If you like origami Christmas ornaments, make an origami star with this step-by-step tutorial! This origami star craft is great fun for the whole family; making origami stars is challenging enough for older kids and adults. Origami is one of our favorite paper crafts. The best thing is that you don’t need a lot of prep: just get a square of paper and follow the step-by-step photos. Happy folding!

Origami star project: origami star on a dark blue background above origami and ornamental christmas trees
Let’s make an origami star!

How to Make origami Stars

Follow the step by step picture instructions below to fold your own origami star…or origami stars! Making origami stars is an obvious Christmas craft, but we love featuring stars all year long! If you have some sheets of paper, scrapbook paper or extra wrapping paper and are looking for a good idea to use them on, the best way is to make some easy origami stars.

Related: More Easy Christmas origami & Blinking Eyeball Origami Craft for Kids

While each step in making origami stars is easy, since there are so many steps you may want to fold together. Once you know how to fold an origami star, you will likely want to make a constellation of them!

Related: Our favorite easy origami ideas

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Origami Star Supplies

Related: Check out this easy origami craft!

Origami Star Instructions

Step 1

Step 1 - How to make an origami star - lay your square paper flat
Let’s start!

The first step is to fold a square sheet of paper in half. Open then fold the other way in half.

Step 1b - How to make an origami star - fold in half
And then we fold it.
Step 1c - How to make an origami star - open the paper back up
Open again!
Step 1 - How to make an origami star - fold the other way in half
Fold the other way.

Step 2

Step 2 - How to make an origami star - flip the paper over and fold diagnally
Fold in this way.

Flip over and fold diagonally. 

Step 3

Step 3 - How to make an origami star - bring corners together
Your craft should look something like this now.

Fold opposing corners diagonally. Bring corners together, letting sides fold inward at creases to form a square.

Step 4

Step 4 - How to make an origami star - with open end down, fold the left and right corners into a kite shape
Now, your star should resemble a kite.

With the open end down, fold the left and right side corners to the middle forming a kite.

Step 4b - How to make an origami star - fold up one side to the middle
Fold the left side…
Step 43 - How to make an origami star - fold up the other side to the middle
And now the right side.

Step 5

Step 5 - How to make an origami star - fold the top triangle of the kite to the back and open
Fold the top triangle to the back.

Fold the top triangle of the kite to the back, and then open the kite.

Step 5b - How to make an origami star - open the paper kite
Open your “kite”.

Step 6

Step 6 - How to make an origami star - pull the corner to the bottom
It will look a bit funny for a while!

Pull the corner on the bottom up to the top, letting it pull the sides inward as a squash fold and crease so the edges are aligned vertically in the center.

Step 7

Step 6 - How to make an origami star - flip over and fold
We’re almost halfway there.

Flip over and fold the kite top triangle up.

Step 8

Step 8 - How to make an origami star - with open and down fold the left and right side corners to the middle and open
It will look like this on the other side.

With the open end down, fold the left and right side corners to the middle forming a kite. Open the kite.

Step 8b - How to make an origami star - with open and down fold the left and right side corners to the middle and open
Let’s fold the left…
Step 8c - How to make an origami star - with open and down fold the left and right side corners to the middle and open
…and right sides.
Step 8d - How to make an origami star - with open and down fold the left and right side corners to the middle and open
And then open the kite.

Step 9

Step 9 - How to make an origami star - pull corner on the bottom edge to the top
Now your craft will look something like this.

Pull the corner on the bottom edge up to the top, letting it pull the sides inward as a squash fold and crease so the edges are aligned vertically in the center.

Step 10

Step 10 - How to make an origami star - pull bottom points apart to unfold and flatten flatten a square in the center from existing creases, then invert the center of the square so the center forms a downward point pushing the sides in towards the center along their vertical creases at the same time
The next step is pulling the bottom edge on each side.

Gently pull the bottom two points apart to unfold and flatten a square in the center from existing creases, then invert the center of the square so the center forms a downward point pushing the sides in towards the center along their vertical creases at the same time.

Step 10b - How to make an origami star - pull bottom points apart to unfold and flatten flatten a square in the center from existing creases, then invert the center of the square so the center forms a downward point pushing the sides in towards the center along their vertical creases at the same time
Pull like this.
Step 10c - How to make an origami star - pull bottom points apart to unfold and flatten flatten a square in the center from existing creases, then invert the center of the square so the center forms a downward point pushing the sides in towards the center along their vertical creases at the same time
And extend!
Step 10d - How to make an origami star - pull bottom points apart to unfold and flatten flatten a square in the center from existing creases, then invert the center of the square so the center forms a downward point pushing the sides in towards the center along their vertical creases at the same time
Fold, fold, fold!

Step 11

Step 11 - How to make an origami star - fold bottom corner up so the top tip is about 1 cm over the top edge
We’re done with the difficult part

Fold the bottom corner up such that the top tip sticks out about 1 cm over the top edge.

Step 12

Step 12 - How to make an origami star - fold left flap up from the left corner to the center crease
Fold the left side.

Fold the left flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.

Step 13

Step 13 - How to make an origami star - fold right flap up from the right corner to the center crease
And then fold the right side.

Fold the right flap up from the top right corner to the center crease.

Step 14

Step 14 - How to make an origami star - flip over and fold the bottom corner so it sticks up 1 cm over top edge too
The next step is flipping it over.

Flip over. Fold the bottom corner up such that the top tip sticks out about 1 cm over the top edge.

Step 14b - How to make an origami star - flip over and fold the bottom corner so it sticks up 1 cm over top edge too
And fold again, just like in the steps above.

