Learning how to draw a lion is so exciting and easy. Lions are strong, powerful and brave, and and a favorite animal at our house. Our easy lion drawing lesson is a printable tutorial that you can download and print with three pages of simple steps on how to draw a lion step by step with a pencil. Use this easy lion sketch guide at home or in the classroom.

Make A Lion Drawing Easy For Kids
Let’s learn how to learn a cute lion! Learning how to draw lions is a fun, creative, and colorful art experience for kids of all ages. And whether you’re looking for a mountain lion or just want to learn how to draw a cute lion, you’re in the right place! So click the blue button to print our how to draw a simple lion printable tutorial before getting started.
Related: Lion facts for kids
This how to draw a lion lesson is simple enough for younger kids or beginners. Once your kids get comfortable with drawing they will start feeling more creative and ready to continue their artistic journey.
Easy steps to draw a lion
Our three pages of lion drawing steps are super easy to follow; you will soon be drawing lions – grab your pencil and let’s get started:
Step 1

Let’s start with the head. Draw a circle and then a rounded rectangle slightly above it. Notice how the rectangle is smaller at the top.
Step 2

For the lion’s ears, draw two circles and erase extra lines.
Step 3

Now let’s draw the mane! Add eight circles around the head, and erase extra lines.
Step 4

Draw the body by adding a drop shape with a flatter bottom.
Step 5

Add two arched lines straight down in the middle – these are our lion’s paws.
Step 6

Now add two big ovals and two smaller horizontal ones.
Step 7

Draw a curved line and add a mango-like shape on the top.
Step 8

Let’s draw our lion’s face: add half circles on the ears, small ovals for the eyes, and a triangle for the nose.
Step 9

Well done! Get creative and add different details.

Download Simple Lion Drawing Lesson PDF File
Don’t forget to give it some color with your favorite crayons after you’re done.
Recommended Drawing Supplies
- For drawing the outline, a simple pencil can work great.
- You will need an eraser!
- Colored pencils are great for coloring in the bat.
- Create a bolder, solid look using fine markers.
- Gel pens come in any color you can imagine.
- Don’t forget a pencil sharpener.

You can find LOADS of super fun coloring pages for kids & adults here. Have fun!
Great Books for More Lion FUn

1. Don’t Tickle The Lion
Don’t tickle the lion, or you might make it snort… but that touchy-feely patch is just too tempting! When you touch each touchy-feely patch in this fun-to-read book, you’ll hear the lion make a sound. At the end of the book, you’ll find all of the animals being noisy at once.

2. How To Tuck In Your Sleepy Lion
The “How to” series of engaging board books is perfect for discovering and sharing the big moments and daily routines of every toddler’s life, from brushing teeth, to taking a bath, to going to sleep, to being a good eater. Filled with lovable animal characters, vibrant illustrations and a playful rhyming text, each story features a child and their very own baby animal.
In How to Tuck In Your Sleepy Lion, tired little lion doesn’t want to go to bed. How will he ever get to sleep?
More lion fun from Kids Activities Blog
- Make this cute & simple paper plate lion.
- Color this intricately detailed lion zentangle coloring page.
- Easy craft for the kids with this cupcake liner lion.
- Check out this majestic lion coloring page.
- Slime recipe inspired by The Lion King movie.
How did your lion drawing turn out?