This little girl stole the ball from a professional basketball player! This kind professional basket ball player was playing one on one with kids to show off some cool basketball moves and everyone was surprised when a little girl was able to steal the ball from him! Everyone was super excited! You have to check it out.

Video of girl schooling coach at basketball clinic - kids activities blog
Let’s see if this lesson goes as planned…

Little kids are tenacious.

Which explains why this guy never saw this little girl coming.

While hosting a basketball clinic, this professional player took on some of the ‘students’ for a little challenge game of one-on-one.

Related: Basketball facts for kids made fun! <–you can even print them out!

He wanted to show off some of the fancy moves that are used during games.

First up?

A tiny little girl.

screenshot from video of professor and girl practicing basketball on a court
This game hardly seems fair…

Little Girl Steals The Basketball From A Professional Basketball Player

Easy, right? Only, like I said, kids are tenacious. And this player never expected this kid to outlast him.

little girl and coach playing basketball on the court with people watching
I sense a little skill here…

While some of the other kids at the clinic were probably intimidated by coming up against a pro, this girl only wants the ball. And she’s willing to do whatever it takes to get it. So she watches him. Like a hawk. And goes after it over and over.

screenshot of video basketball game where girl in process of stealing ball from coach
Fancy moves!

And finally? Boom. The snatch and roll. Not sure if this is a professional move, but you can tell from his face that ‘the professor’ never faced off against a player quite like her before.

Take a look!

Video of Little Girl Stealing Basketball from Coach During a Clinic

More Basketball Fun from Kids Activities Blog

I hope this has inspired you to laugh today and maybe pick up a game at the park…

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