Step 15

Step 15 - How to make an origami star - fold one flap up from the top on same side center crease
Repeat the same folds.

Fold the left flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.

Step 16

Step 16 - How to make an origami star - fold one flap up from the top on same side center crease
Fold the right side.

Fold the right flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.

Step 17

Step 17 - How to make an origami star - open and repeat fold one flap up from the top on same side center crease
After opening the other sides, your origami will look like this.

Open the two sides and repeat the steps!

Step 18

Step 18 - How to make an origami star - open and repeat fold one flap up from the top on same side center crease
Flip the bottom edge up just like we did before.

Fold the bottom corner up such that the top tip sticks out about 1 cm over the top edge.

Step 19

Step 19 - How to make an origami star - open and repeat fold one flap up from the top on same side center crease
Let’s flop both flaps again.

Fold the left flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.

Step 20

Step 20 - How to make an origami star - open and repeat fold one flap up from the top on same side center crease
Doesn’t it kind of look like a boat? *giggles*

Fold the right flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.

Step 21

Step 21 - How to make an origami star - open and repeat fold one flap up from the top on same side center crease
Let’s do the last part!

Flip over. Fold the bottom corner up such that the top tip sticks out about 1 cm over the top edge.

Step 21b - How to make an origami star - open and repeat fold one flap up from the top on same side center crease
It might be a bit tricky, but we’rea almost done.

Step 22

Step 22 - How to make an origami star - fold flap up to same side center crease
Let’s fold the remaining flaps just like we’ve done in the other steps.

Fold the left flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.

Step 23

Step 23 - How to make an origami star - fold flap up to same side center crease
We’re pretty much done with the folds.

Fold the right flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.

Step 24

Step 24 - How to make an origami star - spread out the top points and lay flat to see star shape
This is the best part!

Spread out the top points and lay flat to see the star shape.

Step 25

Step 25 - How to make an origami star - flip over
One more step…

Flip over.

Step 26

Step 26 - How to make an origami star - squash fold and crease each side of the square resulting in sides that are curved and standing up perpendicular to the plane of the flat star
It’s squashing time!

Semi-squash fold and crease each side of the square, resulting in sides that are curved and standing up perpendicular to the plane of the flat star.

Step 26b - How to make an origami star - squash fold and crease each side of the square resulting in sides that are curved and standing up perpendicular to the plane of the flat star
It should look like this.

Step 27

Finished Star - How to make an origami star - this is what your finished folded origami star should look like
And now it’s done!

Flip over to see your finished star!


There are so many good ideas for your origami paper ornaments. You can make a few and put them up as tree ornaments next to your Christmas tree baubles or put them on top of your presents for fun handmade gift toppers.

Ideas for your origami paper star craft

We used a plain sheet of paper, but the fun part about this craft is that you can use any kind of paper that you want. Because it’s the Christmas season, we recommend trying a paper pattern with a Christmas or New Years theme for the holidays, a magazine page or old paper for a one-of-a-kind star, but you can customize it for other dates like Fourth of July craft. These stars are completely customizable and there are so many creative ways to use them.


Yield: 1

Origami Stars Craft (Christmas)

origami star on a dark blue background above origami and ornamental christmas trees

Make your own origami stars for your Christmas tree using a sheet of paper!

Active Time 20 minutes
Total Time 20 minutes
Difficulty Medium
Estimated Cost $1


  • 1 sheet of origami paper


  1. The first step is to fold a square sheet of paper in half. Open then fold the other way in half.
  2. Flip over and fold diagonally. 
  3. Fold opposing corners diagonally. Bring corners together, letting sides fold inward at creases to form a square.
  4. With the open end down, fold the left and right side corners to the middle forming a kite.
  5. Fold the top triangle of the kite to the back, and then open the kite.
  6. Pull the corner on the bottom up to the top, letting it pull the sides inward as a squash fold and crease so the edges are aligned vertically in the center.
  7. Flip over and fold the kite top triangle up.
  8. With the open end down, fold the left and right side corners to the middle forming a kite. Open the kite.
  9. Pull the corner on the bottom edge up to the top, letting it pull the sides inward as a squash fold and crease so the edges are aligned vertically in the center.
  10. Gently pull the bottom two points apart to unfold and flatten a square in the center from existing creases, then invert the center of the square so the center forms a downward point pushing the sides in towards the center along their vertical creases at the same time.
  11. Fold the bottom corner up such that the top tip sticks out about 1 cm over the top edge.
  12. Fold the left flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.
  13. Fold the right flap up from the top right corner to the center crease.
  14. Flip over. Fold the bottom corner up such that the top tip sticks out about 1 cm over the top edge.
  15. Fold the left flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.
  16. Fold the right flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.
  17. Open the two sides and repeat the steps!
  18. Fold the bottom corner up such that the top tip sticks out about 1 cm over the top edge.
  19. Fold the left flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.
  20. Fold the right flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.
  21. Flip over. Fold the bottom corner up such that the top tip sticks out about 1 cm over the top edge.
  22. Fold the left flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.
  23. Fold the right flap up from the top left corner to the center crease.
  24. Spread out the top points and lay flat to see the star shape.
  25. Flip over.
  26. Semi-squash fold and crease each side of the square, resulting in sides that are curved and standing up perpendicular to the plane of the flat star.
  27. Flip over to see your finished star!


Christmas, star-themed or shiny silver or gold wrapping paper works great too. Try using larger paper for larger stars!


More origami tutorials from kids activities blog

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