Ever wanted to learn how to play the guitar? You can now and for FREE! Fender is a leader in the guitar lesson industry and is offering FREE lessons for the next three months. These lessons are for guitar, bass or ukulele. All you need is a computer, tablet, or smart phone.
Courtesy of Fender
When Fender first decided to offer the free lessons, they offered it to the first 100,000 people who signed up. As numbers grew and they recognized that more people wanted lessons, the offered more. They are now offering one million users FREE lessons. 
Courtesy of Fender
It’s super easy to get started. Simply click over to the Fender website and click the “get a code” button. You will receive a code that unlocks your lessons. When you first sign in you will be asked to choose a track, either guitar, bass or ukulele. It’s self paced and you can move as quickly or as slowly as you want. 
Courtesy of Fender
I am currently at the end of level one of the lessons and can play a few short songs. When I signed up, I only had a guitar. I now have downloaded the Fender app on my iPhone and use it to tune my guitar each time I sit to practice. I have purchased picks off of Amazon as well as a stand for it. 


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