Yay! I am adding even MORE free printable Pokemon coloring pages to this article today. Coloring Pokemon coloring sheets is a great way to spend the afternoon no matter your age. These Pokemon coloring pages have become one of our most popular articles on Kids Activities Blog.

Pokemon Coloring Page PrintableS
While most coloring pages are made with kids in mind, we know that adults love Pokemon too…so no judgement here!
Free coloring pages + Pokemon = fun for all.
We have amassed a collection of 100s of the best Pokemon coloring pages online that are free and can be downloaded and printed at your home printer (or used in the classroom). Scroll below to see the variety of Pokemon pictures to color…you should easily find several ways to color your favorite Pokemon characters.
Let’s start with our favorite Pokemon coloring set…

We had our team create what we think are the absolute BEST Pokemon coloring pages that you can download & print right now. And keep reading below for a great resource for even more coloring pages to add to your Pokemon collection. Click blue button to download this free Pokemon coloring book set:
This Pokemon coloring book pdf has 8 pages:
- Poke Ball
- Pikachu
- Snorlax
- Jigglypuff
- Dugtrio
- Bulbasaur
- Squirtle
- Togepi
Starter Pokemon coloring sheets pdf
The simple shapes makes it easy for the wider crayons used by younger children making this a fun toddler, preschool or Kindergarten children. Young kids love coloring but may not always be interested in the subject matter…that changes with these!
Strange & unusual creatures we love
Pokemon gaming has brought us so many strange and unusual creatures to love. One of our favorites is Snorlax…These full page sheets of Pokemon designs are the perfect place to celebrate your favorite like Snorlax. Your favorite characters will be even more legendary.

We have even more fun pokemon coloring pages & color by number printables that you can download and print right now here on Kids Activities Blog.

Pokemon character pictures to color
These were designed by Natalie who also shows you HOW to color them in a tutorial paired with the coloring pages.
–>Grab this here: set of 5 Pokemon coloring pages pdf
Have fun coloring Pikachu surrounded by Magnemite, Squirtle and Charmander high-fiving over Bulbasaur, Butterfree and Caterpie, Sandshrew, Geodude and Diglet & Jigglypuff, Snorlax and Meowth all taking a nap.

We have two super cute Pokemon color by number. One is for preschool age kids who are just learning numbers and colors. The other is more advanced and appropriate for advanced Kindergarten through early elementary school.
–>Grab both versions here: Pokemon color by number printables
Pokemon Coloring PAGES For Adults

Doodle art coloring pages have become the rage online for adults. It is fun to color in between the lines of these cute pokemon doodles.
–>Grab your doodles here: Pokemon doodle art coloring page

–>And now we’ve found it, a huge resource of Pokemon coloring sheets!
They’re not just simple Pokemon characters, they are full page sheets of designs and mandalas with Pokemon characters in the center. Think adult coloring books, but with Pikachu, Squirtle, Charmander, and all their friends as the focal point.

We immediately had to download a few to test out and so far, we’ve been coloring for several hours. We’re not even remotely close to finishing, so these coloring pages would make a great project over several days.

WindingPathsArt has over 400 of these Pokemon coloring pages, downloadable for free. They’re even grouped according to their Pokedex numbers to make it easy to find your favorite characters.

These coloring sheets are awesome for all ages, not just young children. My teens and I have been busy for hours working on ours and neither of them show any signs of stopping.

Recommended Supplies for Pokemon Coloring Pages
- favorite crayons
- colored pencils
- markers
- paint
- water colors
- scissors or safety scissors
- glue stick
- rubber cement
- school glue
These pokemon coloring pictures are suitable for kids between the ages of 2-12, but the subject matter will be enjoyed by teens and adults as well. We love these characters from Pokemon Go and newer generations. It is a subject that crosses ages and family generations as well! Don’t be surprised if mom or dad prints an extra set.
Pokemon is an abbreviation for Pocket Monsters in Japan and consist of creatures of all sizes who live with their human trainers. If you are new to the Pokemon world, check out this Parents’ Guide to Pokemon for all the information (Parent’s Guide to Pokemon)
The first Pokemon created was Rhydon. The very first Pokemon in the Pokedex is Bulbasaur with the number 001. The first Pokemon in the lore is Arceus and the ancestor of all Pokemon is Mew.
According to the most recent count in the list of Pokemon species, there are 925 (List of Pokemon) pokemon.
More Pokemon Coloring Sheets and Other Fun
- Get kids off technology and back to basics with learning worksheets you can print at home!
- Need some indoor entertainment? Check out our favorite indoor games for kids.
- Gaming coloring pages are cool. Here are some Fortnite coloring pages.
- Let it go with our Frozen coloring pages.
- Minecraft coloring pages
- Make some pokemon slime…Grimer slime to be exact and it is purple.
- Pokemon costumes are fun all year long. Don’t get talked into just one day a year!
- Our favorite is an Ash pokemon costume & this one is no-sew.
- Do you need help with a homeschool preschool curriculum?
- How to make Butterbeer from Harry Potter
Which Pokemon coloring page was your favorite?
With kids obsessed with Pokemon and a rainy summer day we had so much fun printing off these Pokemon coloring pages to help the day fly by!
So many Pokémon coloring pages! Thanks for sharing all age/skill levels in one place.
Thank you for always being so much cooler than I will ever be! You guys always have activities for whatever my kids are currently into. This week, it is Pokemon coloring pages while they talk about Pokemon all day. haha!
Aw, you are so welcome! That’s why I love free printable coloring pages!!! Save your money, and quickly keep up with their changing interests!
These Pokemon coloring pages have been one of the tools in my arsenal to fight summer screen time, so thank you!!!
Love these! Sooooo many Pokemon coloring pages to choose from…so little time.