Sometimes you just need to know how to make your house smell good! These smell hacks for the home are the perfect thing to keep your house smelling good or fixing bad house smells as quickly as possible! The good news is that you likely have the common household items you need to make your house smell great.

10 Hacks To Make Your House Smell Good - collage of photos of how to make house smell good like air filter, gain, vent air freshener, fan with dryer sheets and homemade potpourri
So many easy ways to make the house smell good!

Best Home Fragrance Ideas

The other day I came home to a smelly house. I had left something extra nasty in the trash can and was totally regretting it. I immediately took it out of course, but I was scrambling to get the entire house smell out!

Fresh air! Fresh air! How does one little smell turn into something so BIG?

I searched around and found some awesome smell hacks to make the house smell good that have helped me in a pinch. I have created this list of my favorite ways how to make your room smell good.

Keep these great ideas around for the next time you are desperate to get your home smelling great. These would be perfect if you have company coming over!

Open the window to make house smell good - Kids Activities Blog - open window overlooking a open grassy area in a forrest
Sometimes your house needs a breath of fresh air!


The good news is just like with BAD smells…a little GOOD smell can make a noticeable difference.  It is amazing how a little change can make the house smell good.

1. Change Your A/C Filter with Essential Oils

Make your whole house smell fresh with this totally chemical free air-freshener hack for your air filter we love using your favorite essential oils the natural way! I love how the good smells waft through the entire house.

2. Car Fresheners Freshen Houses Too

Placing a car air freshener to the A/C vents in your home is a great way to make the house smell good and it works quickly for a specific room! via Krazy Coupon Lady

house smell good - tea pot with tea - Kids Activities Blog - clear glass tea pot sitting on wooden table against white wall filled with golden fruit and herbs steeping tea
Strong smelling tea wafting through the house…ahhhh!

How to Make your Room Smell Great

3. Brew Strong Smelling Tea to Waft Through the House

Make very very very strong tea. Use multiple tea bags in hot water of your favorite herbs (I like to add in some citrus peels) and keep warm over low heat or in a slow cooker. Later you can dilute it for drink! Not only will your house smell better quickly, it is a natural smell that is pleasing.

4. Candle Wax Burner for Smelly Room

Use Gain Fireworks scent booster in your candle wax burner and your house will smell amazing. via Stock Piling Moms – this tip has gotten a ton of bad comments…please use caution and read all about it before using it at your house. You can always use a traditional candle wax burner to deodorize the air.

Related: Make Your Own Candle Wax Melts

5. Make Your Own Room Air Freshener

Make your own room DIY air freshener with natural ingredients and some drops of essential oil so you can make it the perfect scent for YOUR home with your favorite scents. We like to have a small spray bottle of this handy for your room sprays!

6. Crock Pot a Good Smelling Brew to Overcome Weird Smells

The best way to kick stinky smells in your house by filling your crock pot with water and baking soda. via A Year of Slow Cooking

Boxes of potpourri for making house smell good - Kids Activities - 7 boxes of potpourri mix in different colors - yellow, orange, pink and red
Smell all the GOOD smells!


7. Homemade Potpourri Smells Great

Make your own fresh scent easily with ingredients right from your kitchen like cinnamon sticks, fresh herbs, orange peels and other natural pleasant smells and simmer in a small saucepan. At first it is your own stovetop potpourri, a personal simmer pot, but later you can use them packaged in mason jars. via The Yummy Life

8. Coffee Beans & Tea Lights Make a Scent Difference

Place a tealight candle inside a jar filled with coffee beans for a vanilla coffee scent which does wonders for removing unpleasant odors from the air. via Smart School House

9. DIY Carpet Deodorizer with Essential Oils

The easiest way to banish carpet odors quickly with this simple carpet cleaner powder that uses drops of your favorite essential oil.

10 Hacks To Make Your House Smell Amazing


10. Vanilla Extract in the Oven to Banish Odors

Put a few teaspoons of vanilla extract in an oven dish and bake at 300 degrees. Your house will smell amazing. via Lifehacker 

11. Dryer Sheets are Not Just for Dryers

A good idea is to quickly get the room smelling good by taping dryer sheets to a box fan. via Society 19

12. Stinky Garbage Disposal Solution

Need some help with a stinky garbage disposal?  Check out this short video on getting the smell out of the sink drain and garbage disposal:


13. Stinky Washing Machine Solution

Washing machine odors can be not only annoying, but penetrate the entire laundry making your clothes stinky too. Yuck! Check out this easy way to fix a smelly washing machine. via Bob Vila

14. Stinky Vacuum Cleaner Solution

What if the unpleasant smells are coming from your vacuum cleaner? This is an easy one! Take some cotton balls and dip them into your favorite pleasant scent, we like essential oils for this and when you turn on the vacuum it will put you into a good mood…guaranteed!

