File folder games are great for preschoolers as they can learn through play. These ice cream games concentrate on basic counting (1 to 10) and upper and lover case letters.

File folder games are easy to make and kids love playing with them over and over again.

file folder game

Ice Cream File Folder Games

This printable for kids is perfect for a rainy or  hot summer days as ice cream is great pretty much every day!

1. Ice Cream Folder Game: Lower Case Letters A-I

Lowercase Letter Printable Ice Cream Games For Kids- Page 1- printed pdf file pink and blue ice cream- kids activities blog
This printable ice cream game has lower case letters a through i.

This is the first page of our printable ice cream game using printable and folders. This page has 9 ice creams that are blue and pink. Each ice cream has a letter on it it. The letters are lower case and are a through i. Cut out each ice cream carefully to use for your ice cream folder game.

2. Ice Cream Folder Game: Lower Case Letters J-R

Lowercase Letter Printable Ice Cream Games For Kids- Page 2- printed pdf file pink and blue ice cream- kids activities blog
This printable ice cream game has lower case letters J through R.

Here is our second page of our printable ice cream game using printable and folders. This page has 9 ice creams that are blue and pink. Each ice cream has a letter on it it. The letters are lower case and are j through r.

3. Ice Cream Folder Game: Lower Case Letters S-Z

Lowercase Letter Printable Ice Cream Games For Kids- Page 3- printed pdf file pink and blue ice cream- kids activities blog
This printable ice cream game has lower case letters S through Z.

This is the third page of our printable ice cream game using printable and folders. This page has 8 ice creams that are blue and pink. Each ice cream has a letter on it it. The letters are lower case and are s through z. Cut out each ice cream carefully to use for your ice cream folder game.

4. Ice Cream Folder Game: Upper Case Letters A-I

Upper Case Letters Ice Cream Folder Game For Kids- Page 4- Printed Pdf file of ice creams both pink and blue- kids activities blog
Here are the upper case letter ice cream printables with capital letters A-I.

This is the fourth page of our printable ice cream game using printable and folders. This printable page has 9 ice creams that are blue and pink. Each ice cream has a letter on it it. The letters are upper case now and are: A through I. Cut out each ice cream carefully to use for your ice cream folder game.

5. Ice Cream Folder Game: Upper Case Letters J-R

Upper Case Letters Ice Cream Folder Game For Kids- Page 5- Printed Pdf file of ice creams both pink and blue- kids activities blog
Here are the upper case letter ice cream printables with capital letters J-R.

Here is our fifth page of our printable ice cream game using printable and folders. This printable page has 9 ice creams that are blue and pink. Each ice cream has a letter on it it. The letters are upper case now and are: J through R.

6. Ice Cream Folder Game: Upper Case Letters S-Z

Upper Case Letters Ice Cream Folder Game For Kids- Page 6- Printed Pdf file of ice creams both pink and blue- kids activities blog
Here are the upper case letter ice cream printables with capital letters S-Z.

This is the sixth page of our printable ice cream game using printable and folders. This printable page has 9 ice creams that are blue and pink. Each ice cream has a letter on it it. The letters are upper case now and are: A through I. Cut out each ice cream carefully to use for your ice cream folder game.

7. Ice Cream Folder Game: Counting Numbers 1-5

Counting Printable Ice Cream Folder Game- Page 7- Printed PDF File of Pink Ice cream with numbers- kids activities blog
Now we are counting with our printable ice creams. We have the numbers 1-5!

We have gotten to the seventh page of our printable ice cream folder pages. So, we have 5 ice creams and each ice creams are pink. Instead of learning letters, we will be learning how to count. Can you count each ice cream?

8. Ice Cream Folder Game: Counting Numbers 6-10

Counting Printable Ice Cream Folder Game- Page 8- Printed PDF File of Pink Ice cream with numbers- kids activities blog
Now we are counting with our printable ice creams. We have the numbers 6-10!

We have gotten to the eighth page of our printable ice cream folder pages. There are 5 ice creams and each ice creams are pink. Instead of learning letters, we will be learning how to count. Can you count each ice cream? We have to count all the way to 10.

9. Ice Cream Folder Game: Sprinkle Counting Game (1)

Counting Sprinkle Ice Cream Folder Game- Page 9- printed pdf file of pink ice cream and rainbow sprinkles- kids activities blog
Can you count all the different rainbow sprinkles?

This is the ninth page of our printable ice cream folder game set. Each ice cream has rainbow sprinkles. Can you count all the sprinkles on each ice cream. Each ice cream has a different amount of sprinkles.

9. Ice Cream Folder Game: Sprinkle Counting Game (2)

Can you count all the different rainbow sprinkles?

This is the last page of our printable ice cream folder game set. Each ice cream has rainbow sprinkles. Can you count all the sprinkles on each ice cream. Each ice cream has a different amount of sprinkles.

Download and Print Your Ice Cream File Folder Games PDF Files Here

The File Folder Game set includes:

  • 1 alphabet matching game with upper and lower case letters.
  • 1 counting sprinkles game with numbers from 1 to 10.

More Early Learning Printables And activities from kids activities blog

More ice cream fun from Kids Activities blog

More free printable game ideas

Did your child have fun with this fun ice cream file folder game?

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    1. Hi, Margarita! I’m sorry for the problems. I have emailed it to you. We are in the process of fixing this!

  1. Hello! I could not get the link to download this Ice Cream Files or the Constellations Stringing activities to work. Could I by chance get these activities emailed to me? Thank you in advance!