This year on Kids Activities Blog we are highlighting amazing kid charities.  We are finding large and small organizations that are doing incredible work to help kids all over the world.  It is our way to thank them for inspiring us. Today we are excited to be highlighting the charitable work of the Ronald McDonald House. Amazing Kid Charities Featured on Kids Activities Blog

Ronald McDonald House

Seeing your child suffer from a sickness, injury or debilitating disease can wreak havoc on your emotional, physical and spiritual warehouse. You can only be spread so thin as you tend to your child and miss night after night of sleep. Unfortunately, many families have to add even more stress to the tense situation by traveling out of state for expert medical care. Sometimes families end up  far away from home for months at a time. Naturally, traveling and living away from home for several weeks or even months can begin to drain your finances. Hey, we have a bed and food. are the first words that Erin Maley heard from the Ronald McDonald House. It was one of the most comforting phrases she could imagine after losing the love of her life. Seemingly alone, she was now tending to her only child who was suffering from a broken neck injury in a hospital that was far from home. Erin Maley's Saturday had been a typical Saturday. She was visiting some friends and was returning home with her husband and daughter. Her little one was so exhausted that Erin knew she would be snoozing before they even pulled into their cozy, comfy home. A few moments later, Erin's husband stopped the car at a red light. As the light was just turning green Erin turned around to check on her daughter Summer — and that is all she can remember. There had been a violent accident that took her husband's life, but  it   left her daughter Summer with a broken neck. She too was suffering, but with minor injuries and major emotional pain.  How could she find the strength to care for her daughter in a time such as this? It seemed that Erin's life was ripping apart at the seams. But a few and simple words brought comfort that gave her a ray of hope. Hey, we have a bed and food. Ronald McDonald House

 Credit:  Ronald McDonald House Charities Global

The Ronald McDonald House was walking distance from the hospital where Summer was being treated. The house provided Erin a home away from home ” without a mountain of bills and expenses. The home also provided a way for Erin and her mom to stay connected. Through her ordeal, her mother was able to come wash the laundry, heat up meals and just be there to offer emotional comfort. Today, Erin seeks for her daughter Summer to somehow grasp how much her daddy loved her. She even made a quilt using Ryan's t-shirts for Summer to have something tangible to remember her father's love. Though one family's life was forever changed, The Ronald McDonald house stepped in and provided  hope, care and comfort to try to maintain some means of normalcy in Erin and Summer Maley's life. Erin Maley's story is only the beginning.The Ronald McDonald House Charities has been helping and aiding families since 1974 and continue today. This amazing charity seeks to help people through their unexpected, medical catastrophes in life while holding the families together. Their main focus is helping children enjoy life to the fullest — whether it be dental, medical or educational needs. Erin Maley was only on recipient of one of the most well-known missions of the charity — The Ronald McDonald House. By staying in the Ronald McDonald houses, families can still enjoy a home-cooked meal together in a family living room. Kids can also enjoy a play area and toy away from home. Even kids with weakened immune systems can be aided with specially designed rooms during their stay at one of the many Ronald McDonald Houses across the globe. Families don't have to endure less-than-desirable hotel stays, but can enjoy the comforts of a home away from home — all staffed with people ethat truly care. Ronald McDonald House colorful

 Credit:  Ronald McDonald House Charities Global

Kid Charities

The Ronald McDonald House Charities also offers:
  • Care Mobiles. Medical care, dental care, referrals and preventative lessons are just the beginning of this on-the-go mission.
  • Grants.   Donations are sent all over the world to help non-profit organizations improve the quality of life for kids.
  • Scholarships. Young people that are pursuing higher education can receive financial assistance if they have excelled in academics and have been involved in the community but are unable to afford college tuition.
  • Family rooms. These rooms are right inside of the hospital and offer a home away from home that is only steps away from the hospitalized child. Parents and family members can enjoy rest, privacy and comfort in these spacious rooms.
If you have ever considered contributing to a charity, consider Ronald McDonald House. The love, thought and details they put into helping families and kids of all walks of life should be applauded and supported. Ronald McDonald House doesn't wait for people to come to them with needs, they search for people to help. Maybe one of your friends or relatives will be going through a difficult time in their life and they will need to hear the words, Hey, we have a bed and food. It makes more of a difference than you think! If you have a favorite charity that you would like featured in our Kid Charity series, please fill out this form.

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  1. Many years ago I worked a temp job for a surgical office attached to MCV Hospital in Richmond. I had never heard of Ronald McDonald House but through that position I saw families who had traveled long distances and clearly had no money to spare. Those families dearly needed the help and found it there. Now at the McDs drivethru I see the donation bin and always remember them. Worthy of donations.

  2. We have some friends who have been blessed by this organization in the last couple of years. So thankful for all they do for families going though very difficult times!

  3. I believe many people is unaware of this charity. I haven’t seen any notes around it until now. I got to know them because a person close to me used it in France when her kid had brain cancer. She had to stay at the hospital for months. This house was a true blessing for them. Thanks for reminding me of this organization.