Baking cookies makes house smell good fast - Kids Activities - inside of oven with cookies baking on two shelves on parchment paper
Mmmmm…the smell of freshly baked cookies.


15. Try the Realtor’s Open House Trick!

Another easy trick that most realtors know is to bake cookies!  I also like to set the bread machine because nothing smells better than freshly baking bread.  One batch can make the whole house smell good making the most wonderful smells…

16. Essential Oil Diffusers

I know this might seem real simple at this point, but a very good option for adding a subtle scent to the room is using essential oil diffusers!


After trying to make the home smell better without success, you might want to attack the root of the stink and make sure your trash cans are not only empty but washed out and sanitized.

Start with an air purifier and then assess these common reasons a house smells bad and has bad odors with some very doable solutions. It is always best when you can correctly identify the source of bad smells and then try these little hacks.

17. How to get Smoke Smell Out of House

If the source of odor is smoke, try volcanic rock.  I know this sounds crazy, but this super smart and surprisingly affordable option can help when complete renovation isn’t an option. via Julie Blanner

volcanic rock can remove unwanted house smells

18. Boil Vinegar to Reduce Odors

A common suggestion is to boil vinegar and allow it to waft throughout the house. This can also work for steaming clothing with a smokey smell. via Den Garden

19. Use an Odor Absorbing Material

Check out this list of odor-absorbing materials via NACHI:

  • vinegar – white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, rice vinegar, etc.
  • citrus
  • baking soda
  • coffee grounds
  • charcoal
essential oil on toilet paper roll to reduce smells in bathroom from One Crazy House
Overcome smelly bathroom odors with this simple smell hack!

20. Add Essential Oils to Your Toilet Paper Roll

Try this genius idea to add some essential oil drops to your toilet paper roll to get rid of a smelly bathroom via One Crazy House.


21. Make Your Own Skunk Smell Solution

Getting the skunk house smell out is something I am more than familiar with! When we lived in Abilene, TX we had a set of french doors going to the backyard that were obviously not fully sealed. Repeatedly, a skunk who had entered our yard to drink out of the swimming pool and then find our dog, would corner poor Abby next to those doors.

Skunk vs. Dog - Remove Skunk House Smells

What happened next filled the entire house with that skunky smell.

Now what?

I tried tomato juice.  And then the whole house smelled like tomato juice…not to be super weird, but tomato juice doesn’t smell that much better than skunk. I tried water and vinegar solution and didn’t love the vinegar smell either!

The home remedy that really works via University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources

Homemade Skunk Smell Remover

  • 1 quart 3% hydrogen peroxide
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon liquid soap

Warning: Do not bottle or save this recipe. It is unstable and will expand (or explode), but it can change the chemical composition of the skunk strong scents which means your house no longer smells like skunk!


22. Get Rid of Musty House Smell

This is also a hard one because the musty smell you have to make sure the root cause of the musty house smell is gone or you will never get rid of it.  Or like me, you will get rid of it until the next rain…when the damp comes back in and wets the old musty ickyness making the whole house smell.

Vinegar citrus baking soda for house smells

Steps to Remove a Musty Smell from Your House

  1. Once you are rid of the source, then do a thorough cleaning of the entire room/house.
  2. Use an odor absorbing material like vinegar, citrus, baking soda, coffee grounds or charcoal.
  3. Then use the tips in the beginning of this article to make your house smell better!

23. How to Handle “My House Smells Like Rotten Eggs or Like Gas”

Make sure there are no sources of fire on – fireplace, gas stove, etc. and open up a window.

If the smell is strong or seems diffuse (meaning it is not just in one small location), then get out and call 9-1-1 and then your utility provider.

That rotten egg smell is added to the odorless/tasteless/colorless natural gas to alert us about leaks. 

So don’t play around with this house smell!  It can be serious!

24. Place Candle Wax Melts in Warm Place Like Window

This car freshener bomb is genius for making your car smell good, but don’t overlook it for a sunny window sill!

