Our babies know us.

We know our babies, but something we don’t always talk about is how well our babies know us.

From conception, we are the only thing our babies experience.

The sound of our heartbeat, our voices, the unique warmth of our bodies, the way we move, or laugh, or cry.

Our babies know us.

Newborn baby clings to mom after birth video - Kids activities Blog - newborn baby held by doctor stretches out in new world
I already know you!

The Sweetest Newborn and Mom Video

So it’s no wonder this baby not only knew mom, but wanted to hold her as long as possible only moments after birth. 

What starts as a hug, turns into a kiss as this newborn recognizes mom instantly, and wants to spend as much time with her as possible…

screenshot of video of baby clinging to mom after birth
Hello world! Hello mom!

Newborn Baby Kissing Mom- So Sweet and Precious!

Almost as if the infant can sense time with mom is about to draw to a close, this little one starts to cry, clinging just a little harder, trying to stay as long as possible…

screenshot of newborn baby hugging mom after birth
So glad to be here, mom!

Ágata Ribeiro Coêlho was born via C-section on May 5 in Santa Monica hospital, Brazil.  

The newborn was placed on her adoring mother, Brenda Coêlho de Souza, 24, and the connection was instant.  

Ágata appears to kiss her mother’s cheek as the medical team watch on in awe.  

Brenda, an administrative assistant, said: “It was an incredible moment when my daughter hugged me for the first time.”

Take a look!

Baby Hugs Mom for the First Time Moments After Birth Video


And don’t miss the sweetest video where the newborn baby grabs doctor’s finger…oh the cuteness!

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