Summer is the perfect season for catching frogs! But if you don’t live near a pond or lake, what do you do? You craft, of course! Shared below is an adorable kid-made craft created from coffee stirrers! Coffee Stirrer Froggies are fun for kids of all ages and they are the perfect craft for summer. Kid-Made Coffee Stirrer Froggies - A fun frog craft for summer!

Coffee Stirrer Froggies

My children love all things frog! To make this sweet summer craft you will need: After gathering supplies, begin by coloring the coffee stirrers green with the marker. Next, glue 2 green coffee stirrers together with white school glue. Tip: Use wax paper to protect your surface while gluing.  Directions: While the craft sticks are drying, glue a wiggly eye on each of the pony beads. Use the glue to secure the pony bead “eyes” to the craft sticks. Kid-Made Coffee Stirrer Froggies - A fun frog craft for summer! Just for fun, lightly coat the craft sticks with glue, then sprinkle green glitter all over them. Kid-Made Coffee Stirrer Froggies - A fun frog craft for summer! Last, use scissors to cut the end off of a regular craft stick. Color it red with a marker. Glue the piece of craft stick onto the green coffee stirrers to create the frog’s mouth. Kid-Made Coffee Stirrer Froggies - A fun frog craft for summer!

More Stick Crafts!

More Frog Crafts From Kids Activities Blog

Check out these frog games, crafts, and activities! Did your kids enjoy this stick craft? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear! Also, be sure to join us over on our Facebook page.

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