Thanks for linking this one up!

  2. What a great idea, love the Halloween bowling. The kids will love to make the spooky pins as well as playing the game!

  3. Excellent, thanks forthe great ideas! We put our 8 year old son in charge of creating the bowling pin. The kids will have lots of fun. Thank you.