Today we have fun facts for kids about Aphrodite. Want to learn some interesting facts about the Greek goddess Aphrodite? We are sharing two printable Aphrodite facts pages for kids of all ages! Whether you want to learn the story of the Judgment of Paris, what is the birth of Aphrodite like, and what are her special powers, you’re in the right place. Use these printable Aphrodite fact sheets at home or in the classroom.

Black and white coloring pages with Aphrodite facts lying on top of a blue-green sheet with multicolored letters on a gray background.
Did you know that Aphrodite had a son named Eros, the god of love and desire?

Aphrodite Facts for Kids

Learning about Greek goddesses and gods is so much fun! Did you know that Aphrodite’s most famous sculpture is the Venus de Milo in the Louvre Museum? And that her sacred animals are the dove, wild boar, and swan? Another cool fact is that she was born from the foam of the sea. Click on the button to download your free printable Aphrodite facts for kids:

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Let’s learn more facts about Aphrodite!

10 Fun Facts About Aphrodite

  1. In ancient Greek mythology, Aphrodite was the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. In Roman mythology, she’s called Goddess Venus and was the daughter of Uranus.
  2. She was one of the twelve Olympian gods in Ancient Greece.
  3. Her Roman name Venus inspired the name of the Planet Venus.
  4. Aphrodite was the daughter of Zeus, King of Gods, and Dione. She had many siblings: Ares, Apollo, Artemis, and other Olympian gods and goddesses.
  5. The story of Aphrodite said that she was born fully grown from sea foam.
  6. Aphrodite’s symbols include myrtles, roses, doves, sparrows, and swans.
Screenshot of a black and white coloring page with Aphrodite facts.
Aphrodite is a very interesting goddess!
  1. The ancient Greek goddess of love was the most beautiful of all the goddesses and gods of Mount Olympus.
  2. The sanctuary of Aphrodite, in Paphos, on the Island of Cyprus, is one of the oldest pilgrimage centers and a World Heritage Site.
  3. The Judgement of Paris involved a golden apple inscribed with “to fairest,” causing a beauty contest to find the most beautiful goddess between Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena, ultimately leading to Trojan War.
  4. Aphrodite was said to be able to create a special magic water that could inspire love and desire in those who drank it.

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  • Something to color with favorite crayonscolored pencilsmarkerspaintwatercolors
  • The printable Aphrodite facts coloring sheets template pdf — see button below to download & print.
  • Aphrodite Facts coloring pages are sized for standard letter printer paper dimensions – 8.5 x 11 inches.
Screenshot of a black and white coloring page with Aphrodite facts.
Who is your favorite Greek God or Goddess?

This pdf file includes two coloring sheets loaded with Aphrodite Facts that you don’t want to miss. Print as many sets as needed and give them to friends or family!


Related: Fun facts for kids


What was your favorite fact about Aphrodite?

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