If you have younger siblings, you may have noticed that they are much funnier than you and if so, that all may come down to science. Why? Because Experts Say The Youngest Child Is The Funniest In The Family and It’s Something Worth Having a Good Laugh Over.

Experts say the youngest child in the family is the funniest - Kids Activities Blog feature
Who is the funniest in YOUR family?

Seriously, I love these crazy studies because I feel like we learn so much about us as human beings, and this one is quite funny.

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Youngest Child Traits

A study conducted by YouGov looked at the personality traits associated with the birth order and what they found was that the youngest siblings happened to be the funniest in the family.

family laughing together

First Born & Responsibility

Splitting out the first and last born siblings in British families with more than one child (86% of the population), a clear divide in personality traits emerges. The most significant difference is in feeling the burden of responsibility – most (54%) first borns say they are more responsible than their siblings, compared to 31% of last borns.

Being the Youngest Child

Younger siblings, on the other hand, are more likely to say they are more funny (46% compared to 36% of elder siblings), more easy going and more relaxed.

screenshot of yougov chart

The reason may be that older siblings are more mature and successful than their younger sibling giving the younger sibling more time to be laid back and funny.

I mean, that seems to make sense, right?

First born vs baby of the family traits - Kids activities blog

While these findings were conducted on British households, the same results were found for Americans as well. 

So, the next time your younger sibling says they are funnier than you, they probably are.

Experts Keep Talking & Here is What We Found Interesting

Do you think the experts are right?  Are you the youngest?  Are you the funniest?

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