Are you looking for easy homemade sugar scrub recipes? Today we have a rainbow body scrub for kids that is just so much fun to make! Keep on reading to find our step-by-step tutorial with pictures. This Rainbow Sugar Scrub is whimsical. The colors (and smells) of the rainbow, bottled up and ready to soften even the roughest hands! Like our Candy Corn Scrub, you can’t go wrong with this colorful treat for your hands. If you are looking for homemade, thoughtful gifts, this is the place for you.
Image shows a rainbow sugar scrub in a big jar - orange, red, yellow, green, blue, purple and pink. A little girl is holding the homemade sugar scrub. Text reads Somewhere rainbow scrub from Kids Activities Blog.
Let’s learn how to make a pretty rainbow sugar scrub to gift!
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Easy Sugar Scrub Recipe For Kids

We love DIY everything! That includes DIY sugar scrubs – a perfect gift for Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, or any other special holiday. They are so easy to make and the main ingredients are common kitchen ingredients – so you probably already have everything in your cupboard waiting for you. Sugar scrubs provide plenty of skin benefits: Organic sugar scrub is a great way to remove dead skin cells while helping rejuvenate the skin by cleaning all the dirt from the skin. Sugar is a natural ingredient that has an anti-aging effect on the skin – and combining it with some drops of essential oils, you get the perfect recipe for a homemade body scrub to get soft skin. In this recipe, we used fine ground imperial sugar, but you can use brown sugar if you have very dry skin. For sensitive skin, we recommend white sugar as it’s less strong on the skin. Just make sure to keep the same ratio of sugar. We love DIY sugar scrub recipes with essential oils. Depending on your personal preference, we recommend using a combination of some of the following essential oils to support healthy skin:
  • Lemon -reduces the appearance of dark spots and brightens your skin
  • Lavender – reduces the appearance of wrinkles
  • Frankincense – reduces the appearance of wrinkles
  • Peppermint – energizing and cooling
  • Sandalwood – regenerates the appearance of younger-looking skin
  • Myrrh – especially helpful for dry or cracked skin
  • Lemongrass – great for cellulite and smooth feeling skin
  • Neroli – relaxing, supports healthy skin cells, reduces the appearance of wrinkles
  • Geranium – great for supporting overall skin health and appearance
  • Grapefruit – helps reduce the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks
  • Helichrysum – rejuvenates skin, reducing the appearance of uneven skin texture and tone
  • Myrtle – helps beautify and enhance the appearance of healthy-looking skin.
Remember – essential oils go a long way. You only need a little bit to make this unicorn sugar scrub – make sure to only use a few drops!


Image shows a collage - the process to make homemade sugar scrub. First image has mixing bowls with sugar and dye, second image shows a kid adding oil, and third image shows a kid dropping scents. Steps from Kids Activities Blog.
Follow these simple steps to make your own homemade sugar scrub.

Directions for Rainbow Sugar Scrub

Step 1

Add two cups of sugar into a bowl – one bowl per color.  We made six different colors of sugar scrub – it seems like a ton when you are mixing it, but this much sugar made roughly three jars worth of sugar scrub.

Step 2

We lightly scented each layer with a different scent. Think about the different scents as you put them together and try and mix ones that smell terrific together.
Image shows a kid making a sugar scrub with different food dye colors and putting it into a jar
Make your sugar scrub as colorful as you want!

Step 3

Add enough grapeseed oil (probably about half a cup, but I didn’t measure it exactly) until your sugar clumps together. The desired consistency should look like scooped ice cream. Then layer the sugar into your jars.

Step 4

If you are gifting the sugar, include a large thick craft stick to help scoop the scrub out of the jar for use. For the final touch, decorate your jars.
Yield: 3

Rainbow Sugar Scrub

Make your own rainbow sugar scrub to gift on Mother's Day, Valentine's Day, or use yourself for a spa day!

Prep Time 10 minutes
Active Time 15 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Difficulty easy
Estimated Cost $10


  • Fine Ground Imperial Sugar – 2lb bag
  • Grapeseed Oil – you can use olive oil or almond oil
  • Essential Oils
  • Neon Food Coloring


  • Decorative Jars


    1. Add two cups of sugar into a bowl – one bowl per color.  We made six different colors of sugar scrub – it seems like a ton when you are mixing it, but this much sugar made roughly three jars worth of sugar scrub.
    2. We lightly scented each layer with a different scent. Think about the different scents as you put them together and try and mix ones that smell terrific together.  
    3. Add enough grapeseed oil (probably about half a cup, but I didn’t measure it exactly) until your sugar clumps together. The desired consistency should look like scooped ice cream. Then layer the sugar into your jars.
    4. If you are gifting the sugar, include a large thick craft stick to help scoop the scrub out of the jar for use. For the final touch, decorate your jars.


Remember – essential oils go a long way. You only need a little bit to make this unicorn sugar scrub – make sure to only use a few drops!


How did your homemade rainbow sugar scrub recipe turn out?

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