When was the last time you just dove into life? Like, really just jumped in? Now in New York there’s a place you can do that…as an adult! You might not have even thought about it in awhile.

Ball pit for adults video - Kids Activities Blog
Let’s jump in!

Pearlfisher Inc. designed a ball pit in Soho, NY specifically just for adults.

Related: Basketball facts for kids made fun! <–you can even print them out!

And you’re not going to believe your eyes when you see how much fun it is!

Ball Pit for Adults Video

Ball pits like this have been cropping up all over the internet and all I can say is I hope one comes to a town near me really soon.

I can’t wait to jump in!

More Awesome Fun Things from Kids Activities Blog

Do you need to visit the adult ball pit now?  Me too!

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