Learn how to make robots easily! Seriously, we have found so many amazing ways to learn how to build robots. Kids of all ages, particularly older children like preschoolers, elementary ages kids, and middle aged kids, will love learning how to make robots. Whether you’re at home or in the classroom, these DIY robots are super fun to make.

Learn How To Make Robots- Circuit Segments and premade robot parts Text: Robots Kids Can Make- Kids activities blog
Fun DIY robots kids can make.

Learn How To Make Robots For Kids

If your kids love exploring science and technology, I bet they would love to explore robotics. These are all robots kids can make.

This first robot is one that we have made – a tin can soda man. This kids robot kit comes with everything you need to turn a regular tin can into a cute robot friend!

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16 Robots Kids can Actually Make

1. Learn To Make Circuit Segments

how to make a robot- colorful circuit segments against a white background- kids activities blog
Learn how to make circuit segments for your robot!

These are little circuit segments that do different tasks. You can use with your kids to make a robot.

2. Build A Robot With Premade Parts

how to make a robot- premade robot parts various colors held by hand against a white background- kids activities blog
You can use premade parts to make a robot.

Build a robot with pre-made parts. These make it really easy for kids to have “tasks” performed. They come with instructions and ideas on things you can build and create.

Related: Love building these robots? Then try these other building activities.

How to Make a Robot

Learn How To Make Robots- Robot balls, robot craft, LEGO and Connects Robot, toy robot Text: Robot Fun- Kids activities blog
Learn how to make robots with toys, crafting supplies, and even real premade robots.

3. Robot Balls That Teach Circuits and Coding

These robot “balls” help you learn how circuits are made and even early coding. It uses apps to help your kids learn as they build. Fun!

4. Robot Crafts For Kids

how to make a robot- red blue and yellow paper and upcycled robot craft-kids activities blog
Use boxes, cans, and toilet paper rolls to make a robot!

Have a preschooler who loves robots, but isn’t able to make a movable one yet? Maybe they can have fun with this robot craft for kids.

5. Paper Robot Parts

how to make a robot- paper robot craft with red, orange, green, and blue on white background- kids activities blog
This paper robot craft is great for preschoolers.

Build a robot from paper pieces and parts. I can see this doing really well with magnetic paper.

6. LEGO Robot Activity

how to make a robot- lego robot that can draw on paper with pens- kids activities blog
Um, how cool is this drawing robot?!

Make art! If only this robot could do homework. Create a Lego drawbot with your kids. This is a super simple and fun activity that doesn’t require much help from mom or dad.

Robots Kids Can Make

Robots for Kids to Make- LEGO catapult, Robot that moves, Robot sensors, Downloadable instructions to make how to make your own robot, build a simple robotic arm
Wow! You can make robots that actually move!

7. LEGO Catapult Activity

Not quite a robot, but this Lego Catapult moves like it has a mind of it’s own after you stretch the rubber band out. Watch stuff fly!

8. Make A Robot That Moves

how to make a robot- moving robot with parts against a colorful background- kids activities blog
This robot can actually move!

Make a robot that moves! This cute little robot can balance all on it’s own! Your kids can make it.

9. Special Sensors For Your Robots

So COOL! Did you know you can get special sensors for your robots? These Lego pieces are able to sense sounds and movement AND respond. The possibilities are endless.

10. Instructions How To Make Your Own Robot

how to make a robot- robot with wheels holding pen on paper- kids activities blog
This robot can move and write?!

This Sudoku puzzle solving robot is so cool! This site includes a video of how it works and downloadable instructions on how to make your own robot!

11. Build A Simple Robotic Arm

how to make a robot- robotic arm with claw and wires on wooden floor- kids activities blog
Use this robotic arm pick stuff up.

Looking for a more challenging Lego activity for your little engineer? Check out this instructable on how to build a simple robotic arm.

12. Turret Shooter Robot Guide

how to make a robot- robotic turret shooter on the floor- kids activities blog
How cool is this turret shooter? It’s like NERF…but cooler!

Mom, you are going to love this. Make your own Turret Shooter with this step-by-step how to build a robot guide!

Creativity kits for kids!

13. Science and Robotic Kiwi Crate

And in this Science and technology kit from Kiwi Crate you can make paper robots that actually move of their own accord! You can see the photos from this project on Tinker Crate’s section of our subscription boxes for kids article. Kids Activities Blog has an exclusive discount for 30% off the first month of any Kiwi Crate + free shipping with coupon code: KAB30!

14. Make Your Own Aluminum Robot Craft

Make your own Aluminum Robot for some silly robotic fun!

pencil case robot controlled

15. LEGO and Kinex Robot Pencil Case

Got Legos? Kinex? This kid made their own robotic pencil case complete with a watch and a “paper shredder” out of some of the gears.

16. Little Robot Car Activity

how to make a robot- robotic car with wheels and yellow background- kids activities blog
This robotic car is so much fun to make.

No batteries required to make this awesome little robot car! You can even control the forward and backward motion.

17. Video: Tilted Twister 2.0 LEGO Robot

And you can make a robot that is smarter than you – one that solves rubrics cubes! Crazy!

More Robot Crafts And Other Stem Activities From Kids Activities Blog

What robot do the kids plan to make first? 

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