*yawn* *stretch* *look around* *smile* My vacation was awesome. I was able to get to many places that I wanted to see. Not every place, but I am going to continue to carve out some time for mini-vacations during the week. I want to thank you for letting me hang out at your place. All I can say is that ya’ll are funny (and GOOOOOOOD). Here are some of my favorite vacation spots: The bloggess finds out about the birds, the bees and the worms? Le Shallow Gal cures disease Rachael murders…herbs? Mama Bird stages her NYC apartment. Thursday drive ponders being lost. Barefoot Foodie is funny even during the apocalypse. I got caught up at Claudia’s Denver Cereal and now she is going to have to write faster because I need to know what happens next… Note to Claudia: Seriously, I am not kidding. You are going to have to write faster. What a fun vacation! Four people who I am going to call psychics based on what I have planned for the rest of the week here at the Nirvana visited me last week through the Google search “best value toilet paper”. *insert ominous foreshadowing music here* What is up with Holly’s coccyx? It was great. It was good. I had a little set-back. It was improving. And then I took a spill on my Razor scooter. You have a scooter? Yes, I was rolling at a fast pace around our circle drive when one of the handles detached and I fell face first onto the pavement catching myself with my chin, my right patella and both unprotected wrists. Ouch. I didn’t land on my tailbone, but hurting everywhere seems to increase the pain there too. I know! I am a rolling accident waiting to happen. Yeah! Let’s find out who is Peep(s) of the Week(s): The first peep of the week made the unfortunate mistake of not leaving his/her name. Crap! They could have been featured in the sidebar. What a disappointment.
You are so boring. It is more enjoyable watching P00P go down a toilet. –Anonymous
Why stay anonymous? Out yourself if you are not in the bathroom and I will add you to the sidebar. And now for a MUCH nicer peep of the week. An upstanding reader who stands behind what they say. I don’t mean to play favorites, but I like this one better. In response to my blog vacation:
What a great idea. I just take a few days and then blog about how guilty I feel for not posting for a few days. You, however, just declare it, make a button and it feels like a party! I knew there was a very good reason for hanging out here! BG
Thanks Jubilee. As you have so wisely pointed out everything is better when there is a button to go with it.* You are peep of the week. Ya, the more I think about it the more I think I will revoke Anonymous’ peep status. *For those of you that would like to take a blog vacation. There are no rules. You can vacation anytime for any length! Grab a button – it makes it look all official. And now for a little story entitled: Prejudice against…Stick Figures? I was working on some second grade homework with Ryan when we came to a part where he needed to draw the characters in a story. He has never been wild about drawing, coloring, or writing so I wasn’t surprised when he started resisting. But I can’t draw! Of course you can. You draw well. I can only draw stick figures! So? I can only draw stick figures! What is the problem with that? Mommy draws stick figures all the time and posts them on the internet. What is wrong with a stick figure? What do you have against a stick figure? What is your problem with the stick figure? (At this very moment I realized I might be a little defensive of my chosen art…) Oh, alright! See, everything IS more fun with a button! *drum roll* And now it is time after a week’s delay to find out… *can you feel the excitement?* What is in Holly’s fruit bowl? 3 over ripe bananas, 1 green banana and a Lego octopus. Now go hug a stick figure today…

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