DIY toilet spray or poo pourri DIY from Kids Activities Blog - finger spraying a small pump bottle
Stop bad odors before they start in the bathroom.

25. Stop Bad Bathroom Smells Before they Start

This DIY toilet spray also known as poo pourri DIY is super easy to make and will keep those bad odors at bay.


When you can breathe deeply in your house it goes a long way to making your house feel (and smell) like home sweet home! Making sure you have good indoor air quality helps lay a foundation of calm for your entire family which is a good reason to assess your house for a sense of smell.

Home Scents FAQS

What do realtors use to make a house smell good?

The top way realtors make a home smell good is by using scented candles or plug-in air fresheners. These smell good products can be used to subtly and quickly create a pleasant scent in any space without overwhelming potential buyers with too much fragrance. Using these simple ideas provide an effective solution for creating an inviting atmosphere in the home while still respecting any allergies or sensitivities that buyers may have.

What is the cheapest way to make your house smell good?

The cheapest way to make a house smell good is by using natural methods. This can include opening the windows to allow fresh air to circulate through the home, boiling spices on the stove such as cinnamon sticks or cloves and placing bowls of baking soda in strategic locations around the house.

How can I fragrance my house naturally?

There are several ways to naturally fragrance your house. One option is to open the windows and allow fresh air to circulate through the home, which will help reduce any stale odors in the space. Additionally, using natural items such as cinnamon sticks, cloves or oranges can be used to create a pleasant scent in the room without overpowering it. Boiling these items on the stove can also create a pleasant scent, as well as placing bowls of baking soda around the house to absorb any unpleasant odors. Finally, using essential oil diffusers is another natural way to fragrance your home.

What absorbs smells in a house?

Baking soda is an effective and natural way to absorb odors in the home. It can be placed in bowls or containers around the house, allowing it to soak up any unpleasant smells. Additionally, charcoal is a great option for absorbing odors, as well as using activated charcoal bags which can also help to remove bad smells from the air.

Best Products to Make House Smell Good

Related: How to stop hiccups with the easiest home remedy ever

More Sweet Smell Ideas from Kids Activities Blog

Do you have any tips or tricks on how to make your house smell good?

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  1. Really excited to do these activities. We clean our carpets every year to get the smells out of the house, but after quarantine we’re going to need to do a little bit more haha Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Why would anyone EVER promote the use of air fresheners and dryer sheets?! They’re TOXIC for you and the environment. They don’t belong anywhere near us.

  3. The Mt Sinai Children’s Environmental Health Center advises to avoid perfumes and scented products.

    “Artificial fragrance contains up to 100 chemicals that may disrupt hormones and alter brain and reproductive development”

    Here’s a link. Mt Sinai Hospital cares for 9/11 first responders so they know something about toxic chemicals.

  4. A bit off subject but I like to keep a couple wax
    melts in a small lidded jar that stays in my car.
    I use a glass toothpick holder since the lid
    already has holes in it but any jar would work,
    just punch holes in the lid and voila! Living in
    the Deep South, my car has no problem getting
    hot enough to melt the wax, even in the shade!
    Nothing can make getting in your hot car enjoyable
    when its 100’ outside with 90% humidity but this
    little hack takes some of the crappiness out of it
    when you get in your hot car after a hot, gross day
    and it smells amazing…my favs are lavender or
    ocean/beach based which are great at helping me
    relax on my drive home after a long, stressful day
    at work.

  5. I can’t take artificial scents or perfumy stuff so I spray white vinegar in the air and lightly over the carpet. I use white vinegar for a lot of things. I think I read somewhere that you can infuse vinegar with dried herbs over several weeks, strain and put the strained vinegar in a spray bottle to sprits in the air. I haven’t tried that, but I plan to! Otherwise plain white vinegar works to get rid of odors. The vinegar smell only lasts a short time, but the freshness remains.

  6. I’m going to give these things are try, I tried the downy unstoppable pearl’s and the purex crystals, I really loved the scent but they only lasted for a day, then the scent was gone, any suggestions on how to make the scent last longer, I have one in my kitchen and one in my dinning room two in my living room and one in each bathroom, Thank you for your ideas

  7. Really great advice! Somethings I would have never thought of! I read once you can put a cotton ball dipped in essential oils into your vacuum cleaner’s bag to release a lovely scent when you vacuum. A deep clean for your carpet every once in a while by professionals is a great way to freshen up too, if you don’t have the time! Thanks for these tips!!