Potty training is no easy task, but with these essentials on hand you’ll be prepared! Here at Kids Activities Blog we’ve here to help you assemble what you’ll need to survive potty training. We’ve also created an adorable and handy free printable potty chart that is sure to help motivate your little one to go diaper free!
For You’re Potty Training Survival Kit You’ll Need
- Potty Chair or Seat
- Flushable Wipes
- Underwear or Training Diapers
- Free Printable Potty Chart
- Potty Story
- Stool
- Hand Soap
Helpful Extras
- Treats to use as rewards
- Carpet cleaner
- Extra clean clothes
- Chocolate for mom
Free Printable Potty Chart
This rainbow potty chart is a great way to help your child track their potty training progress! The rainbow design is fun and gender neutral. You can write your child’s name in the banner at the top. Then draw stars or place stickers in the spaces each time they use the potty. At first you might want to give a star for each attempt or even each step of the process: asking to go, pulling down pants, sitting, wiping, flushing, and washing hands. As they get the hang of things you might want to just do stars for each successful use of the potty. For extra incentive, each row of stars can equal a prize.
Click here to download and print: Free Printable Potty Chart
More Potty Training Help
- What to do when your child won’t poop on the potty & specific information about when a 3 year old won’t poop
- When your 3 year old won’t potty train
- Tips to solve when toddler is scared of potty
- Love this potty training target
- How to potty train a toddler
- Have some fun with this Elf on the Shelf potty training idea
- Potty training essentials
- How to potty train a strong willed child
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