Have you had any
potty training problems with your kids? It can really be quite a challenge! Some kids pick up fast and others move at a different pace. We’re sharing some snippets of advice today from other moms and how they handled it.

One of our readers recently asked:
So we asked other moms what their solutions for potty training problems are. Here are the answers we got!
Potty Training Problems
1. I would put panties on her and she would have to clean up and change clothes when there is an accident. No anger, no punishment, just responsibility.
She’s regressing because of the new baby. VERY normal. Give her a couple months to adjust. If you force it, it will only make it worse. She will not be in diapers forever.
As a preschool teacher I recommend this cool underwear trick. Let her wear her favorite character underwear first thing in the morning. If she has an accident put those thick plain white training pants on her by saying, “I’m so sorry you wet your Dora panties, I know how much you love them. All I have now for a change are these plain white ones.”
Every child is different. It is not a race.
5. Three-and-a-half
is a pretty normal age to not be completely potty trained. Make the toilet available but don’t push it. She’ll get there.
Be patient and let her body decide when the time is right.
I set a timer for every thirty minutes. Praise success and be sensitive to accidents. Accidents happen; no shaming.
8. W
hat worked for us was a “poopy bank” (instead of piggy bank). Every time he went to the toilet he got 10 cents, for poop 25 cents. He asked for the money 3 days and then went on his own and never asked for money again!
I just removed the diaper and let her have accidents – soon they’ll realize they get wet and don’t like it. Take them shopping for own big girl/boy underwear to make it fun and exciting!
I was told to put my little girl back into pull-ups or diapers and completely stop potty training for two months after a new baby and a move. This gives them the chance to get over any anxiety they have. After six weeks I tried again and was successful!
Stop back by next week and read our favorite potty training tips and tricks!