Essential oils can be a very important part of your daily cleaning routine. They are natural cleaners that allow you to clean thoroughly in a safe way.
These tips are perfect for spring cleaning, weekly chores, and even everyday tasks. Since essential oils are safe to use, you can use them as often as you need to.
Next time you’re looking for tips to clean the entire house, check out this sample daily cleaning routine detailing the ways you can use essential oils throughout your day.
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Adding Essential Oils to Your Personal Hygiene Routine
We don’t really think about it, but we apply layers of personal products on our bodies, throughout each day. Many of which are chemical-laden products that aren’t the greatest for our health. You can easily swap out some of these items with simple replacements made with essential oil, and you might even save money. Enjoy the power of essential oils with these basic tips:
- A great choice is starting the day by brushing your teeth with Thieves toothpaste and use some drops of tea tree oil and frankincense on your face to help you wake up and rejuvenate your skin.
- Brew your morning coffee, and add a few drops of peppermint oil to your cup to give it an added jolt, while also diffusing rejuvenating essential oils into the air.
- Warm up a cup of water and add some drops lemon oil in the morning is a great way to feel energized after waking up and support your immune system.
- Use essential oils for other personal hygiene needs: deodorant and lotion for a clean scent, and for treating dry scalp.
How to Use Essential Oils in Your Daily Cleaning Routine
Cleaning supplies are expensive, and many commercial cleaning products contain harsh chemicals and additives. My grandma knew what she was doing, mainly cleaning with vinegar and other household items! She always found a quick, easy, and natural solution to use what she had to keep a clean home.
I know that it was a different time and modern life is fast-paced, but making your own household cleaners isn’t just easy, it’s liberating! I love knowing all of the ingredients used in my homemade cleaning products and knowing there are no toxic chemicals in them. Plus, since essential oils are so concentrated, you only need to use a small amount (usually a few drops are enough) so it really is an inexpensive and long-lasting solution to your cleaning needs!
You only need some basic ingredients to make these natural cleaning recipes:
- Use essential oil to make your own dish soap!
- You can essential oils to clean and freshen the laundry.
- It also makes a delicious spray for cleaning countertops in the kitchen and the bathrooms.
- Remove odors and stains from clothing, household spaces, furniture, carpets and more.
- Use an essential oil mixture to wipe down walls, doorknobs, light switches, etc.
- Essential oils are perfect for your trash cans, to eliminate odors.
- Make your own homemade cleaner for cleaning any surface, and an added bonus is that it will double as an aromatherapeutic air freshener, making your home smell amazing!

The good news is that whatever normal daily cleaning you do, such as dusting, mopping, clean floors, cleaning hard surfaces, and more all can be done with essential oils or cleaners made with essential oils instead. With a few simple ingredients, you can line the shelves of your cleaning supply closet with all sorts of DIY cleaning concoctions!
Plus, using natural alternatives is the best way to avoid allergic reactions which are important especially if you have young children
You might already have most of these natural ingredients around the house, making it even easier to use essential oils to make a DIY cleaning solution:
- Baking soda
- Salt / Epsom salt
- Castile soap
- White vinegar
- Lemon
- Wild orange
- Lavender
- Cinnamon / cinnamon leaf
- Eucalyptus
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
- Tea tree oil
You can adjust this daily cleaning routine as needed to fit your own schedule and the needs of your home. It’s meant to give you a basis to build upon, so make it your own!
Want more essential oil tips? Try these ideas from Kids Activities Blog:
- Make your own DIY carpet cleaner powder that can be a life saver if you have furry friends.
- This DIY pillow spray will make you sleep just like a baby.
- Make your own candle melts! Here we’ll show you how to make wax at home.
- Make a natural chest rub for toddlers with essential oils to improve their sleep.
- You can make a homemade perfume for kids with easy ingredients too!
- Make tinted lip gloss DIY to add to your homemade makeup collection.
- Learn how to make your house smell good!
- Learn how to make your own can air freshener!
- This DIY carpet stain remover is a life saver!
- We have 20 great home hacks to help you keep your home clean.
Comment below with your favorite essential oil/ natural cleaning hacks!