Ebola. We have all heard about it.  But, what has been the true impact?  I was astonished to hear how many children are being abandoned because family members have died from ebola or because they have contracted the disease and been left behind.  I had to find out how to help in any way I can. That’s why it was amazing  when we heard  from  Street Child, a UK charity that has been improving education in West Africa, but is also helping the lives of those who have been effected by ebola.  Here at Kids Activities Blog, we love to support  charities that truly impact the lives of children.  Whether they are here in the states, or in a different area of the world, every child matters. helping-children-west-africa

What is Street Child?

Street Child is a UK charity, established in 2008, that aims to create educational opportunity for some of the most vulnerable children in West Africa.  We believe that every child deserves the right to be empowered through education. In urban settings we work directly with street children in their own environment towards reunification with their families, reintroduction to education and the creation of a sustainable home-life for their ongoing upbringing. Between 2008 and 2012 we helped reunify approximately 2,000 children with their families. In rural locations we bring access to education  through teacher training and the establishment of educational facilities in areas where they are needed most. Between 2010 and 2013 we helped more than 20,000 children gain access to education. helping-kids-west-africa

Ebola Orphan Appeal

The Ebola crisis has forced us to change our working priorities;  Street Child is the leading charity addressing the tragedy of children left orphaned and destitute by Ebola in West Africa. The charity has already provided humanitarian aid to 1,500 Ebola orphans and has a goal of reaching 5,000 orphans by the end of November. We estimate around 20,000 children have been left destitute by the Ebola virus. These children are left to fend for themselves, often with young siblings to support. Their belongings burnt to stop the spread of the virus. They have been traumatised, having witnessed horrendous things, and many feel there is no hope. We can change this. Our teams are in contact with hundreds of communities, and can respond to children who are left without their main caregiver. We can provide a future for them. My job is Fundraising Manager for the charity; I started work for Street Child in 2009 when I went out to visit their work in Sierra Leone. I fell in love with the work they were doing on the ground, and the sustainable nature of the projects. The impact we have on the ground is extraordinary, and we reach areas many other organisations can't. At the moment the international response is slow, it takes time to mobilise on the ground, but we have 600 staff already trained and working. How can you help? Support our orphan appeal: It costs as little as £20 a month to support an Ebola Orphan. Providing emergency aid and then a long term sustainable package. Join us: At the moment we are looking for Regional Fundraisers to come on board to help with this urgent appeal. If you feel you have some free time, or would like to gain experience in the charity sector please email  [email protected]  for more information. To find out more about our appeal, make a donation or set up regular giving, please go to:  www.street-child.co.uk

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