Today we are making preparations for our Thanksgiving dinner celebration with these cute printable Thanksgiving placemats and printable table decorations which makes setting the table a lot of fun.

Color These Placemats for Your Thanksgiving Dinner
Up your kids table game with these fun printable Thanksgiving activity placemats for kids. I am suspicious that the adults will want to use them too!
Related: How to make placemats with kids artwork
Keep reading because at the bottom of this article are instruction for a fun Thanksgiving craft for kids that can add to your Thanksgiving table decorations…
Here are our really cute coordinating set of Thanksgiving printables for the dinner table that consist of 4 different pages:
1. Thanksgiving Placemat Coloring Page

This printable Thanksgiving placemat is the first page in our printable placemat set. You can color the turkey, draw your food, all the words, and the cornucopia. This printable Thanksgiving placemat is great for younger children and older children alike. Use all of your favorite coloring supplies like: crayons, markers, colored pencils, watercolors, glitter glue, or even acrylic paints!
2. Thanksgiving Place Card Printable to Color

We have a Thanksgiving name card printable in our Thanksgiving printable placemat set. Write everyone’s name on each of the place cards and decorate them. Use all the fall colors like: orange, red, green, brown, gold!
3. Thanksgiving Napkin Ring Printable to Color

These Thanksgiving printable napkin rings are the third page in our Thanksgiving placemat set! Make the napkins extra fancy this year. Simple color and decorate each napkin ring and then tape or glue them shut over the napkins you are using, regardless if they’re paper napkins or cloth napkins.
4. Printable Thanksgiving Activity Placemat

Here is the last page in our printable Thanksgiving placemat set. This colorful placemat is also an activity sheet. It has things to color, match, a space to write what you’re thankful for. I think this page is probably great for preschoolers, kindergarteners, and even elementary aged kids.
Download and Print Our Printable Thanksgiving Placemat Set PDF File Here
This printable Thanksgiving placemat set is sized for standard letter printer paper dimensions – 8.5 x 11 inches.
RECOMMENDED SUPPLIES FOR printable Thanksgiving placemat Set
- Something to color with: favorite crayons, colored pencils, markers, paint, water colors…
- (Optional) Something to cut with: scissors or safety scissors
- (Optional) Something to glue with: glue stick, rubber cement, school glue
- The printable Thanksgiving placemat set template pdf — see pink button below to download & print
Printing Instructions for Thanksgiving Dinner Set
The free printable placemats were designed to be printed on legal sized paper in a regular printer on regular legal sized printer paper. The printable Thanksgiving napkin rings and place cards can be printed on legal paper or regular sized printer paper because you will be cutting them out.

Download the pdf files you want and print them out on white paper. Kids can then color, paint or use markers to decorate within your Thanksgiving dinner color scheme. Save the inside activities for kids to do at Thanksgiving dinner as Thanksgiving activity pages like you would see at a restaurant!

You might want to add a little bundle of crayons tied with twine at each place setting at your Thanksgiving dinner table.

More Ways To Use These Printable Thanksgiving Printable Placemat Coloring Sheets
We thought it would be fun to use these Thanksgiving printables for a craft to coordinate with our Thanksgiving table setting. Here are the steps to our easy Thanksgiving craft for kids:

Supplies Needed
- 2 plastic containers the same size – one empty and one full that you want to use at the Thanksgiving table.
- paper – scrapbook paper, construction paper or we used a brown paper sack
- Decoupage glue – we used Mod Podge
- Paint brush or foam brush
- Colored & cut out Thanksgiving napkin ring printable featured above
Craft Instructions
1. We started with an empty butter crock container. Because we are going to use decorations that may not be food-safe, we are making a removable cover that won’t come in contact with food. We are going to insert a full butter container into the one we decorate and use it on our Thanksgiving dinner table.
2. The decoration base is going to be brown so we tore up a paper bag into small, irregular pieces to cover the container.
3. Using flat Mod Podge, we covered the plastic container with a thin layer of the glue-y substance and layered it with the paper pieces.
4. The paper pieces were covered with another layer of Mod Podge.
5. On top we added our Thanksgiving coloring page – napkin ring printable and another layer of Mod Podge.
Happy crafting!
- Check out this big list of Thanksgiving placemat craft ideas for kids!
- These Thanksgiving coloring pages include a set of printable Thanksgiving placemats to be printed on legal size paper.
- Download and print these thankful placemats!
- I love these coloring placemats for Thanksgiving.
- OK, these might not be printable, but they are a really fun and easy traditional kids craft. Make woven construction paper placemats!
- Check out these cute printable Thanksgiving placemats that feature fall leaves and Happy Thanksgiving.
- This cool autumn leaves printable placemat template works really well with watercolor paint and makes a colorfully lovely Thanksgiving table decoration.
- Memorialize this Thanksgiving with one of these 30 Thanksgiving crafts for kids!
How did you use these printable Thanksgiving placemats that you can use at the kids table…or beyond at Thanksgiving dinner?