Can you believe school is going to start next month??   I can’t summer flies by so fast! We are dreaming and scheming about ways to make our school routine easier and packing lunches can be a bit daunting.  In addition to our Lunchbox Insides, here are some tips we hope will be helpful this upcoming year. lunchbox ideas

30 Lunch Ideas with NO Repeats.

Do your kids complain if they eat the same thing all of the time?   Or are *you* tired of the same old??   This list from Peanut Blossom is for you.     I love how Tiffany thinks of kids – it’s like she knew the veggies my kids were picky about… and they are all Peanut-free.   Great for school kiddos!  Print the list and put it on your fridge.   Your kids will thank you.

lunchbox tips and ideas

Give Your Kids a Giggle.

There are a lot of little ways you can make your kids day while they are eating their lunch.   You can print up a collection of jokes for your kids to unfold and share while they munch.   There are creative commons comics (i.e. ones that you can print and copy legally).   Our favorite series is Web Donuts.   Print some up – especially older kids will enjoy these comics.   Another idea is to send your kids to school with a lunch bag puzzle.   Include the riddle decoder in the bag so your kids can solve the riddle while they eat! serve food on a stick

Featured are: Al Cibo Commestible, Show Foods & Brit+Co.

Say NO to Sandwiches.

Serve meals to your kids on a stick.   There is something about eating food on a stick that makes meal time more fun.   On the left is a brilliant idea!   Stuff a popsicle stick inside chicken nuggets.   Your kids hands will stay clean even when they double dip.   Make shrimp a fun and fruity meal – skewer the two together.   Our kids like to dip them into ketchup mixed with lime juice.   If you are looking for even more lunch options for your kids (and some amazing desserts) check out the following 100 Things You can Eat on a Stick. for lunch boxes a green smoothie

Go Green.

Encourage your kids to eat veggies by including smoothies in your lunch box.   Consider blending them thick and freezing them in small containers.   The frozen cube will help keep the food cool.   Include a spoon and your kids can eat it as a slushie for lunch.   There are also spill-proof cups and other products that we feature in our MUST Have Lunchbox Products list.   Fill the popsicles or cups with green smoothies.   Our favorite smoothies are: Berry Kale, Green Peach Pie, and Shrek Juice.  frozen sponge ice pack

Keep it Cool.

One of our best tricks for keeping food cool is to freeze a damp sponge.   We get the super cheap affordable sponges from the dollar store, they come in a two pack for a dollar and they fit into a zip-sandwich bag perfectly.   Freeze the wet sponge in the bag.   It will thaw with none of the leaking dangers that come from those blue packs… AND… before/after your kids are done eating they can hypothetically wipe down the table.     We re-use our sponge numerous times, nuking it in the microwave between freezings to keep the sponge clean longer. . Like these ideas? We bet you will also love our “favorite lunch box products”.   They make packing lunches fun and easy!

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