This preschool frog craft is super easy to make and budget-friendly. Kids of all ages: toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarten kids will love making this cupcake liner frog craft. It’s the perfect frog craft at home or in the classroom!

Finished Cupcake Liner Frog Craft  shown on a blue piece of craft paper with green cupcake liner frog and lilly pad

Easy Frog Craft for Preschool & Beyond

Let’s make an adorable Cupcake Liner Frog Craft with kids. Last week, my kids and I found tadpoles in a puddle. We set up an aquarium in the kitchen to observe them and have spent the week learning about frogs.

Related: Simple frog coloring page

This cupcake liner craft was so much fun! My kids loved flattening, crushing, and cutting the cupcake liners to make jumping frogs on lily pads.

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Supplies Needed for Easy Frog Craft

Directions To Make Frog Craft

Step 1

Cupcake Liner Frog Craft  - Make your lily pad by cutting out a triangle from your green construction paper.
Make your lily pad by cutting out a triangle from your green construction paper.

After gathering supplies, cut a lily pad from the green paper. Glue it to the blue paper.

Step 2

Next, flip the pink cupcake liner inside out. Invite kids to cut small triangles out of the cupcake liner to turn it into a flower.

Step 3

Do the same with the white cupcake liner, then glue the cupcake liner to the pink cupcake liner.

Step 4

Cupcake Liner Frog Craft - Cut out the flower by cutting triangles out of the pink cupcake liner.
Cut out the flower by cutting triangles out of the pink cupcake liner.

Glue a button to the middle of the white cupcake liner. Now you have a flower for your lily pad!

Step 5

Cupcake Liner Frog Craft - Add googly eyes and a smiley face on your frog!
Add googly eyes and a smiley face on your frog!

Flatten the small green cupcake liner. Glue 2 wiggly eyes to the top of the cupcake liner, then use the black marker to draw a nose and smile on the frog’s face.

Step 6

Cupcake Liner Frog Craft 4 - Add everything to your lily pad!
Add everything to your lily pad!

Cut thin strips of green paper, then fold it accordion style. Glue the paper strips to the back of the cupcake liner. Glue the frog and flower to the lily pad.

Related: Quick idea for preschoolers – snail craft

Cupcake Liner Frog Craft

Cupcake Liner Frog Craft 4

Make this cute frog craft! This frog craft is easy, simple, and budget-friendly and great for kids of all ages.


  • large pink cupcake liners
  • small white and green cupcake liners
  • green construction paper
  • light green construction paper
  • blue construction paper
  • glue
  • small wiggly eyes
  • black marker
  • yellow button


  • scissors


  1. After gathering supplies, cut a lily pad from the green paper.
  2. Glue it to the blue paper.
  3. Next, flip the pink cupcake liner inside out.
  4. Cut small triangles out of the cupcake liner to turn it into a flower.
  5. Do the same with the white cupcake liner, then glue the cupcake liner to the pink cupcake liner.
  6. Glue a button to the middle of the white cupcake liner. Now you have a flower for your lily pad!
  7. Flatten the small green cupcake liner.
  8. Glue 2 wiggly eyes to the top of the cupcake liner.
  9. Then use the black marker to draw a nose and smile on the frog’s face.
  10. Cut thin strips of green paper, then fold it accordion style.
  11. Glue the paper strips to the back of the cupcake liner.
  12. Glue the frog and flower to the lily pad.

More Frog Crafts for Kids From Kids Activites Blog

Related: More great cupcake liner crafts for kids

How did your cupcake liner frog craft turn out?

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