Do you have a picky eater? Or a kid that refuses to eat their veggies? Me too. I’ll admit that I understand their position, though. I don’t like vegetables either! The cool thing is that there are so many incredible ways to sneak those healthy veggies into your kids food without them ever knowing.

Easy Recipes That Sneak In Veggies
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1. Veggie Spinach Cupcakes Recipe
I know spinach cupcakes don’t sound incredibly appealing, but with these, you’ll never know they’re in there! Learn how to do this via Foodlets.
2. Mac and Cheese with Carrots Veggie Recipe
Foodlets mac and cheese with carrots recipe is a kid’s favorite. They may never eat the box kind again! via
3. Veggie Candy Recipe
Make Kids Activities Blog‘s veggie candy with apples, beets, and carrots that are full of vitamin C. And they taste good, too.
4. Superfood Smoothie with Veggie Recipe
Have your kids ever tried a red chard? I’m guessing not! Sneak it in with this cool superfood smoothie via Kids Activities Blog.
5. Veggie Sloppy Joes Recipe
Hidden veggie sloppy joes are a super fun way to get kids to eat vegetables without them ever knowing. Learn how Yummy Healthy Easy does it.
6. Beets Veggie Pancakes Recipe
Not only are these beets pancakes from Weelicious, they’re not only healthy, but they’re really pretty!
7. Sweet Potato Veggie Popsicles Recipe
For a fun summer treat, make sweet potato popsicles from (unavailable). Sounds crazy, but it’s so good!
8. Veggie Chips Recipe
One of the easiest hidden vegetable snacks is B-Inspired Mama‘s veggie chips. It’s so easy!
9. Veggie Pizza Sauce Recipe
All kids love pizza! Make Weelicious‘ veggie pizza sauce the next time you make homemade pizza.
10. Veggie Berry Sorbet Recipe
If your kids don’t like eating berries, try making them this delicious sorbet recipe via Kids Activities Blog.
Cookbooks for easy recipes that sneak in veggies
If you want even more amazing recipes that help you sneak veggies into your kids diet – here are our favorite cookbooks that do just that.
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Here are the rest of the sneaky recipes. You can even add your own! By linking up, you give other blogs permission to link back to your site and use one photo in a roundup post. Family friendly links only, please.