We started researching LEGO Fortnite sets way back in 2020 when it seemed OBVIOUS that the two popular companies needed to do something together! Every few months, we do more research because this love story of sorts, just hasn’t happened the way the consumer might have written it! Let me explain what I mean…

Two boxes of LEGO Fortnite sets - not real sets that can be found anywhere - just things that consumers would want to see!
You’ll be surprised! Just a little further, down.

Why LEGO & fortnite Should Be Together

I feel like the only two words I hear out of my kids’ mouths, sometimes are “LEGO” and “Fortnite”. I was surprised to find out something about LEGO Fortnite, recently.

Related: LEGO Table For Kids

We recently made Kids Activities Blog’s LEGO Fortnite Medkit Bandage Box and started wondering about buying LEGO Fortnite sets for Christmas like I had seen online…or thought I had seen. And that lead me to my first realization…all the LEGO Fortnite sets I had seen online were FAKES!

LEGO Fortnite Sets Do Not Exist in Real Life

I hate to be the one that breaks it to you, but LEGO Fortnite does not exist at this time. Believe me, we will continue to research and publish our findings here…so stay tuned. We certainly are!

It is a funny thing since so many of our favorite companies HAVE united with LEGO for treasured sets like Minecraft. In fact, the Minecraft LEGO sets are some of our favorites.

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Fortnite Building & Play Sets Do Exist

Fortnite has come out with a big series of play sets that can help keep the offline play going until LEGO gets into the picture. Here are some of our favorites that you can pick up on Amazon:

Where are the LEGO Fortnite Sets?

LEGO Fortnite Fake box pictured
My mind is completely blown!

I was so incredibly shocked, as I searched the internet for LEGO Fortnite products to hide under the tree. It turns out, there are no real LEGO Fortnite sets! Not yet, anyway. Apparently, the best holiday gifts for LEGO builders aren’t even real!

LEGO Fortnite Fakes

Recently, a bunch of viral images appeared of the Fortnite Hollowhead LEGO set. It turns out, that set is completely fake, and terribly made. These bootlegs are not made by LEGO, and have the crummy workmanship to show it.

LEGO Stop Motion Videos or BrickFilms

A popular trend, lately, has been to use stop motion to make LEGO videos! These are popular on YouTube and often referred to as BrickFilms.

Some of these videos are so popular that they have become whole series, on their own!

The LEGO Battle Royale is a famous example of these types of videos! It is a Brickfilm from The Action Bricks called Clash Royale and has over 12 million views!

It’s easy enough to do that lots of kids have gotten in on the fun and made their own videos!

Here is a brief explanation of how to make LEGO Stop Motion movies!

How to Build LEGO Fortnite

Incredibly popular among the community is turning regular LEGOs into Fortnite LEGOs! This has been done with everything from the mini-figs to the sets, themselves!

Three images. On one side is a Choppa LEGO set. On the other, an image of a battle bus is stacked on top of an image of another LEGO set
Can you believe none of these are real!? I couldn’t.

The creativity that goes into making LEGO Fortnite Characters is so unreal!

Over on BrothersBrick, they found a tutorial for how to make a Battle Bus out of LEGOs!

Fortnite Battle Royale Bus is shown made out of LEGOs, in this custom build!
build it, yourself!

It took SacredBricks quite some time to make their Fortilla Battle Arena, from regular LEGOs. But, this totally seems like something my kids would love to build, together!

I even found a video that uses over a thousand pieces to build Anarchy At The Agency!

Famous locations from in the game, like Tilted Towers, are popular to recreate with LEGOs!

So much creativity goes into making these custom sets. It is so cool how Fortnite has inspired a whole community of creators.

Check out this dream LEGO set, by MiniBrick Productions.

With birthdays just around the corner, I have been scouring the internet to find the perfect gifts for my kids:

I really hope to see some real LEGO Fortnite products, soon!

I know my kids will want to be first in line to add it to their collection. They were begging for the Baby Yoda LEGO Set from day 1!

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  1. They will never be a thing, as Fortnite goes against everything The LEGO Group stands for. They won’t promote violence, do some research. Or here’s an idea: have your kids build their OWN Fortnite LEGO set

  2. Fornite and LEGO definitely should be a thing, both are popular with the age range for LEGO.